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Upgrade SEPA

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    Humble Homo Sapiens

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 11,668
  • Înscris: 11.09.2002
Dupa o discutie cu un coleg de forum despre Monese si Apple Pay, am ajuns la unele informatii de care nu stiam si care ne vor afecta in bine viata multora. Din decembrie 2019 urmeaza sa scapam de comisionul SEPA chiar si tarile care nu sunt in Zona Euro. In consecinta va fi posibil sa platim RON sau alte monede catre un IBAN EU fara comisioane nesimtite (transfer catre IBAN-ul extern Revolu,etc.). Long live E.U. !!

In April 2018, the Commission presented a proposal to extend the benefits introduced by regulation (EC) No 924/2009 to consumers and businesses in non-euro countries. Under this proposal, all people in the EU will be able to transfer money cross-border, in euro, at the same cost as they would pay for a domestic transaction. The new rules will also require that consumers are informed of the cost of a currency conversion before they make a payment abroad in a different currency than their home one.

On 14 February 2019 the European Parliament adopted the proposal.

The revised intra-EU cross-border payments regulation will extend as of 15/12/2019 the benefits of cheap intra-EU euro transfers currently enjoyed by euro area citizens and businesses to non-euro area residents and businesses.

Vezi si pdf-ul: https://ec.europa.eu...actsheet_en.pdf



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 05.12.2005
Era vreo 15 Euro comisionul minim, indiferent de suma transferată... măgarii dracului. Plăteai dublu amenda de radar.
Se mai stinge un motiv de "lăcomie"...

Edited by mihaicozac, 15 February 2019 - 22:35.




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 24.09.2006
Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu nu am vazut in toata ioropa asta comision pt transferuri inter/intrabancare.
Doar in tari din lumea a treia fac bancile mizerii dintr-astea.

Hai ca am gasit:


Rules on charges for cross-border payments in euro
The regulation (EC) No 924/2009 on charges for cross-border payments in euro was also adopted in the context of SEPA. It requires banks to apply the same charges for domestic and cross-border electronic payment transactions in euro.
It was later amended by the SEPA regulation, which further integrates the market for payment services in euro.
The principle of equal charges both for national and cross-border payments applies to all electronically processed payments in euro, including:
    credit transfers
    direct debits
    withdrawals at cash dispensers (ATMs)
    payments by debit and credit cards
    money remittance
Countries outside the euro area may also extend the application of this regulation to their national currency. Sweden and Romania have chosen this option.

De Suedia inteleg, e o tara bogata, dar Romania???



    Humble Homo Sapiens

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 11.09.2002
@Gumball3000...what? E vorba de comisioane intra-comunitare. Adica acum daca trimit lei dintr-o banca din RO , catre un cont in lei cu IBAN din UK, platesti de te usuci.

Edited by Catean, 15 February 2019 - 23:25.



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View PostCatean, on 15 februarie 2019 - 22:10, said:

Din decembrie 2019 urmeaza sa scapam de comisionul SEPA chiar si tarile care nu sunt in Zona Euro. In consecinta va fi posibil sa platim RON sau alte monede catre un IBAN EU fara comisioane nesimtite (transfer catre IBAN-ul extern Revolu,etc.). Long live E.U.

In April 2018, the Commission presented a proposal to extend the benefits introduced by regulation (EC) No 924/2009 to consumers and businesses in non-euro countries. Under this proposal, all people in the EU will be able to transfer money cross-border, in euro, at the same cost as they would pay for a domestic transaction. The new rules will also require that consumers are informed of the cost of a currency conversion before they make a payment abroad in a different currency than their home one.

On 14 February 2019 the European Parliament adopted the proposal.

The revised intra-EU cross-border payments regulation will extend as of 15/12/2019 the benefits of cheap intra-EU euro transfers currently enjoyed by euro area citizens and businesses to non-euro area residents and businesses.

Vezi si pdf-ul: https://ec.europa.eu...actsheet_en.pdf

View PostCatean, on 15 februarie 2019 - 22:10, said:

Dupa o discutie cu un coleg de forum despre Monese si Apple Pay, am ajuns la unele informatii de care nu stiam si care ne vor afecta in bine viata multora. Din decembrie 2019 urmeaza sa scapam de comisionul SEPA chiar si tarile care nu sunt in Zona Euro. In consecinta va fi posibil sa platim RON sau alte monede catre un IBAN EU fara comisioane nesimtite (transfer catre IBAN-ul extern Revolu,etc.). Long live E.U. !!

In April 2018, the Commission presented a proposal to extend the benefits introduced by regulation (EC) No 924/2009 to consumers and businesses in non-euro countries. Under this proposal, all people in the EU will be able to transfer money cross-border, in EURO, at the same cost as they would pay for a domestic transaction. The new rules will also require that consumers are informed of the cost of a currency conversion before they make a payment abroad in a different currency than their home one.

On 14 February 2019 the European Parliament adopted the proposal.

The revised intra-EU cross-border payments regulation will extend as of 15/12/2019 the benefits of cheap intra-EU euro transfers currently enjoyed by euro area citizens and businesses to non-euro area residents and businesses.

Vezi si pdf-ul: https://ec.europa.eu...actsheet_en.pdf

Directiva europeana vorbeste doar de platile in EURO pentru tarile din zona non-euro, iar tu vorbesti de transfer in RON sau alte valute pe teritoriul Uniunii. Din ce vad aici nu se va schimba nimic pentru transferurile in lei in banci din afara tarii, unde se vor percepe in continuare comisioane externe. Iar daca unele banci vor continua sa utilizeze SWiFT pentru transferurile externe si nu SEPA se vor mentine tarifele nesimtite.



    Humble Homo Sapiens

  • Grup: Senior Members
  • Posts: 11,668
  • Înscris: 11.09.2002
Da, ai dreptate.


Neurochirurgie minim invazivă Neurochirurgie minim invazivă

"Primum non nocere" este ideea ce a deschis drumul medicinei spre minim invaziv.

Avansul tehnologic extraordinar din ultimele decenii a permis dezvoltarea tuturor domeniilor medicinei. Microscopul operator, neuronavigația, tehnicile anestezice avansate permit intervenții chirurgicale tot mai precise, tot mai sigure. Neurochirurgia minim invazivă, sau prin "gaura cheii", oferă pacienților posibilitatea de a se opera cu riscuri minime, fie ele neurologice, infecțioase, medicale sau estetice.


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