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View Postarchaeus5, on 21 decembrie 2016 - 15:30, said:

M-a amuzat tare ce spune in clip , adica la un moment dat celulele s-au gandit ca e mai rentabil sa se uneasca si sa lucreze in grup , unele s-au gandit sa devina ochi, altele rinichi , si tot asa .. . .  pana au devenit o persoana  . . . . si zic eu, constinta la toate celulele sunt practic constinta persoanei  .
Interesanta abordare dar hazlie .Posted Image



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View Postpacopaco1967, on 21 decembrie 2016 - 15:54, said:

M-a amuzat tare ce spune in clip , adica la un moment dat celulele s-au gandit ca e mai rentabil sa se uneasca si sa lucreze in grup , unele s-au gandit sa devina ochi, altele rinichi , si tot asa .. . .  pana au devenit o persoana  . . . . si zic eu, constinta la toate celulele sunt practic constinta persoanei  .
Interesanta abordare dar hazlie .Posted Image

unde in clip zice ca "s-au gandit"?



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
Kids Are Leaving Catholicism Because They See Atheism As “Smart” and Faith as a “Fairy Tale”


A new report from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University says that children are leaving the Catholic faith — for good reason — and some of them are doing it before reaching the age of 10.
To be sure, the Catholic Church is generally fine with science these days, fully accepting and teaching the Big Bang and evolution, unlike many evangelical Christians. But this is the also the same Church that says a consecrated communion wafer is literally the body of Jesus. So it only goes so far.
Se pare ca renuntarea la religie este ceva :la mintea copilului" ... neindoctrina dintr-o societate moderna.



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
This video reveals how entropy sometimes creates order out of chaos


You would think that shaking up a box with a couple of chains inside would end in sadness and a bunch of knotted chains, but as you can see in this video, it doesn't always work out like that. These two chains - both made of plain metal beads - coil and uncoil around each other until they are completely separated. The box is shaking at about 20 Hz, or cycles per second, and the photographs were taken five seconds apart. Although we think of entropy as creating chaos, it can also create a kind of order.
This is not just useful in science videos. Trapping long organic polymers, including DNA, and allowing them to jiggle about, can eventually cause them to separate out from each other without any damage. In that case, there are both wide areas, where the bands can jiggle about, and narrow areas, to allow them to straighten out into long bands, without any tangles. Sometimes entropy can be helpful.
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QsXa9uzStgE?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/MTFY0H4EZx4?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Edited by archaeus5, 08 January 2017 - 12:49.



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Am citit doar prima pagina din ceea ce s-a postat in cadrul acestei discutii. Am fost ingrozit de pozele cu deformarea oaselor. Mi-am adus aminte de serialul Marco Polo, cel mai recent, din 2014-2015, la care cu greu am rezistat datorita ororilor la tot pasul prezente in film. Una dintre ele era inclusiv acest obicei barbar practicat in China, la fetele tinere. Astfel de lucruri trebuie sa inceteze in lumea asta odata pentru totdeauna! Insa nu prin a fi in ultima instanta interzise, ci prin a fi constientizate din punct de vedere al nebuniei si primitivismului pe care il implica, a desconsiderarii fata de viata si fata de orice fiinta vie, a indiferentei vizavi de o suferinta inutila si de o slutire inca si mai inutila.

Iar pentru ca tot vorbim aici de carti, articole si site-uri tratand problematici din sfera spiritualitatii - pe care personal o consider si zona de cauze primare a ceea ce traim - vreau sa propun ca lectura DE CULTURA GENERALA urmatoarea tema spirituala nu doar fascinanta, ci si concreta si actuala: Evangheliile gnostice. Deslusirea marilor adevaruri ale vietii.

Imi place sa cred ca odata ce omul ajunge sa afle despre aceste lucruri, el nu va mai fi nicicand tentat sa revina la indoctrinarea si barbaria prin care falsii zei si falsele lor pretentii controleaza umanitatea!

Edited by Eduard, 15 January 2017 - 19:17.



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[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kn9a6_nycng?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 08.12.2013
prostii vor crede ce le spunem noi
pana le vom spune altceva
atunci sa-si reinoiasca credinta

stiinta descopera, nu stie

Edited by Ayami, 18 January 2017 - 16:00.



    The voice of reason

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View PostAyami, on 18 ianuarie 2017 - 15:59, said:

stiinta descopera, nu stie
Deci religia `stie` fara sa fi descoperit nimic. Pur si simplu, crede orice ii trece prin cap.
Amice, tu cred ca proiectezi ceea ce intelegi tu despre credinta asupra stiintei ... dar este o proiectie inversa.
Asta nu dovedeste nimic despre stiinta, dar destule despre ceea ce este religia.
Dovada este ca ceea ce stiinta descopera nu a fost niciodata depasita de ceea religiia "stie".
Daca stiinta nu "stie", atunci de ce naiba folosesti inventiile ei? Daca nu "stie", atunci cum se face ca o intreaga civilizatie este construita pe temelia stiintei?
Nu stiu daca ti-ai dat seama, dar si structura societatii, de la democratie la telefonie, are la baza idei stiintifice pe care s-a cladit.



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View Postarchaeus5, on 18 ianuarie 2017 - 16:48, said:

Deci religia `stie` fara sa fi descoperit nimic. Pur si simplu, crede orice ii trece prin cap.
Amice, tu cred ca proiectezi ceea ce intelegi tu despre credinta asupra stiintei ... dar este o proiectie inversa.
Asta nu dovedeste nimic despre stiinta, dar destule despre ceea ce este religia.
Dovada este ca ceea ce stiinta descopera nu a fost niciodata depasita de ceea religiia "stie".
Daca stiinta nu "stie", atunci de ce naiba folosesti inventiile ei? Daca nu "stie", atunci cum se face ca o intreaga civilizatie este construita pe temelia stiintei?
Nu stiu daca ti-ai dat seama, dar si structura societatii, de la democratie la telefonie, are la baza idei stiintifice pe care s-a cladit.
da domnule, credinta merge pe incredere
cum merge si partea stiintei ce nu e chiar stiinta
descoperirile stiintifice sunt benefice si pentru atei, si pentru credinciosi, care e problema?

Edited by Ayami, 19 January 2017 - 11:48.



    The voice of reason

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View PostAyami, on 19 ianuarie 2017 - 11:30, said:

da domnule, credinta merge pe incredere
cum merge si partea stiintei ce nu e chiar stiinta
descoperirile stiintifice sunt benefice si pentru atei, si pentru credinciosi, care e problema?
Daca ai comentarii, fa un topic separat, cum s-au facut si la altele. Fara poluare aici. Esti Off-topic.




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nu inteleg ce legatura are ateismul cu big bang,evolutie?   unde scrie aici ceva de stiinta?  https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateism



    The voice of reason

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View PostRay25tm, on 21 ianuarie 2017 - 17:49, said:

nu inteleg ce legatura are ateismul cu big bang,evolutie?   unde scrie aici ceva de stiinta?  https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateism


Argumentele care susțin ateismul variază de la cele filozofice până la abordări sociale, istorice și chiar științifice. Cele mai populare argumente care susțin ateismul sunt lipsa oricărei evidențe empirice, problema forțelor răului și numeroasele contradicții între religii și în cadrul aceleiași religii. Mulți atei susțin că lipsa existenței unei divinități este mult mai probabilă decât existența acesteia.Cei care trebuie să aducă dovezi în susținerea punctului de vedere sunt teiștii, pentru că ei sunt cei care afirmă un fapt ca fiind adevărat, și nu ateiștii care doar le contestă afirmațiile



    The voice of reason

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[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c7Ax2BqZo3Y?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
IBM creates world’s first artificial phase-change neurons
They behave like biological neurons, including low power usage and dense scaling.


BM Research in Zurich has created the world's first artificial nanoscale stochastic phase-change neurons. IBM has already created a population of 500 of these artificial neurons and used them to process a signal in a brain-like (neuromorphic) way.
This breakthrough is particularly notable because the phase-change neurons are fashioned out of well-understood materials that can scale down to a few nanometres, and because they are capable of firing at high speed but with low energy requirements. Also important is the neurons' stochasticity—that is, their ability to always produce slightly different, random results, like biological neurons.



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
Metabolism may be older than life itself and start spontaneously


A set of chemical reactions occurring spontaneously in Earth’s early chemical environments could have provided the foundations upon which life evolved.
The discovery that a version of the Krebs cycle, which occurs in most living cells, can proceed in the absence of cellular proteins called enzymes suggests that metabolism is older than life itself.
Metabolism describes the fiendishly complex network of reactions that enable organisms to generate energy and the molecules they need to survive, grow and reproduce.
Metabolismul este mai vechi decat viata si apare in  mod spontan.



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When you have put a lot of ideas together to make an elaborate theory, you want to make sure, when explaining what it fits, that those things it fits are not just the things that gave you the idea for the theory; but that the finished theory makes something else come out right, in addition.

Atunci cand pui multe idei laolalta pentru a produce o teorie, trebuie sa te asiguri ca fenomenele pe care le explica nu sunt numai lucrurile care au dus la nasterea teoriei; teoria ta trebuie sa explice si fenomene in plus.



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No, we probably don’t live in a computer simulation

The simulation hypothesis, as it’s called, enjoys a certain popularity among people who like to think of themselves as intellectual, believing it speaks for their mental flexibility. Unfortunately it primarily speaks for their lacking knowledge of physics.



    The voice of reason

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  • Înscris: 03.12.2006
Religious countries likely to perform worse in science and maths, study finds


The joint research by academics at Leeds Beckett University, where the psychology professor is based, and the University of Missouri, found there was a “strong” negative correlation between time spent on religious education in secondary schools and overall performance.
Their findings, published in the academic journal Intelligence, ranked 82 countries by their “religiosity score” on a scale of zero to 10 and looked at databases from the last decade to assess academic performance.
The rankings placed the Czech Republic, Japan, Estonia, Sweden and Norway as the most secular in terms of in-school religiosity. The United Kingdom fell into 14th place.


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