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  • Înscris: 23.05.2019

View PostDonald_Duck, on 21 iunie 2019 - 12:54, said:

e grele... pune mana pe carte, vezi ce scriu cei implicati direct, de la churchill pana la generalii germani.
Nimic nou sub soare nici azi, nu-i aşa?



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View PostDonald_Duck, on 21 iunie 2019 - 12:54, said:

e grele... pune mana pe carte, vezi ce scriu cei implicati direct, de la churchill pana la generalii germani.

Cred că ai uitat „mărețele” fapte de luptă ale bețivului englez. Mai ales când ne-a vândut relaxat rușilor.



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View PostKlasse, on 26 iunie 2019 - 08:44, said:

Cred că ai uitat „mărețele” fapte de luptă ale bețivului englez. Mai ales când ne-a vândut relaxat rușilor.

stii ce trebuia sa revina Rusiei potrivit tratatului de alianta cu Antanta inainte de WW1? Constantinopolul!!!



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View PostDonald_Duck, on 26 iunie 2019 - 11:38, said:

stii ce trebuia sa revina Rusiei potrivit tratatului de alianta cu Antanta inainte de WW1? Constantinopolul!!!

Cand Rusia a intrat in Razboi, Turcia nu era beligeranta, deci, nu poate sa fi fost vorba de Constantinopol.

Apoi, Rusia nu avea alianta decat cu Franta la declansarea razboiului. Anglia nu era aliata formal nici macar cu Franta, desi s-a alaturat acesteia.



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View PostMount_Yerrmom, on 26 iunie 2019 - 14:21, said:

Cand Rusia a intrat in Razboi, Turcia nu era beligeranta, deci, nu poate sa fi fost vorba de Constantinopol.

Apoi, Rusia nu avea alianta decat cu Franta la declansarea razboiului. Anglia nu era aliata formal nici macar cu Franta, desi s-a alaturat acesteia.

In 1915 Rusia a obtinut acordul Marii Britanii si al Frantei sa ocupe zona stramtorilor si  Constantinopolele. E adevarat ca nu a fost semnat inainte de inceperea razboiului desi au facut presiuni, anglo-francezii au acceptat in 1915.

Cum scrie si "a treia cale" in alta sectiune, fara bolsevism o Rusie victorioasa ne-ar fi incalecat. la propriu.




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  • Înscris: 23.05.2019
păi bolşevismul a fost sădit în Rusia de peste ocean...




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  • Înscris: 23.05.2019
We are the Communists, President Wilson gave Trotsky a US Passport

„This book is part of a four book series that is an academic treatment supported by declassified State Department document, cablegrams, Military records - confirming a real Communist controlled and scripted conspiracy - that is suppressed in the academic community in the United States. It explains the underlying mythology of the Cold War and the war between the Capitalistic West and the Communistic East. What it reveals is the underlying financing of Soviet Russia by the Communists of Wall Street, who run Wall Street, their black ops banks that funnel money to the Communist East under the guise of humanitarian Aid, Military Aid, loans, etcetera, and the real tyranny behind the Federal Reserve shell corporation that ultimately subverts the sovereignty of the United States. We are the Communists. It maters not what you call yourself it's what you DO that matters and it is beyond doubt that E. H. Doheny was right when he said in an interview that President Wilson, and the President of Harvard were Bolsheviks, both were Communists. Look at what Wilson actually did not what the Liberal Press says about him. No one man has subverted American sovereignty than Wilson and FDR comes in a close second. This is the secret of our time and we need to deal with our lost sovereignty in 1913 and the 20 year long silent monetary coup that the government fell victim to through bribery and assassinations ending for the most art in 1933. Congressman Louis T. McFadden served as the Chairman of Finance and Currency for 11 years and was assassinated in 1936 for his vehement denouncement of the installation of the Federal Reserve Bank which subverted US Treasury. This book is the metaphysical foundation of where things went wrong in the United States and it will challenge everything you were ever taught so be prepared for the shock of a lifetime and realize the pain anger and cognitive dissonance you will feel as you tear through the pages will end in a sobering clarity of the lie of our time. You will understand where the fake news comes from.”

deci dacă SUA nu mai e din 1913 a poporului american... despre ce debarcare vorbim? a extratereştrilor? sau a comuniştilor? care a fost mai întâi?

Edited by gladioc, 27 June 2019 - 22:22.



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View PostDonald_Duck, on 27 iunie 2019 - 00:13, said:

In 1915 Rusia a obtinut acordul Marii Britanii si al Frantei sa ocupe zona stramtorilor si  Constantinopolele.

D-aia au debarcat trupele ANZAC la Galipoli in 1915, probabil.

Makes absolute sense. Si ce zici matale si ce zice petreicarari.

Edited by Mount_Yerrmom, 27 June 2019 - 22:31.




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  • Înscris: 23.05.2019
“From the total picture we can deduce that Thompson’s motives were primarily financial and commercial. Specifically, Thompson was interested in the Russian market, and how this market could be influenced, diverted, and captured for postwar exploitation by a Wall Street syndicate, or syndicates. Certainly Thompson viewed Germany as an enemy, but less a political enemy than an economic or a commercial enemy. German industry and German banking were the real enemy. To outwit Germany, Thompson was willing to place seed money on any political power vehicle that would achieve his objective. In other words, Thompson was an American imperialist fighting against German imperialism…”

Germany, at war with Russia at the time, also tried to influence the revolution. It is well established that the German government financed and organized “the return to Russia of Lenin and his party of exiled Bolsheviks, followed a few weeks later by a party of Mensheviks…” The dual German objectives were “(a) removal of Russia from the war, and (b) control of the postwar Russian market.”

Have you ever wondered why and how Capitalism has flourished in the People’s Republic of China? Even then, Sutton writes, Wall Street financiers invested heavily in a soon-to-be Communist Russia because they truly believed, ultimately rightly so, that Capitalism grows best in monopolies, and the best return on an investment is from an economy run wholly by the government; what better place to invest in, therefore, a State which owns the means of production, precisely what Lenin would soon introduce to Russia.



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  • Înscris: 05.08.2015
ce trolleala muscaleasca obosita...

si off topic




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  • Înscris: 23.05.2019
Ever wonder why countries, including the United States, or any other country, when recovering from a cataclysmic natural event, normally refuses humanitarian overtures from other countries? The Red Cross extended similar humanitarian help to a Russia crippled by WWI and national chaos. This humanitarian aid was little more than a pretense for individuals connected to Wall Street to infiltrate Russian society. Their aim? Purchase media (newspapers, etc.) to influence public opinion and to find sources for investment. And they did so — shamelessly — much to the indignation of the few real, actual doctors who were in the Red Cross mission.

Wall Street greatly assisted the Bolshevik bid for power, as the Bolsheviks were a violent minority who gained power by coup d etat and were generally despised by the Russian majority.

Edited by gladioc, 27 June 2019 - 23:16.




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View PostMount_Yerrmom, on 27 iunie 2019 - 23:10, said:

ce trolleala muscaleasca obosita...

si off topic
pune mâna pe carte amice şi lasă propaganda...



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  • Înscris: 05.08.2015
debarcarea din normandia e subiectul

incidental putem vorbi de eliberarea europei de catre aliati si de colapsul celor doua totalitarisme, nemtesc si muscalesc

trolleala ta este neregulamentara din cel putin trei puncte de vedere: a. off topic si b. flooding si c. citate in limbi straine fara comentarii proprii

Edited by Mount_Yerrmom, 27 June 2019 - 23:46.



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  • Înscris: 19.06.2019
totalitarismul muscalesc n-a decazut atunci si inca  n-a decazut nici acum la 30 de ani dupa 1989....din pacate
Avand in vedere simpatizantii lui prezenti si activi pe topic care tin mizeria asta de ideologie in viata in cotidian si in politic.



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  • Înscris: 04.07.2019
Asta asa ca idee, daca nu erau americanii prin 1941 sa   sprijine, sa   echipeze  si  sa finanteze    ,   rusii si voi muscalii (carora ar trebui sa va fie rusine ca va autodeclarati "romani") ati fi vorbit acum nemteste si erati prin lagare la munca prin minele  de  gaze, la taiat copaci   si sapat prin  puturile petroliere sa aprovizionati Reich-ul .
Ca pana sa intre americanii in razboi, rusii pe care ii simpatizati mancau bataie la Leningrad, Stalingrad si la Moscova, mureau de foame si de frig.
Faptul ca au ajutat rusii in WW2  a fost poate singura si cea mai mare greseala strategica comisa de americani.


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