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World of Warships

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    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006

Joc facut de wargaming, continuare a celebrului world of tanks si al mai putin reusitului world of warplanes.

Dupa 4 ani de WoT, cand s-a lansat jocul cu avioane l-am instalat si l-am incercat. Nu mi-a placut, cum nu a prins nici la multi alti playeri.
Acum s-a lansat, in alfa, pentru 2 zile, jocul cu vapoare. Din pacate am uitat sa ma inscriu din timp pentru test, dar am profitat de varianta alfa pentru 2 zile si l-am instalat. Dupa cateva lupte pot sa spun (cel putin asta e parerea mea) ca va avea succes.
Vapoarele nu-s greu de "condus", diferenta foarte mare intre tancuri si vapoare e ca la level 1 sau 2 chiar nu simti ca ai primul vapor. Daca la tancuri in level 1 esti distrus extrem de repede datorita hp-ului mic, la vapoare ai timp si posibilitatea sa joci, chiar daca esti "noob". Grafica e foarte frumoasa, jocul se misca excelent desi e instalat pe hard si nu pe SSD.

Una peste alta astept cu nerabdare sa lanseze varianta finala.
Attached File  shot_001.jpg   633.82K   120 downloadsAttached File  shot_002.jpg   586.01K   130 downloadsAttached File  shot_003.jpg   578.65K   124 downloadsAttached File  shot_004.jpg   603.18K   123 downloadsAttached File  shot_005.jpg   621.93K   116 downloadsAttached File  shot_007.jpg   711.27K   108 downloadsAttached File  shot_008.jpg   645.55K   97 downloads

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ipODvsI1sCk?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by December, 13 December 2014 - 19:20.



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,342
  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Am sa dau un copy/paste la ce-am scris pe CG despre uichendu' asta in WoWs.

Am jucat fo' 20 de meciuri cind o barca cind cu ailalta.
Pe scurt la botu' calului citeva impresii.

Ce mi-a placut:
- control usor. 4 taste si un buton de soarec si esti bun de cafteala
- tintirea. In sfirsit nu mai e mura-n gura si trebuie sa corelezi viteza obuzelor cu distanta si traiectoria nefericitului. E un pic de efort intelectual fata de crosshairu' verde/galben/rosu (cu toate ca am vazut tasta X care face lead target sau asa ceva da' nu m-am prins cum/daca functioneaza).
- fepeseuri. kklau cu toate la maxim dar sincer ar fi fost culmea sa aiba probleme cu fepeseurile la cit de saracacios e jocul.

Ce nu mi-a placut
- grafica. O apa albastruie cu niste valurele si niste insule trintite in mijlocul hartii. Nici modelele de nave nu prea mi s-au parut ultra-detaliate. Dar aici e posibil sa fiu influentat de WT ca n-am mai pus mina pe WoT de un an juma'
- hartile. Cam mici si searbede. Fuga pe linga insule aproape de cercul de captura si pir-poc la inamici
- spotting. Spre oroarea mea am avut vaporase care dispareau-apareau-dispareau-apareau la interval de o secunda-doua. Cei din WoT stiu despre ce-i vorba.
- sniper view. Aici spre deosebire de tancuri trebuie sa fii in miscare continuu si daca se poate si serpuit/zig-zag. Ei daca esti in sniper view ca sa poti trage mai bine in inamici pierzi complet contactul cu ce se intimpla in jurul tau. De citeva ori m-am trezit proptit intr-o insula (da, ai un semnal sonor de avertizare la coliziune dar cind esti sub tirul inamic si raspunzi cu foc dracu' mai e atent pe unde navighezi) sau si mai naspa cind dadeam inapoi cu spatele ca m-am trezit intre citiva inamici ma miram de ce dracu nu ma misc deloc (eram in sniper view si fix in spatele meu ma bloca un coechipier).

Ce nu m-am prins:
- n-am putut schimba de nicio culoare controalele. Eu sunt obisnuit sa controlez din sageti si nu din WASD si am pierdut timp aiurea sa nimeresc tastele de miscare.
- obuzele. Nu m-am dumirit ce face AP si ce face HE. Adica inteleg, HE explodeaza si AP penetreaza dar ce si cit si care e de preferat si in functie de ce.
- mi s-a parut ca am vazut o boare de RNG dar nu pot fi sigur ca vasele erau in miscare si hai sa zic ca traiectoriile difera de la o lovitura la alta
- damage. O salva mi-a facut damage de 100-200 puncte iar alta de 2000-3000. De ce? Ce dracu am nimerit a doua oara si am ratat prima oara?
- iar nu mi-e clar cum o sa fie jocul cind o sa fie toate vasele in joc. Din cite am vazut fiecare vas are o distanta maxima la care poate trage si probabil ca unul de Tier 8 trage mai departe decit unul de Tier 6 asa ca daca ala micu' e spotat mai devreme poate fi decimat fara sa stie de ce si fara sa poata riposta. In WoT mai ai un gold-ammo, un RNG si o mai scoti la capat daca dai de unul mai mare ca tine dar aici nu prea vad cum, dar momentan imi dau doar cu presupusul.
Inteleg ca e alfa, e departe de a fi lansat in CBT, inteleg ca daca urci in tier-uri poti trage cu torpile sau lansa avioane de recunoastere, o sa ai vapoare mai mari si mai bengoase dar cu ce-am jucat nu m-a convins.

Prima impresie e ca nu e tocma' genul meu de joc. Dar n-o sa renunt din prima, o sa mai arunc un ochi din cind in cind poate o sa-l mai slefuiasca oleaca.

Ah si am uitat sa va zic de sunete. Mi se par inexistente. Nu ma simt ca as conduce o ditamai nava si trag cu ditamai tunurile. Parca ar fi o barcuta care trage cu dopuri de sampanie. Imersiune zero in atmosfera de lupta. Deocamdata ca na, e alfa.
Navele sunt goale, niciun echipaj pe ele. Si chiar nu stiu daca au de gind sa bage si echipaj cu skill-uri. Io zic ca ar trebui sa fie ca altfel cum sa mulgi goldeanu pentru training skills?
Partea buna e ca n-am vazut gold ammo inca si RNG-ul v-am zis parca e parca nu e, ca Fata Morgana. Deja astea sunt doua chestii in plus fata de WoT.

Una peste alta merge jucat macar de curiozitate ca o varianta noua de joc in loc de WoT sau GF ca e ceva nou-nout dar sincer nu ma vad jucind 5 ore pe zi timp de 2 ani cum am facut in WoT sau WT.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 865
  • Înscris: 31.03.2011
L-am jucat si eu in test weekend.De 4 ani de zile s-au chinuit numai pentru atat?Din test lipsea aircraft carrier deci nu aveai in ce trage cu antiaeriana.Jocul mi se pare prea simplist,Se puteau baga si submarine si echipaj,Sincer m-am cam plictisit la test.Poate se va inbunatati cand il vor lansa.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Cateva cifre dupa testul de week-end:
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    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Cam asa arata portavionul in lupta:
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Greu de jucat cu el. In momentul in care esti atacat nu poti sa te aperi, tot timpul luptei vezi lupta de sus. Nu-s foarte lamurit cam ce poti face cu el.




  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,030
  • Înscris: 24.11.2006
Sa introduca pre-dread-uri si ma bag. Altfel doar navele din al doilea razbel le-am tot vazut si jucat prin diferite jocuri.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Azi am vazut si tier 10...
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    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Azi se implementeaza update-ul 0.2.3.
Ce aduce nou acest update:

New game currency - Piasters. At its core this is in-game gold. This alternative name is used in the client to make sure that all the testers understand that the currency is for testing purposes only and is not bought for real money.
Piasters allow you to perform the following actions:
The purchase of Premium ships that are more profitable than regular ships and have no limitations when a Commander is transferred to them. The prices upon release will differ;
The purchase of Premium Account that will give a 50% bonus to earned credits and experience, and has a different port (currently being developed, as stated earlier);
Demounting Modernizations;
The purchase of credits;
The conversion of experience from Premium and Elite ships to free experience;
Recruiting a commander on more favorable terms, retrain and redistribute his skills;
Purchase of slots for ships and commanders.

We also implemented the ability to sell  ships. Any ship purchased can be sold for 50% of its value, including installed Modernizations.
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Implemented Commanders functionality;
    A ship’s Commander receives battle experience and therefore progresses along Levels of Development. There are up to 20 levels, being progressively difficult to advance through;
    With each level, the Commander gets one skills point. These points can be spent on buying skills which represent the quality of a Commander’s work with one or another segment of the crew or part of the ship.
    Skills are organized in a special matrix where they are divided into 5 ranks (the cost of ranks in skill points vary) and 6 categories: Artillery, Secondary Armament, Ship Survivability, Concealment and Acquisition, Aircraft and Special Skills.
    Buying skills is limited by rank: to buy any rank’s skill it is necessary to have at least one previous rank skill bought.
    Skills can be dropped or rearranged for Piasters.
    The commander can only serve on a ship of his nation.
    When a Commander is transferred from one ship to another, he can be transferred without re-training for free, or he can be re-trained for silver or Piasters.
    Without re-training, the commander gets a 50% penalty to his skills. Skills that are not subject to penalties, like Radio Intercept, simply won’t work.
    By using re-training for free or with credits, the Commander gets the same penalties but they can be overcome upon earning enough battle experience.
    With re-training for Piasters the Commander gets no penalties and keeps all of his skills at the level of effectiveness they were at.
    A new Commander can be trained for free (no additional skills points), for silver (plus one additional skill point) and for Piasters (plus two additional skill points).
    Working with Commanders is available from level 5.

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3.List of available skills
Main Caliber:
    Aiming Expertise  — increases rotation speed of Main caliber guns / turrets
    Pyromania — increases chance of setting an enemy ship on fire.

Secondary Armament:
    Basic Firing Training  — increases efficiency of Secondary guns and AA guns
    Torpedo Armament Expertise— decreases preparation time for torpedoes and torpedo bombers
    Defensive Fire  — improves “Protective Barrage” and reduces its cooldown.
    Advanced Firing Training — increases fire distance for Secondary Armament

    Basics of Survivability — accelerates module repairs, fire extinguishing, counter-flooding operations.
    High Alert -  reduces cool down for Emergency Crew
    Repair Work — accelerates actions and reload time of Emergency Crew
    Fire Prevention — decreases the chance of fire on a ship

Stealth and Detection:
    Smoke Screen — increases the amount of smoke charges and reduces the cool down.
    Vigilance — increases torpedo detection range.
    Concealment Expertise— decreases ships visibility for other ships.

    Air Supremacy - increases number of aircraft in a squadron.
    Aerial Reconnaissance - increases view range for all aircraft, including scouts.
    Advanced Flight Training – reduces preparation time for aircraft and increases their survivability.

Special Skills:
    Situation Awareness — shows whether ship is spotted or not
    Dogfight— increases combat efficiency for fighters.
    Jack of All Trades — decreases preparation time for all abilities

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4. Modernizations
27 Modernizations were added. A Modernization is a ship improvement which a player can purchase and install in a special slot on the ship.
    The number of slots on each ship is unique, depending on the tier and class, with a maximum number of 6.
    Modernizations affect the whole system rather than individual elements. For example, the Main Caliber Modernization affects the main caliber guns on the ship.
    Some Modernizations greatly improve one characteristic, but downgrade another.
    Modernizations do not repeat in different slots. Each slot has its own unique set of Modernizations.
    Modernizations can be demounted for in-game Piasters.
    Modernizations are available from level 6 onwards.

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5."Divisions": Brothers in Arms
We are launching the first version of Divisions (similar to WoT Platoons), consisting of 2-3 players.
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In afara de cele aratate mai sus, mai sunt cateva modificari: nou sistem de mm, modificari la camera, modificari la harti, introducerea de vapoare premium.



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,342
  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Sefu' esti Alpha Tester la WoWs?



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Da. Astept ora 5 sa dea drumul la servere...



    Manic Miner

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 9,342
  • Înscris: 23.05.2003
Bun asa. Fa-ti treaba acolo ca sa pot juca si io linistit (cind i-o da drumul) cu cit mai putine bug-uri. :P



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006
Cand ai noroc si eviti torpilele, e bine :)
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Cand le iei, apai le iei :)
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  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 865
  • Înscris: 31.03.2011

View PostDecember, on 29 decembrie 2014 - 14:34, said:

Da. Astept ora 5 sa dea drumul la servere...
As putea sa devin si eu alpha tester???Ca mi s-au lungit urechile de atat asteptat,de 5 ani de zile tot lucreaza la el si de wot m-am plictisit.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 951
  • Înscris: 21.08.2012
Cand e lansarea oficiala?



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006

View PostSUPERMEGARAPTOR, on 09 ianuarie 2015 - 16:32, said:

As putea sa devin si eu alpha tester???Ca mi s-au lungit urechile de atat asteptat,de 5 ani de zile tot lucreaza la el si de wot m-am plictisit.
Nu poti.

View Postdanielionutb, on 09 ianuarie 2015 - 16:41, said:

Cand e lansarea oficiala?
Aleksandr Bogomolskiy, Publishing Producer on Testing
I feel like we made huge progress during the last year as we polished and re-worked most of the key elements of the game mechanics and gameplay. We have opened three new game servers – European, North American and Asian. Our World of Warships community has increased – we launched modernized versions of the official portals and we published hundreds of articles on our Developers Blogs, including a recently established Korean one.
Right now the “Alpha” is coming to an end while the game is being prepared to move into the new testing stages. Quite recently we held a Beta Weekend in World of Warships which turned out to be very successful. Invitations went out like hot cakes – nearly 50,000 players got their hands on the game! The forum commentators seemed impressed by the depth and overall dynamics of World of Warships and highlighted the right balance between great visuals and high performance which made gameplay comfortable even on a low-end PC.
The results from the Beta weekend, excited comments from the players and the attention of all Navy fans once again confirmed that the game is being developed in the right direction. The new testing phases are about to begin very soon, so follow the news and stay with us on this great journey!

Daniil Volkov, Development Director
There is no doubt that we are keeping the right course with the development of World of Warships. When the Alpha testing began, the game was still quite raw and rough around the edges but within a couple of months, thanks to the efforts of the development team and great help from the Alpha testers, the game has evolved and changed, both from gameplay and technological standpoints. So we decided that it was high time to lift the veil – we held our first beta weekend with 47,000 active gamers. For us the testing turned out to be a great success and the game itself was well-received by the players.
And this year will not be boring either! We are definitely planning to surprise and please our players with interesting, unexpected ideas and gameplay concepts. We will also be launching even more testing stages so gamers all around the world can keep track of the progress we are making with World of Warships.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 865
  • Înscris: 31.03.2011
Asa zic de ani de zile dar parca vad ca nici anu asta nu-i dau drumul.Nu sunt de acord ca texturile sa fie mai detaliate pentru ca asta inseamna un pc mai putermic.Deja multi ar vrea sa joace acest joc dar nu au calculatoare performante.




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 865
  • Înscris: 31.03.2011
Ce mai noutati pe wows,parca ma intereseaza pe mine legenda lui uss yorktown.Eu vreau sa joc mai repede si ei cica se documenteaza la muzee de istorie despre nave.In ritmul asta mai asteptam 5 ani.



    Liberate te ex inferis !

  • Grup: Super Moderators
  • Posts: 20,332
  • Înscris: 14.06.2006

23-25 ianuarie al doilea weekend deschis pentru toti jucatorii.
De data asta se da posibilitatea sa jucati portavioanele.
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