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Stiri Ricoh Imaging (oficiale/surse de incredere)

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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Deschid acest thread, in speranta ca va fi pastrat liber de dezinformari, "zvonuri" tendentioase si citari ale unor tabloide. Nu voi folosi thread-ul compromis, si rog ca nu care cumva sa se faca merge cu acela.
Asadar: stiri despre Ricoh Imaging. Nu lansari de produse, nu firmware-uri noi - ci despre companie, rapoarte financiare, schimbari survenite pe anumite piete samd. Lucruri ce pot fi sustinute - cu documente oficiale, interview-uri, prezentari...
Si, ca sa nu existe discutii, fac asta pentru ca pot si pentru ca vreau.

Incep prin a reaminti cum, in ultimul raport financiar publicat, Ricoh afirma:


- Increased sales and earnings on strong demand for new products (Pentax/GR)
pag. 18 din https://www.ricoh.co...pdf/r03q3_4.pdf

Sa vedem si cum se refera Ricoh la schimbarile in curs pentru piata japoneza:


Relaunching camera business
Become valuable brand by connecting directly with customers through digital communications and workshop approach to production
Deci, intr-o nota optimista. Vom vedea curand ca actioneaza fix in directia respectiva.

Mai intai, o stire posibil nu tocmai pozitiva pentru amatorii de imagini "sferice": Ricoh preia vanzarile de Theta (de la Ricoh Imaging) in Japonia.
Se pare ca ei vad Theta mai mult ca produs "business" decat "consumer"; si in structura companiei (a grupului Ricoh) au separat Theta de Cameras (acum, SmartVision e doar despre "360o cameras and related services"). Linia Theta, de altfel, este dezvoltata separat.


Dear Customer
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage.
In April 2022, Ricoh Imaging Co., Ltd. will change its sales structure in Japan, and as a result, we have decided to terminate the handling of the "RICOH THETA" series of 360° cameras in Japan, which had been conducted by Ricoh Imaging, on March 31, 2022. Accordingly, sales at the Ricoh Imaging Store will also end with orders received on March 15 (Tue.).
Ricoh will continue to sell the RICOH THETA series in Japan, and will soon officially announce the RICOH THETA X series, which has already been announced overseas.
Product repairs and support will continue to be handled by the Ricoh Imaging Repair Desk and the Ricoh Imaging Customer Support Center as in the past.
Thank you for your continued support of Ricoh Group products.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Nu stiu nimic despre restul lumii; posibil sa ramana la Ricoh Imaging.

Despre "connecting directly with customers through digital communications", avem:
+ primul eveniment Pentax (dintr-o serie, acestea nu vor mai fi ocazionale ca pana acum), SLR Meeting pe 13 martie. In japoneza; exista zvonuri ca ar planifica asemenea lucruri si pentru "vestici".
Despre asta am vorbit un pic pe threadul cu probleme; o sa fiu cu ochii pe Pentaxforums sa prezint concuziile, sigur vor participa unul-doi de-acolo.


- Talk by panelists on what they like about SLR cameras
- Survey about film cameras and why people like them (they will reveal the results of some kind of survey conducted in Japan)
- Some talk about Pentax (this is very vague and they seem be saying not to get your expectations up too much)
- Shutter sound competition - This sounds like fun, They will play the sounds of shutters from various manufacturers and poll the audience on which sounds best)
- In-depth discussion of SLRs in the future
+ va urma ceva similar pentru GR.


Number one: we're gearing up for a REAL event!
We are currently preparing for a real event to be held from April onward, while keeping an eye on the Corona situation.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Detalii despre ce intentioneaza sa faca pentru piata japoneza - surpriza, fix ce au zis:

Pentax Co-Creation Project; initiative specifice:


[Opening and sales start of new EC site]
Scheduled opening date: April 1st
Scheduled store openings: We plan to open stores in our online store and domestic Amazon, Rakuten Ichiba, and PayPay malls. We will inform you of the specific store openings as soon as they are decided.
Products to be handled: In addition to the current PENTAX products, we are also considering selling limited direct sales products. We will inform you about products other than the PENTAX brand.
[Regular holding and frequency increase of events]
From the spring of 2022, we aim to hold regular PENTAX fan meetings and hands-on events that have been held irregularly until now.
・ PENTAX Meeting Online
・ Expand the area where PENTAX product experience meetings and real events are held, and increase the frequency.
* Details will be announced from the time when the outline of each event is decided.
[Providing a small-quantity limited model utilizing crowdfunding]
In order to meet the enthusiastic demands of our customers, we will start "Koubou-like manufacturing" that provides rare value with limited production.
As the first challenge, we aim to commercialize the model proposal that was the most popular in the questionnaire to fans at the online fan event "PENTAX Meeting Online 2021" held on November 27, 2021. We would like to deliver even a small amount to customers who are eager for it.
* Details will be announced when the crowdfunding project starts.
[Reorganization of Ricoh Imaging Square]

Despre crowdfunding, nu ar fi prima data cand recurg la asa ceva; binoclul si monocularul din seria V, de exemplu.
Si Sony a deschis propria platforma de crowdfunding, prin 2015.

Sunt curios care e acel model "the most popular". Cel monocrom?



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Reassessing consumer segments:
Relaunching camera business
Ending Vecnos business.


• While we are accelerating our investment in growth, it is also worth mentioning areas labeled for business revitalizations.
• Our progress speed reviews encompass reevaluating consumer segments.
• As we recently announced, we made a fresh start for our camera business by consolidating it within Ricoh Imaging. We will make the brand more valuable by using digital communications to connect directly with customers and by taking a workshop approach to production.
• The Vecnos business suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused travel opportunities to plummet. This situation forced a major review of that business, resulting in a decision to shut it down.
Investors' Meeting 2022

Vecnos - separat de Ricoh Imaging - vindea IQUI, un soi de Theta in format stilou.



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Foarte interesant pentru......nimeni.

Cui ii pasa de fiecare miscare si strategie pe care o face o firma, oricare ar fi ea?



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Mie imi pasa.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Si alta surpriza: fix cand au zis, fac fix ce-au zis:
- Pentax Line, asta pare-a fi un soi de Whatsapp, si e foarte popular in Japonia. Comunicare directa... prin aplicatii messenger?
- doua magazine virtuale GR pentru vanzari directe in cadrul Rakuten Ichiba si PayPay Mall.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Si pentru Pentax/WG:



    Guru Member

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Si pentru ca avem cel putin o persoana interesata:

Ce se anunta in ianuarie:
"We will shift from a sales method centered on the distribution network via retail stores to sales via the Internet to improve the efficiency of business operations. In addition to our own EC direct sales site, we will also develop directly managed malls in major marketplaces to expand opportunities and opportunities for direct connection between Ricoh Imaging and customers."
Pe 1 aprilie (vezi doua posturi mai sus) au anuntat magazine virtuale Pentax pe platformele Rakuten si PayPay Mall.
"With the start of the new sales system at Ricoh Imaging Store ( https://ricohimagingstore.com/ ) from April 1, 2022, as part of strengthening sales of the PENTAX brand, the conventional selling price and return point granting rules Will be renewed and will be directly reflected in the selling price of the products provided to customers in the future.

Ce inseamna asta? Reduceri de preturi. In Japonia, sa fie clar.
Doar din modernizarea lantului de distributie local.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Raportul financiar pe anul fiscal 2021:


Camera (and lens) business:
"sales of new products in the camera business were strong and increased."
"Cameras: Increased sales on strong demand for new products (PENTAX/GR), adopted workshop production approach and overhauled sales approaches"

Nimic surprinzator.



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S-a deschis noul Pentax Club House:

Vad doua chestii interesante aici:
- Ricoh investeste in Pentax (poate nu suficient pentru gusturile noastre, dar orice asemenea investitie inseamna continuarea brandului)
- vorbim de Pentax Club House. E ceva separat de GR (si de Theta, care acum e sub umbrela Ricoh - nu a Ricoh Imaging).



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Au aparut poze cu noul Pentax 100mm F/2.8 macro:


Edited by katran, 04 August 2022 - 13:37.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Se pregateste, aparent, o mai buna separare a brandurilor Ricoh Imaging la nivel de marketing.
Noul D FA 100mm macro de care vorbeste katran a fost prezentat la deschiderea noului Pentax Clubhouse in Japonia. Pentax, nu Ricoh Imaging, nu "Pentax si GR".
Si mai devreme am primit un email cum ca ricoh-imaging.eu se va inchide, pentru a fi inlocuit de site-uri brand-oriented:
"We are currently creating new exciting websites for you. Our new websites will be brand oriented and will therefore have greater value for you. The first website will be opening soon."

Edited by TS030, 05 August 2022 - 14:07.



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Cam liniste pe la Ricoh Imaging...
Totusi: "• Camera business profitable for third straight quarter" (din ultimul raport financiar).



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2012
Gasite pe Pentaxforums:
- schimbarea monturii aparatului cu una Duratect, exemplu de "workshop-like" (ca tot s-a discutat acest subiect, si existau multe nelamuriri).
Doar in Japonia.

- interviu in Cameraman Magazine (Japonia). Nu exista link si nici traducere completa; magazinul fiind tiparit. JPT sumarizeaza aspectele importante.
Interesant e ca 645-ul este mentionat, desigur, nu se promite nimic dar nici nu lasa impresia ca ar fi abandonat. Se gandesc la noi senzori, insa prioritatea e baioneta K.
Pentax ia apararea ecranului LCD mobil de pe K-1.
Sunt oameni care au atat GRiii cat si GRiiix (sau unul, si iau in considerare sa-l cumpere si pe al doilea) si ar dori ca unul dintre ele sa fie intr-o culoare diferita, pentru diferentiere.
In 2022 s-au ocupat mai mult cu reorganizarea, s-ar putea ca in 2023 sa vedem ceva mai multa activitate pe partea de lansare de produse.

- Ricoh va reconstrui cladirea din Ginza, Tokyo.
Cladirea a fost construita in anii '60, are ceva vechime.


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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