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    New Member

  • Grup: Junior Members
  • Posts: 1
  • Înscris: 13.03.2016
Salut. Am o problema si as avea mare nevoie de ajutor.
Vreau sa fac un sitem de recomandare bazat pe arbori de decizie.
Mi-am construit arborele de decizie cu algoritmul id3(am folosit clasele: id3.class.php si DS_Tree.class.php )
Datele mele pe baza carora am construit arborle sunt intr-o baza de date si am construi arborele ca si in fisierul (data.php)
Eu as vrea ca pe baza datelor unui utilizator sa ii recomand un anumit exercitiu cum as putea sa fac acest lucru?
Cum as putea sa creez reguli de decizie si cum as putea pe urma sa ma folosesc de ele si de arborele meu pt a recomanda.
if(!defined('NODE_NAME')) define('NODE_NAME', 'name');
if(!defined('NODE_CLASS_NAME')) define('NODE_CLASS_NAME', 'category');
class id3
    private $AttrList = array(); //list of attribute
    private $Values = array();
    private $Class = array(); //classification result
    private $Instance = array(); //
    public $tree = array();   // tree

private $log = array(); // debug log output
    private $dbg_c = 0;
    private $class_name = NODE_CLASS_NAME;
    public function init($AttrList, $Values, $Class, $Instance, $tree) {
    $this->AttrList = $AttrList;
    $this->Values = $Values;
    $this->Class = $Class;
    $this->Instance = $Instance;
    $this->tree = $tree;
    public function run() {
    while(!$this->check_completed()) {
    $attr = $this->get_minI_attr();
   $this->log[] = $attr;
    $attr_key = array_search($attr, $this->AttrList);
    unset($this->AttrList[$attr_key]);  //distruge variabila specificata
    $this->tree->update_node_attr('name', $attr);
   if (empty($this->AttrList)) {
    // echo '<pre class="brush: php">';
    return $recordTree;
  // var_export($this->log);
// echo '</pre>';
    throw new Exception("AttrList is empty!");
* Check whether the algorithm can be terminated
* @return bool
    private function check_completed() {
    $leaf_nodes = $this->tree->get_leafs();
    $end_flag = true;
    foreach ($leaf_nodes as $n) {
    if(!in_array($n[NODE_NAME], $this->Class)) {
    $end_flag = false;
    return $end_flag;
* Calculation example subset of the set of entropy
* @param $subset
* @return float|int
    private function calculate_entropy($subset) {
    $ret = 0;
    $e = array(); //number of instances
    $e_all = count($subset);
    foreach($subset as $s) { //calculate the number of instances of each property
    if (isset($e[$s[$this->class_name]])) {
    foreach($e as $en) { //calculate the entropy
    $t = $en / $e_all;
    if ($t == 0) continue; //log2(0) patch
    $ret-= $t * log($t, 2);
   //if ($this->dbg_c == 3)   
    //$this->log[] = var_export($t * log($t, 2), true);
    return $ret;
* In accordance with rule subsets of examples taken
* @param $attr
* @param $value
* @return array
    private function get_subset($attr, $value) {
    $ret = array();
    foreach($this->Instance as $k => $i) {
    if (isset($i[$attr]) && $i[$attr] == $value) {
    $ret[$k] = $i;
    return $ret;
* Subset of the set of test cases have the same category

* @param $subset
* @return bool|string
    private function has_same_class($subset) {
    $the_class = '';
    foreach($subset as $s) {
    if ($the_class != '' && $the_class != $s[$this->class_name]) {
    return false;
    } else if ($the_class == '') {
    $the_class = $s[$this->class_name];
    return $the_class;
* Calculate the average amount of information to find out the current state of minimal property name
* @return mixed
    private function get_minI_attr() {
    $i_avg = array();
    foreach ($this->AttrList as $attr) {
    $i_avg[$attr] = 0; // property of entropy
    foreach($this->Values[$attr] as $v) { //calculate a value of a property of entropy
    $subset = $this->get_subset($attr, $v);
    $subset_I = $this->calculate_entropy($subset);
    $this->log[] = var_export($attr, true);
    $this->log[] = var_export($v, true);
    $this->log[] = var_export($subset_I, true);
    $i_avg[$attr] += count($subset) / count($this->Instance) * $subset_I;
    return key($i_avg);
* Generate sub-division level decision tree based on the specified attribute
* @param $attr
    private function make_tree($attr) {
    foreach($this->Values[$attr] as $v) {
    $subset = $this->get_subset($attr, $v);
    if($the_class = $this->has_same_class($subset)) {
    $node =array(
    'name' => $the_class,
    'arc' => $v
    $this->Instance = array_diff_key($this->Instance, $subset); //update instance set left unsorted
    } else {
    $node =array(
    'name' => 'start',
    'arc' => $v
    $unresolved = $this->tree->insert_node($node);
    if (isset($unresolved)) {
if (!defined('NODE_PARENT')) define('NODE_PARENT', 'parent');
if (!defined('NODE_CHILDREN')) define('NODE_CHILDREN', 'children');
if (!defined('NODE_ARC')) define('NODE_ARC', 'arc');
class DS_Tree
    private  $nodes = array(); //array of nodes
    private $current_node_ptr; //current node pointer (index)
* Tree is empty
* @return bool
    public function is_empty() {
    return empty($this->nodes);
* returns the number of nodes
* @return int
    public function get_size() {
    return count($this->nodes);
* insert child node in the current node and returns inserted node id
* @param $node
* @return int
    public function insert_node($node) {
    $node_id = array_push($this->nodes, $node) - 1;
    $new_node = &$this->nodes[$node_id];
    if ($node_id != 0) { //insert non-root node
    $pnode = &$this->nodes[$this->current_node_ptr];
    if (empty($pnode[NODE_CHILDREN]))
    $pnode[NODE_CHILDREN] = array();
    array_push($pnode[NODE_CHILDREN], $node_id);
    $new_node[NODE_PARENT] = $this->current_node_ptr;
    } else {
    $new_node[NODE_PARENT] = NULL;
    return $node_id;
* update the current property value of the node
* @param $key
* @param $value
    public function update_node_attr($key, $value) {
    $cur_node = &$this->nodes[$this->current_node_ptr];
    $cur_node[$key] = $value;
* get the current value of the property
* @param $key
* @return mixed
    public function get_node_attr($key) {
    return $this->nodes[$key];
* current node as the root node of the tree
    public function goto_root() {
    if ($this->get_size() > 0) {
    $this->current_node_ptr = key($this->nodes);
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
* skip the specified index node
* @param $index
* @return bool
    public function goto_index($index) {
    if(isset($this->nodes[$index])) {
    $this->current_node_ptr = $index;
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
* Retrieve the current node index
* @return mixed
    public function get_index() {
    return $this->current_node_ptr;
* take sub-nodes
* @return int
    public function count_children() {
    return count($this->nodes[$this->current_node_ptr][NODE_CHILDREN]);
* take a leaf node
* @return array
    public function get_leafs() {
    $ret = array();
    foreach($this->nodes as $k => $n) {
    if (empty($n[NODE_CHILDREN]))
    $ret[$k] = $n;
    return $ret;
public function draw_tree() {
   return var_export($this->nodes, true);
* retuns the layer below the current node child node
* @return array
    public function get_children() {
    $ret = array();
    $children_id = $this->nodes[$this->current_node_ptr][NODE_CHILDREN];
    foreach($children_id as $k) {
    $ret[$k] = $this->nodes[$k];
    return $ret;
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id3.class.php');
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DS_Tree.class.php');
   $servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "fitnessdb";
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

if (!$conn) {
  die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

$sql="SELECT Sex,Deficulty,MuscleGroup,Exercises FROM sondaj ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
  while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){



   $sqlSex="SELECT DISTINCT Sex FROM sondaj ";
   $resultS = $conn->query($sqlSex);
   while( $rowS = mysqli_fetch_array($resultS)){



   $sqlDificulty="SELECT DISTINCT Dificulty FROM sondaj ";
   $resultG = $conn->query($sqlDificulty);
   while( $rowG = mysqli_fetch_array($resultG)){



   $sqlExercises="SELECT DISTINCT Exercises FROM sondaj ";
   $resultEx = $conn->query($sqlExercises);
   while( $rowEx = mysqli_fetch_array($resultEx)){



   $sqlMuscleGroup="SELECT DISTINCT MuscleGroup FROM sondaj ";
   $resultM = $conn->query($sqlMuscleGroup);
   while( $rowM = mysqli_fetch_array($resultM)){


    Sex" => array($data_array_valuesS),
"Dificulty" => array($data_array_valuesG),
"MuscleGroup" => array($data_array_valuesM)

   $data_class=array( "Exercises" =>array($data_array_valuesEx));
   $tree= new DS_Tree();
   $node=array('name' => 'start');
   $mytree = new id3();


echo '<pre class="brush: php">';

   echo '</pre>';


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