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Mulholland Dr. (2001)

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Poll: Mulholland Dr. (2001) (31 member(s) have cast votes)

Mulholland Dr.

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    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 28.01.2004
Va rog, lamuriti-ma si pe mine in legatura cu filmul asta... eu unul n-am inteles nimic... e adevarat, are cateva scene bune (unele comice, altele scary, altele erotice...) dar, una peste alta, sunt 2 ore si ceva pierdute...  :(
Voi ce ziceti?




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 05.05.2005
am reinviat topicul asta, pt. a pune aceeasi intrebare ca cel de mai sus. a inteles cineva ceva din filmul asta? daca da, poate explica aici.
mi-a scapat si mie ceva?
poate intr-un an l-a mai vazut cineva si isi poate da cu parerea. eu l-am vazut acum citeva zile si....... :crybaby:



    Retired Veteran

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  • Înscris: 13.01.2003
Eh... daca ai rabdarea sa-l vezi de doua ori, cred ca ai putea intelege mai multe... Nu l-am vazut recent, dar la final mi-aduc aminte ca m-am prins care era "poanta", desi nu am inteles chiar toate fazele...




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 05.05.2005
nu cred ca mai am rabdarea sa-l vad a doua oara. totusi dupa ce l-am vazut, am cautat ceva opinii care sa ma lumineze, pe net. si am dat peste cele 10 indicii propuse de David Lynch pt. elucidarea misterului. iata-le:

"MULHOLLAND DRIVE: CALEA MISTERELOR a suscitat nenumărate discutii. Nimeni, dar absolut nimeni nu părea să fi pătruns misterul acestui film. Regizorul însusi a creat un joc pentru stimula si a “ajuta” spectatorul de cinema să dezlege acest puzzle complicat.


1. Fiti foarte atenti la începutul filmului: cel putin două indicii sînt oferite înainte de începerea genericului.
2. Observati fiecare aparitie a abajurului rosu
3. Puteti să auziti titlul filmului pentru care regizorul Adam Kesher face auditii ? Este mentionat din nou mai tîrziu pe parcursul filmului?
4. Un accident este un eveniment cumplit… Fiti atenti la locul unde se produce accidentul.
5. Cine dă o cheie, si de ce?
6. Fiti atenti la halatul de baie, la scrumieră, la ceasca de cafea.
7. Ce simtiti, ce pricepeti din cele întîmplate la clubul “Silencio”?
8. Pe Camilla o ajută doar talentul său?
9. Observati ce i se întîmplă barmanului de la “Winkies”.
10. Unde este mătusa Ruth?

David Lynch."

nu m-au ajutat cu nimic. dimpotriva. m-au bagat si mai rau in ceata.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 07.05.2004
cei care l-ati vazut de 2 ori... de ce nu povestiti si altora ce ati inteles voi a 2-a oara? :)

Hai sa va dau eu un singur indiciu: Lynch si-a bagat picioarele intr-un proiect de serial TV pe care producatorii nu au avut amabilitatea sa-l sprijine, si i-au cerut sa-l reduca la un film artistic. Atunci "maestrul" a lasat integral ceea ce trebuia sa fie episodul pilot iar restul de 6..7 episoade le-a "concentrat" in timpul ramas pana la 2 ore si ceva.

Evident ca nimeni nu a inteles nimic cu exceptia secventelor erotice.

Cred ca si "indiciile" lui Lynch sunt pentru cei care vor sa se scarpine in cap dupa ce s-au uitat la film, ocazie cu care ouale respectivilor iau o pauza...

Si sigur a mai fost un thread in care s-a spus shit & stuff despre acest film...

Edited by Bitch_in_Red, 15 July 2005 - 04:18.



    Geniu umil

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  • Înscris: 21.04.2004
tot ce trebuie sa intelegi este ca te-ai uitat la un film cu lesbiene. genialitatea lui linch consta in faptul ca nu-ti dai seama decit aproape de sfirsit ca te uiti la un film cu lebiene  :w00t: asta cind il vezi prima oara. a doua oara stii prea bine ca e un film cu lesbiene si de fapt asta e principalul motiv pentru care il revezi




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 28.04.2004
Din cate stiu eu (tot citite de pe net...imdb cred) faza filmului este ca in prima parte (care reprezinta mai tot filmul) una din fetitzele lesbiene viseaza un vis lung in care ea era altcineva, iar la sfarsit se trezeste si afla ce s-a mai intamplat prin zona ... de nus' ce vecina care a murit ... etc etc. Foarte probabil ca bruneta aia de la inceput sa fie cea care viseaza. Si sfarsitul condensat datorita respingerii filmului de catre producatori este de fapt partea in care se trezeste fetitza asta si isi da seama de noutati. Oare cum ar fi iesit filmul daca avea 6-7 episoade ? Parerea mea ca probabil mult mai prost.
"Lost highway" a vazut careva ? E asemanator. Si "Eraserhead" e za best in ale misterelor. Nimeni.... nici chiar Lynch, nu stie ce a vrut sa zica filmul. Cica fiecare poate intelege ce vrea din el. Dar ciudat rau de tot.... poate cel mai ciudat film care l-am vazut eu pana in prezent.

Edited by narcis_epm, 17 July 2005 - 22:28.



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 18.12.2003
prim aparte a filmului pana la clubul silencio este visul blondei cum i-ar fi placut ei sa fie viata ei la hollywood si relatia cu iubita ei

realitatea este alta bruneta si iubita ei este o actrita de succes in timp ce ea nu este
in plus o cam inseala cu regizorul cat si cu o alta tipa

partea cu regizorul fortat sa o accepte pe o actrita oribila este de fapt ceea ce a crezut ea ca s-a intamplat la auditia la care a cunoscut-o pe bruneta (numele actritei impuse regizorului este acelasi cu cel al brunetei din viata reala)

cheia albastra reprezinta de fapt asa cum aflam la final ca asasinul platit si-a indeplinit misiunea de a o ucide pe bruneta

in vis asasinul este un impiedicat care nu este in stare sa o ucida pe bruneta si pierde si banii si cheia - in fapt blonda spera ca bruneta este inca in viata
cum au mai spus si altii trebuie sa vezi filmul de mai multe ori ca sa intelegi intriga




  • Grup: Members
  • Posts: 720
  • Înscris: 05.05.2005
@madman, intr-adevar, in urma celor citite in postul tau, s-a risipit ceata. acum chiar totul se leaga si se intrezareste si o oarecare logica. de curiozitate.......de cite ori ai vazut fimul?



    RL 118

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  • Înscris: 04.04.2004
Am vazut si eu filmul recent, mi-a picat fata (cum se spune) m-a obsedat o bucata de timp, incat am cautat o explicatie cat mai completa.
Iata explicatia:


There is obviously some major confusion with this movie. I
have seen the movie multiple times, read a bunch of
theories, etc... and I have been studying filmmaking for
quite some time and I am almost positive this is what the
movie is all about.

Betty, one of the blonde actresses is not Betty- Her real
name is Diane Sellwyn. She lives in Canada, won a dance
contest and is now in California trying to become an
actress. Her aunt died and left her $50,000. She meets
Camilla Rhodes, a well known actress on the set of the
SYLVIA NORTH STORY directed by Adam Kescher (sp?) Here, the
two girls start having a steamy affair, except Diane's love
for Camilla is not reciprocal. Camilla tries to break up
with her, but it does not work. At the same time, she is
playing a malicious mind game with Diane-inviting her to
parties, etc., just for her to witness Camilla and Adam's
new found love relationship.

One night at a party, Diane breaks down when she realizes
Adam and Diane are to be married. Diane freaks out, and
hires a hit man to kill Camilla. He says to her that once
the deed is done, a blue key will await her in her house.

Other characters we meet during this party/time is COCO,
Adam's mom, a weird cowboy, and a mobster-looking man
sitting at a table. We also overhear important comments:
Such as Adam finding his wife and pool boy together. We
also hear Coco say, "Call me Coco Everyone else does" These
quotes will prove to be important later. We also learn that
Diane has this other fallback girlfriend with whom she has
recently broken up. Her other girlfriend has all of her
belongings at Diane's house, and wants them back.

So Diane, miserable, hires the hit man, and goes to bed
that night. Before she does, she reminisces (sp?) about her
jitterbug contest, and then goes to sleep. This is the very
beginning of the movie, during the credits, where we see
the montage of jitterbug dancers and then we see her head
going down towards red satin sheets and the screen fades to
black as she falls asleep.

The following - the body of the movie- is her dream
The dream begins with "Camilla" in the back seat of a limo,
she is almost shot by hired hit men, but a freak accident
allows her to escape-but also erases her memory.
This NEVER HAPPENED. This is just in Diane's dream. Her
guilt and regret was manifested here, she dreamt/hoped
Camilla would get away.

In Diane's dream, Diane is personified as Betty- a perfect,
innocent, wonderful actress. Something she never was nor
will be. This is sad, to me- that her dream is just made up
of hope and wishes... BUT ANYWAY

So, we meet Betty, who is really a perfect clone of Diane,
and throughout the movie "Betty" is helping this amnesiac
"Camilla" (who refers to herself as Rita). This is also
Dianes way of wishing/dreaming she and Camilla were
together--the two women do eventually become together.

We also have the character of Adam K who is directing his
movie. However, he needs to replace his lead actress in his
movie? Why, is Diane dreaming this? Well probably because
Camilla in real life is the lead actress, and she knows
Camilla will be dead, and Adam will have to re cast the

Diane hates Adam and therefore gives him a terrible day in
her dream. His wife is found with a pool boy- this is
important because he mentioned this that night at the party
and she incorporated it into her dream.

Also he is forced to cast a certain "Camilla Rhodes" for
his lead actress. This is important because this is Diane
rationalizing in her dream why Camilla got all the good
parts in movies, and she got nothing.

She dreamt there were major Hollywood conspiracies, and
that even though Betty or Diane was an AMAZING actress,
Camilla Rhodes would get the part. This was evident when
Betty/Diane tried out for a part and did an amazing job.
Although the real Diane probably could not have
accomplished this feat, in her dream she saw herself doing
this, but all for nothing because Camilla Rhodes had been
chosen by the mob/weird group of people forcing Adam to
choose her. WINKIES is also important- This, to me, is just
a manifestation of lust, evil, greed, malice... All these
feelings motivate evil in our world, therefore it does it
all. It would seem that if someone saw all of this pure
evil, they would die- like the man did. WINKIES is also
important because this is where the real Diane was talking
to the hit man. She noticed a waitress, Betty- a cute,
bubbly girl- and subsequently took her personality in her
dream and switched the two names.

ALSO- important. All the mob people made Adam say "THIS IS
THE GIRL" they repeated this over and over. Note when real
Diane gives the pic of Camilla R to the hit man, she says
"THIS IS THE GIRL" She also has $50,000 in her purse. In
her dream, everyone is using her words "THIS IS THE GIRL"
about Camilla becoming the actress. Rita also has the
$50,000 in her purse. Again this is reversing/incorporating
everything in her dream... It proves it's a dream.
This is the girl" is important because it's using Diane's
own words to provoke guilt, etc. in her dream.

When RITA and BETTY find the dead body in the bed of
Diane's apt, this, to me- is just the realization in
DIANE's mind that she is in fact dead without Camilla. Like
I mentioned before, the sequence of the dead body, and most
of the movie, is a dream, and Diane went to bed quite
guilty and remorseful and probably contemplated
suicide....this is the result.

ALSO- the hit man portrayed in the dream is INCOMPETENT! He
cannot carry out a task, which is Diane's subconscious
hoping dreaming that he will mess up his job with Camilla.

SO in the dream, the two women become very very close,
something Diane always wanted, and in a way was getting...
they have a wonderful relationship where Betty/Diane is
helping Rita/Camilla, and Camilla/RITA respects and loves
Diane/Betty as well.

UNTIL....CLUB SILENCIO!!! This is my all time favorite
scene. No hay banda--- everything is an illusion-- this is
SUCH a symbolic scene- here we realize everything so far is
an illusion- that nothing is what it seems. Ever have a
dream when you know you're dreaming? Well that's what
Betty/Diane did, she started to realize this beautiful
thing with herself and Camilla/Rita was about to end, and
therefore she started convulsing.

Rebekah Del Rio serenaded us beautifully about Diane's
feelings for Camilla, and the two women begin to cry - they
know what's about to happen subconsciously... they know
it's about to end.... That would explain that. And the fact
that REBEKAH dies while singing, this shows again that its

Diane awakens from her dream...
So then Betty disappears, Rita opens the box... and we have
Diane waking up from her dream. The weird cowboy says, wake
up. She had seen the Cowboy at the party and incorporated
him into her dream.

Diane is now Diane....no more Betty. The colors are less
vivid, sound track is dull, dream's over. The rest of the
movie is a series of flashbacks/present, but is all

Diane's GF comes to get the ashtray, the blue key is
there.. but wallah the key is gone! A flashback to Camilla
and Diane-- Camilla trying to break up with Diane... then
the set of the movie- Adam and Camilla- all I explained

Then we have the night of the party, where Diane gets her
ideas for her dream. The limo, the cowboy, the pool story,
"call me Coco", the jitterbug contest, Adam and Camilla,
the espresso ... Such a sad movie

So in the end, the first two shots of the movie are set in
present time, everything else is a dream, go back and watch
it- It all makes sense. Then Diane wakes up and you find
out why she dreamt what she dreamt...


Sequence of Events in Mulholland Dr. (according to
[email protected])

1. Diane wins the Jitterbug contest. Her family (the old
man and old woman) is there and cheers for her. (this is
much earlier than any of the rest of the movie. years

2. Camilla and Diane fool around on the couch (notice the
ashtray). Camilla says that they shouldn't do that anymore.

3. Camilla and the director talk and kiss in the car for
the movie.

4. Diane gets a phone call and is told to get in the limo.
She is dropped of at the bottom of the directors house. The
dinner scene occurs in which she finds out that her lover
Camilla and the director are getting married.

5. Diane sits in a restaurant with the hit-man and tells
him to kill Camilla.

6. Diane returns home and feels guilty.

7. She falls asleep on the pillow.

8. Diane has a long dream. What happens in this dream is
coming from guilt and the people surrounding her life. The
director who is getting married to her x-lover has a
terrible life. Her x-lover loves her again. Diane is an
amazing actress and does a great job. The part with the men
in the restaurant and the monster is all just a part of the
dream. The cowboy has nothing to do with the movie for the
most part. He was just seen by Diane at one point and he
stuck with her so heÕs in her dream. Her dead aunt shows
up. She mixes up names just like everybody often does in
dreams. None of this is real. There are many things her
dream feeds off of... to many things to try to explain. The
dream begins with Camilla (Rita) in the car and ends with
the cowboy waking her up. That is all within her dream.

9. A knocking wakes Diane up. It is her neighbor looking
for the rest of her belongings. She picks up her ashtray
(notice the blue key) and says that there are detectives
looking for Diane.

10. While making coffee, Diane thinks she sees Camilla (who
she just had killed). Its just a daydream.

11. Diane goes and sits on the couch and stares at the blue
key. Someone is knocking (I think that this could be the
detectives looking for Diane). The little people are her
family representing her conscience. She gets scarred of the
knocking and the haunting visions of her loved ones and she
runs into her room and shoots herself.


This is the order in which the movie plays out.

1, 7, credits, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 end credits



    RL 118

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 3,517
  • Înscris: 04.04.2004
Hmmh, no comments? Merita re-vazut dupa ce se insusesc explicatiile astea.




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  • Înscris: 11.04.2006

 hyde, on Mar 5 2004, 11:16, said:

Va rog, lamuriti-ma si pe mine in legatura cu filmul asta... eu unul n-am inteles nimic... e adevarat, are cateva scene bune (unele comice, altele scary, altele erotice...) dar, una peste alta, sunt 2 ore si ceva pierdute...  :(
Voi ce ziceti?

zoooooper film !  ;)



    Fun du Gaulle

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  • Înscris: 06.07.2011
Un alt film marca David Lynch. La prima vedere subiectul te atrage, apoi te baga in ceata rau de tot, de-ti vine sa scoti capul pe geam, sa-ti oxigenezi creierul. Intamplari incalcite, personaje fara legatura unele cu altele, dar sunt destul de misterioase incat sa-ti ramana in mine, ca sa te intrebi mai tarziu: ala de ce a aparut ? O singura faza mi-a placut in filmul asta: cand e Naomi Watts cu Laura Harring in pat. Restul e ceata.




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 27.01.2010
Mdeah, un film foarte "intens" despre nimic. Realizare geniala, dar daca e sa-i faci un rezumat iti dai seama ca nu pentru "subiect" ti-ai pierdut doua ore din viata uitandu-te la el.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 16.10.2008
Cred ca e unul dintre cele mai discutate filme de pe net. Toti isi dau cu parerea ,cauta simboluri ,intelesuri. Ma intreb daca ,de exemplu Naomi Watts a inteles ceva din el :lol:



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  • Înscris: 01.09.2006

 StGermain, on 25th November 2006, 21:12, said:

Hmmh, no comments? Merita re-vazut dupa ce se insusesc explicatiile astea.
Interesant :)
După ce am vazut o dată filmul ... mi-am adus aminte ca pusese StGermain niște explicații aici (prima oară nu prea le-am citit, că nu aveau niciun sens fără să fi vazut filmul).
Așa că ... m-am mai uitat o dată la el ... în cunoștință de cauză :).



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2009

 edigee, on 26th January 2012, 13:40, said:

Cred ca e unul dintre cele mai discutate filme de pe net. Toti isi dau cu parerea ,cauta simboluri ,intelesuri. Ma intreb daca ,de exemplu Naomi Watts a inteles ceva din el :lol:
Ea s-a laudat ca da.


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