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SPD07 driver

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7 replies to this topic



    acolo unde vara-i zi la miezul noptii

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 30,835
  • Înscris: 01.11.2005
Am o sursa de la un subwoofer de 1000W (da, e un mastodom de woofer de 70kg ...SVS 13B) si are sursa de putere cu probleme.
Sursa este de tipul forward si are un driver cu 8 pini pe care scroe SPD07 si atat. Nimic altceva, nici un marcaj.
DIn el nu iese nici un semnal.
Pini ar fi urmatorii
1. VCC
4. GND
6. G1 (driver pentru un mos-fet)
8. G2 (driver pentru celalalt mos-fet).

Restul pinilor nu am stat sa-i identific deocamdata.

Poate cineva sa imi spuna daca exista un echivalent sau ce anume o fi driverul asta ?
Daca nu il gasesc, pot adapta un alt driver pentru surse forward ??



    acolo unde vara-i zi la miezul noptii

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 30,835
  • Înscris: 01.11.2005
Revin cu ceva informatii.
Am inceput sa descrifrez sursa si defapt este Half-Bridge, nu forward cum am zis prima data.
Ce este interesant, desi pe cablaj sunt marcate D,G,S si indica a fi un mos-fet, la masuratoare sunt IGBT-uri, la fel cu coduri care nu le-am gasit (SMS5408) Posted Image.
Schema este atasata si sincer nu stiu ce echivalent ar trebui sa aleg.

Tot ce am gasit pana acum au control pentru INL si INH, in schimb driverul asta are un rezistor si un condensator in locul controlului (pinii 2 si 3 ).

Cred ca CI-ul e ceva mai special si anume China market...dar nu il gasesc asa ca as adapta ceva acolo ca sa fac sursa sa functioneze.

L.E. Vad ca seamana mult cu IR2153 si cred ca asta se potriveste

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Edited by tehnics, 20 November 2021 - 19:53.



    acolo unde vara-i zi la miezul noptii

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 30,835
  • Înscris: 01.11.2005
Revin cu informatii pentru indexare google.

Am cumparat IR2153 si l-am montat. S-a potrivit fara probleme in locul acelui SPD07. Chiar si frecventa data de R si C a fost identica cu cea care o avea vechiul driver - 74kHz (problema la vechiul driver era ca nu mai scoatea semnal de comanda pe pinul H, avea semnal de comanda doar pe pinul L).
ASa ca sursa am facut-o sa functioneze. In secundar aveam tensiunile de +/- 58V.
Placa are inscriptia FMA-990501

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Edited by tehnics, 11 December 2021 - 08:32.



    New Member

  • Grup: Candidate Members
  • Posts: 2
  • Înscris: 20.06.2023
Salut, multumesc pentru informatiile tale.

Am unul care nu merge. Acesta nu are o putere de 12 volți care merge la dispozitivul SPD07. De unde provin cei 12 volți din diagrama ta?

Hi, thanks for your info.

I have one that is not working. This one has no 12 volt power going to the SPD07 device. Where is the 12 volts in your diagram coming from ?



    acolo unde vara-i zi la miezul noptii

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 30,835
  • Înscris: 01.11.2005
I do not have a picture with component side, but as far as I remember, in area marked with red should be an electrolytic capacitor and 12V is cominng through Q104.
Anyway, U103 and U101 share same 12V which is coming from ST-By chopper through R123 and D108. One side go to U103, one side go to Q104, R134 and filter capacitor and after to U101. Normally after D108 you should have around 12V. If not, then might be U103  or MOSFET transistor damaged.
Ground for measure 12V is marked with white.

Be aware there is hazardous voltage, around 300V.

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Edited by tehnics, 21 June 2023 - 21:49.



    New Member

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  • Înscris: 20.06.2023

 tehnics, on 21 iunie 2023 - 21:47, said:

I do not have a picture with component side, but as far as I remember, in area marked with red should be an electrolytic capacitor and 12V is cominng through Q104.
Anyway, U103 and U101 share same 12V which is coming from ST-By chopper through R123 and D108. One side go to U103, one side go to Q104, R134 and filter capacitor and after to U101. Normally after D108 you should have around 12V. If not, then might be U103  or MOSFET transistor damaged.
Ground for measure 12V is marked with white.

Be aware there is hazardous voltage, around 300V.

Thanks for this info. Do you know what U103 is ? Mine is printed with 63F05a 574.

On my board the component side FET within the white area you have drawn has failed as well as Q102. Any idea what part these are ? Also D108 has failed.



    acolo unde vara-i zi la miezul noptii

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 30,835
  • Înscris: 01.11.2005
I have no idea what chip is U103

My advise is to remove that source and replace it with 2 separate power source of 60V each and paier them in series to get +/- 60V for amplifier. Remove all what means power side from board and use it.
You will save some time. Maybe not money, but time for sure.



    New Member

  • Grup: Candidate Members
  • Posts: 1
  • Înscris: 28.08.2023
Salutare tururor, ma poate ajuta cineva cu o informatie despre ce valuare au C416 si C136? Multumesc!


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

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