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    Junior Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 31
  • Înscris: 25.05.2004
ce parere avetzi?



    Active Member

  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 1,066
  • Înscris: 02.06.2002
In toate reviewrile pe care le-am gasit pe net, toata lumea se plange ca:
- este foarte zgomotoasa si lenta la printat
- calitatea e mediocra si consumul de cerneala mare
- cartusele sunt mici si trebuie curatate foarte des
- nu printeaza doar cu un singur cartus

Iata parerile catorva care au cumparat-o :
The ink cartridges for this printer are extremely small and are expensive for the amount of printing they can do. This has been a very frustrating purchase.

This is without a doubt the worst printer ever made.It clogs up easily after just printing a few pages,,and the results are black lines,and black dots.Epson tech support says you need to clean the nozzle.It wastes a lot of ink to clear up the problem,and it would not take too long before the problem comes back

This printer did not work well at all for me. It goes through ink cartridges about every fifty pages. I have had my printer for about a year, and have only used it a few times. Last week when I turned it on, I heard plastic crunching, and as it turns out, a bunch of the plastic parts inside the printer broke off for no apparent reason. It does not work at all now, so I have to buy a new printer, and it definately won't be an Epson.

This thing has given us problems from the start and of course with no help from their tech support.

It's also very slow, even when printing in black-only.
It's very noisy and irritating in true Epson style.
And, to top it off, the print quality is very mediocre. You can tell at first glance that the output was from a cheap inkjet.

I received this printer free with my powerbook G4. Now I know why they have to give it away!
The amount of ink it uses is crazy and expensive and the quality is only OK.

Also, if the colour cartridge is out it will not let you print with black ink, even if black is full. In other workds, both cartridges need to have ink in order to print. This has been a very frustrating purchase.

Acum asteptam si pe unul dintre cei care a avut sa ne confirme/infirme opiniile.


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Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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