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  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 342
  • Înscris: 19.03.2003
Salut baieti. De cam o luna asa am o pardalnica de problema cu un child domain si nu stiu ce sa-i fac. Insa inainte o scurta descriere a setup-ului:
Se da un domeniu Parent aflat intr-o tara din Europa. De acolo este creata o conexiune VPN cu 2 ASA 5505 catre o alta tara din Europa. Aceasta a doua tara are un Child Domain, pe care l-am creat folosind dcpromo -> Create new domain in an existing forest -> Selectat DC si GC... etc. Setup standard ca sa zic asa, fara nimic schimbat fata de Wizard-ul default.

Acum, ce se intampla: Domeniul local (child) functioneaza corect, userii se pot autentifica, AD nu arata nici o eroare. Insa daca incerc sa folosesc functia "Change Domain..." in ADUC pe un server din Parent domain, si selectez child domain-ul respectiv dau peste eroarea:
Attached File  Image_002.jpg   31.5K   72 downloads

La fel, daca ma duc in consola ADDT si dau properties pe child domain-ul respectiv apare eroarea:
Attached File  Image_001.jpg   27.04K   50 downloads

In plus de aceste erori mai avem tot felul de probleme cand incercam sa incarcam obiecte din Child domain in aplicatii din parent domain, si am innebunit cautand explicatii.
Precizez ca respectivele erori nu se manifesta pentru nici un alt domeniu child, domeniul parent deserveste 30 de astfel de domenii fara probleme.

Eu suspectez probleme la child domain server, pt. ca la instalare am avut ceva probleme cu NIC-urile, si ma gandesc ca s-a busit ceva pe la DNS. Asa cum arata acum, DNS-ul are 2 entry-uri, prima este pe localhost iar a doua este pe DC-ul din parent domain. Daca dau ping direct catre parent domain DC e ok, indiferent daca folosesc denumirea completa a serverului incluzand domeniul, numele sau de DNS sau IP-ul sau. Conectivitate exista de asemenea, eu ma conectez remote cu RDC catre child domain server din LAN-ul unde este Parent domain server.

Postez si DCDIAG rulat pe DC-ul child domain pentru mai multe informatii:


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = DCCHILD01
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: SITE\DCCHILD01
	  Starting test: Connectivity
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: SITE\DCCHILD
	  Starting test: Advertising
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test Advertising
	  Starting test: FrsEvent
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test FrsEvent
	  Starting test: DFSREvent
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test DFSREvent
	  Starting test: SysVolCheck
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test SysVolCheck
	  Starting test: KccEvent
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test KccEvent
	  Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
	  Starting test: MachineAccount
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test MachineAccount
	  Starting test: NCSecDesc
			Replicating Directory Changes In Filtered Set
		 access rights for the naming context:
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 failed test NCSecDesc
	  Starting test: NetLogons
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test NetLogons
	  Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test ObjectsReplicated
	  Starting test: Replications
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test Replications
	  Starting test: RidManager
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test RidManager
	  Starting test: Services
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test Services
	  Starting test: SystemLog
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test SystemLog
	  Starting test: VerifyReferences
		 ......................... DCCHILD01 passed test VerifyReferences

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
	  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
		 ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
	  Starting test: CrossRefValidation
		 ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : CHILD
	  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
		 ......................... CHILD passed test CheckSDRefDom
	  Starting test: CrossRefValidation
		 ......................... CHILD passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
	  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
		 ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
	  Starting test: CrossRefValidation
		 ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test

   Running partition tests on : Schema
	  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
		 ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
	  Starting test: CrossRefValidation
		 ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running partition tests on : Configuration
	  Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
		 ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
	  Starting test: CrossRefValidation
		 ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation

   Running enterprise tests on : PARENT.LOCAL
	  Starting test: LocatorCheck
		 ......................... PARENT.LOCAL passed test LocatorCheck
	  Starting test: Intersite
		 ......................... PARENT.LOCAL passed test Intersite

P.S. Sunt contient ca descrierea mea poate este un pic "childish", insa nu am mai discutat pe un forum de probleme IT romanesc de cel putin 12 ani. Va rog sa-mi cereti orice detalii aveti nevoie iar eu voi rula tool-urile respective si voi posta rezultatele. Multumesc pentru ajutor!
P.P.S. Trebuie sa blurez numele domeniilor si IP-urile externe, imi pare rau daca asta face troubleshooting-ul mai dificil insa altfel nu am voie. Scuze pentru asta.


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