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Transumanismul, viitoarea etapa a civilizatiei umane

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Poll: Transumanismul (54 member(s) have cast votes)

Sunteti de acord cu transumanismul?

  1. Da (21 votes [38.89%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.89%

  2. Nu (22 votes [40.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 40.74%

  3. Nu stiu (11 votes [20.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.37%

Ati acceptat portarea GRADUALA a mintii pe alt suport?

  1. DA (21 votes [38.89%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.89%

  2. Nu (26 votes [48.15%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.15%

  3. Nu stiu (7 votes [12.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.96%

Va afecta atitudinea voastra fata de credintele religioase sau viziunile metafizice asupra lumii?

  1. Da (8 votes [15.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.09%

  2. Nu (31 votes [58.49%])

    Percentage of vote: 58.49%

  3. Poate (7 votes [13.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.21%

  4. Sunt adeptul naturalismului (7 votes [13.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.21%

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    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 14.12.2008
Chiar daca poate nu o sa apucam transumanismul nu iti garantez ca dincolo te asteapta concepte biblice si zeul pe care il imaginezi.
Exista o multime de posibilitati, dar tu poti crede orice.



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
Biomedical engineers connecting a human brain to the internet in real time


In research thought to be a world first, biomedical engineers at Wits are connecting a human brain to the internet in real time.
The 'Brainternet' project streams brainwaves onto the internet. Essentially, it turns the brain into an Internet of Things (IoT) node on the World Wide Web. IoT refers to connecting any device with an on and off switch to the internet.
Brainternet is the brainchild of Adam Pantanowitz, a lecturer in the Wits School of Electrical and Information Engineering, who supervised fourth-years Jemma-Faye Chait and Danielle Winter in its development.
"Brainternet is a new frontier in brain-computer interface systems. There is a lack of easily understood data about how a human brain works and processes information. Brainternet seeks to simplify a person's understanding of their own brain and the brains of others. It does this through continuous monitoring of brain activity as well as enabling some interactivity," explains Pantanowitz.
Brainternet works by converting electroencephalogram (EEG) signals (brain waves) in an open source brain live stream. A person wears a powered, mobile, internet accessible Emotiv EEG device for an extended period. During this time, the Emotiv transmits the EEG signals to a Raspberry Pi – a credit card sized little computer - live streams the signals to an application programming interface (code that allows software programmes to communicate), and displays data on a website that acts as a portal. This is currently an open website where the public can observe the individual's brain activity.
S-a facut primul pas serios catre Internetul gandurilor.

Edited by archaeus5, 15 September 2017 - 23:16.



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View PostInfinitty, on 23 august 2017 - 20:17, said:

Chiar daca poate nu o sa apucam transumanismul nu iti garantez ca dincolo te asteapta concepte biblice si zeul pe care il imaginezi.
Corect, nu te asteapta ceva doar pentru ca-ti imaginezi tu acum ca asa va fi.

View PostInfinitty, on 23 august 2017 - 20:17, said:

Exista o multime de posibilitati, dar tu poti crede orice.
Totusi, nu e recomandat sa crezi chiar orice...

P.S. mi-ai adus aminte de versurile:
"Orice vis devine realitate daca esti tampit.
Poti fi pus la locul tau cu medicamentul potrivit



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View Postkruger, on 23 august 2017 - 17:17, said:

Scrie undeva ca sa tii minte: transumanismul nu se va intampla niciodata. Spun asta pentru ca sunt crestin si deci cred ce spune in Biblie.
Potrivit Bibliei, moartea fizica are ca si cauza "cancerul spiritual" care este pacatul; este consecinta lui si nu exista alta rezolvare a problemei decat la Dumnezeu. A realiza transumanismul ar insemna sa confirmi ca Biblia e o minciuna ... iar asta nu se va intampla niciodata.

Ai uitat si patima preac*rvitului.

Posted Image

View Postkruger, on 18 septembrie 2017 - 14:37, said:

Totusi, nu e recomandat sa crezi chiar orice...

Asta fix voi o faceti, crestinii convinsi. A nu se intelege ca eu cred neaparat ca vom apuca sa traim vesnic, prin transumanism, sau ca vom apuca asta.

Ca om care a studiat destul de multicel din domenii STEM, (inclusiv biologie - care e destul de diferita de matematica sau fizica, si de aceea uimeste, sperie etc - daca vreti, mna explic), pot spune ca, totusi, progresele din ultimele decade ma fac sa cred, la modul rezonabil, ca vom putea ajunge la unele progrese (prelungirea vietii, transferul mintii in virtual etc) in cateva decade sau mai degraba secole. Sigur, va fi un drum extrem de sinuos, dar mizele sunt prea mari ca sa nu incercam. Oricum, s eva incerca, indiferent de ce spun eu.

Dar chestiile din Biblie nu mai sunt crezute de demult de majoritatea oamenilor de stiinta cu greutate. In fine...

Edited by aaaa4567, 18 September 2017 - 15:12.



    Hermetic member

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View Postaaaa4567, on 18 septembrie 2017 - 15:10, said:

Dar chestiile din Biblie nu mai sunt crezute de demult de majoritatea oamenilor de stiinta cu greutate. In fine...
Ei ,nu. Ia fii atent aici:




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 24.11.2016
Transhumanismul, contraoferta rasuflata a lui mi-cki-duta la "the real deal", viata vesnica. Cu proteze, chip-uri Intel in dovleac si hdd-uri Samsung in burta.
Se putea sa nu ofere si el ceva acolo?



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  • Înscris: 18.10.2011
Nu vad de ce a fost incadrat topicul la polemici spirituale, nu prea e spiritual transumanismul, ma rog.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 17.12.2017
Transumanism va fi cu siguranta in urmatorii 100 de ani, dar doar destinat ELITELOR, adica doar oamenii bogati isi vor permite sa devina nemuritori.



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  • Înscris: 26.11.2017
Dar acest concept e ilogic. Avem ceva ce ateii sustin ca nu exista si pe acel ceva vor sa.l puna pe un cip.
Nu ma mira ca s.a ajuns la asa povesti nemuritoare. Totul a plecat de la ceva ilogic. Nimic a explodat in urma big bangului.
E bine ca astfel de "stiri" va tin cu mintea ocupata, asta pe de.o parte. Pe de alta parte, sunt convis ca sunteti mai inteligenti decat a crede in asa ceva.

Edited by Travertin2_0, 23 December 2017 - 18:21.



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
NIST’s Superconducting Synapse May Be Missing Piece for ‘Artificial Brains’


Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have built a superconducting switch that “learns” like a biological system and could connect processors and store memories in future computers operating like the human brain.
The NIST switch, described in Science Advances (link is external), is called a synapse, like its biological counterpart, and it supplies a missing piece for so-called neuromorphic computers. Envisioned as a new type of artificial intelligence, such computers could boost perception and decision-making for applications such as self-driving cars and cancer diagnosis.
A synapse is a connection or switch between two brain cells. NIST’s artificial synapse—a squat metallic cylinder 10 micrometers in diameter—is like the real thing because it can process incoming electrical spikes to customize spiking output signals. This processing is based on a flexible internal design that can be tuned by experience or its environment. The more firing between cells or processors, the stronger the connection. Both the real and artificial synapses can thus maintain old circuits and create new ones.
Even better than the real thing, the NIST synapse can fire much faster than the human brain—1 billion times per second, compared to a brain cell’s 50 times per second—using just a whiff of energy, about one ten-thousandth as much as a human synapse. In technical terms, the spiking energy is less than 1 attojoule, lower than the background energy at room temperature and on a par with the chemical energy bonding two atoms in a molecule.

Edited by archaeus5, 28 January 2018 - 15:27.


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