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Cum poti naviga anonim pe internet?

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    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 14.09.2016
In afara de ati face in IP fake cred ca o alta metoda ar fi accesarea unui hot spot de la un mall,gara,restaurant in acest fel exista IP-ul mallului care e comun deci tu ramai practic neidentificat.Asa cred eu ca nu sunt de meserie.Ce zic specialistii?



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  • Înscris: 04.01.2019
anonim fata de cine ...fata de nevasta/ prietena ...anoonim fata de statul paralel....da si tu detalii



    Cont sters.

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  • Înscris: 05.07.2018
Folosesti TOR si un serviciu de E-mail de pe acolo, si obligatoriu si un VPN. Ai secrete importante de stat de transmis? Intru si eu sa-mi dai un E-mail daca este, promit ca nu spun la nimeni.

Edited by hwplanet, 17 January 2019 - 19:39.



    viața este o contradicție

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foloseste PDANet+ pe PC si terminalele Android sau Apple (daca merge), instaleaza pe dispozitivul mobil o aplicatie VPN, porneste-o, si pe PC ne vizitezi din alta tara...




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View PostKean, on 17 ianuarie 2019 - 19:32, said:

In afara de ati face in IP fake cred ca o alta metoda ar fi accesarea unui hot spot de la un mall,gara,restaurant in acest fel exista IP-ul mallului care e comun deci tu ramai practic neidentificat.Asa cred eu ca nu sunt de meserie.Ce zic specialistii?
Daca te conectezi la hotspoturi cu acelasi device, adresa MAC ramane in log-urile Acces Point-ului, daca bagi doar VPN si pastrezi acelasi browser, existe identificare pe baza de browser fingerprint/cookie.

Schimbat mac la fiecare conectare + browser TOR e singura solutie pe care o vad, insa multe site-uri s-ar putea sa nu functioneze corect din cauza dezactivarii Javascript si a faptului ca s-ar putea ca unele site-uri sa aiba restrictie pt o anumita regiune (iar tor aloca IP-uri din mai multe tari).

Edited by gumball3000, 17 January 2019 - 19:46.



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"In afara de a-ti face un IP fake", poti face ce-a scris hwplanet
Attached File  anonim.png   9.69K   119 downloads

Edited by myshyk, 17 January 2019 - 19:46.




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View Postmyshyk, on 17 ianuarie 2019 - 19:42, said:

"In afara de a-ti face un IP fake", poti face ce-a scris hwplanet
Attachment anonim.png
Well, good luck with that, dar asta nu te scapa de browser fingerprinting

Am testat cateva metode si eu unul nu am reusit sa evit identificare pe baza de B F, nici macar cu Brave Browser setat corespunzator nu am reusit.

Edited by gumball3000, 17 January 2019 - 19:49.



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  • Înscris: 25.12.2018
In primul rand sa folosesti un device anonim. Sa nu te loghezi pe conturi personale pe el.
Daca te-ai logat pe cont personal degeaba te conectezi tu la hotspoturi, ca google cum prinde conexiune raporteaza pe ce conexiune esti, unde esti, etc aici ma refer la Android in special.



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Valabil si in Romania?




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View Postcostl, on 17 ianuarie 2019 - 19:49, said:

In primul rand sa folosesti un device anonim. Sa nu te loghezi pe conturi personale pe el.
Daca te-ai logat pe cont personal degeaba te conectezi tu la hotspoturi, ca google cum prinde conexiune raporteaza pe ce conexiune esti, unde esti, etc aici ma refer la Android in special.
Asta clar, de google tot nu scapi, trimite date in prostie in background.
Ai insa la indemana aplicatii de firewall (root+Af Firewall), dai acces doar browserului pe care-l folosesti, nu am testat insa TOR pe android si nu stiu cum se descurca cu browser fingerprinting.

Edited by gumball3000, 17 January 2019 - 19:53.



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View Postcostl, on 17 ianuarie 2019 - 19:49, said:

In primul rand sa folosesti un device anonim. Sa nu te loghezi pe conturi personale pe el.
Daca te-ai logat pe cont personal degeaba te conectezi tu la hotspoturi, ca google cum prinde conexiune raporteaza pe ce conexiune esti, unde esti, etc aici ma refer la Android in special.

Deci practic sa ai o tableta noua fara sa ai salvat nimic pe el.Atunci cred ca merge cu hot spot.




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Mergi cu luminile stinse



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Depinde si ce nivel de anonimitate vrei si in ce scop.




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Nu poti.

Edited by Ihateeveryone, 17 January 2019 - 20:04.



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Ori ce ai face,urarea asta e valabila!

Attached Files




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Pt adresa MAC: https://play.google....ire.pryfi&hl=en


You are being watched...

Retailers, crooks, the government, and others shady individuals are tracking your movements. Even when your Wi-Fi is turned off, your phone may be broadcasting information to whomever is in range which can be used both to track repeated visits to as well as your exact movements in an area under surveillance.

It's not a big step to couple this to personal information - a retailer for example, could track your trip to the register and correlate with your payment information. Now the tracking hardware and software vendors, the store (or chain) owner, their business partners, they can now all track where you are every time you come into range of one of their systems, and fully profile who you are, what you do, your financials, and your daily patterns!

That is just one example, but there are many uses for tracking you. Make no mistake, this is happening in the real world today.


One solution is shutting off Wi-Fi completely (including the background network scanning, a setting most people don't know about), but you would lose benefits like automatically connecting to known Wi-Fi networks and improved location awareness for your apps. It also does nothing to help the situation for others.

Pry-Fi will prevent your device from announcing all the networks it knows to the outside world, but it will still allow background scanning and automatically connecting to Wi-Fi networks. While you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, the MAC address will constantly be pseudo-randomized, following a pattern that still makes the trackers think you are a real person, but they will not encounter your MAC address again. This will slowly poison their tracking database with useless information.

When you do connect to a Wi-Fi network, unless you specify otherwise, your MAC address will also be randomized - the same MAC address will not be used the next time you connect to this or any other network.


Though of course the companies involved with these trackers claim they wouldn't use the data maliciously, the possibility is there, and we all know that if something can be abused, ultimately it will be. There do not appear to be any laws against these practices yet, nor is it likely Wi-Fi will be redesigned any time soon to get rid of the information leaks.

But we can make an effort to reduce the usefulness of the tracking data for the exploiters. Pry-Fi comes with a War mode, which when enabled tries to make your Android device appear like dozens of people. Just wandering around an area under Wi-Fi location surveillance for a few minutes can ruin the tracking data for the period of your stay.

Proof of Concept

This is proof-of-concept code, and how for it will go in the future depends on interest and how well it works. It has been tested on several devices and seems to work, but it is very young still. The magic the app does to achieve its purpose is ever subject to changing Android security policies and OEM customizations, so even though it works now, there really is no saying if it will still be possible in future firmwares.

Of course you should also keep in mind that tracking can be done in many ways, and these W-Fi signals are far from the only method in use.


Further details, device compatibility information, FAQ, discussion, etc is all available on XDA-Developers.com here:


Edited by gumball3000, 17 January 2019 - 19:57.



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VPN-urile, cel putin astea de le gasesti de cumparat pe net numai anonime nu sunt  Posted Image
gandeste logic: ce garantie ai ca ala care iti ofera VPN-ul nu te da in gat? absolut nici una.

Tor e bun, dar problema e ca exiturile sunt publice si oricine te poate bloca.
plus ca nici acolo nu ai garantia ca nu nimeresti un exit node pus la dispozitie de secu`.. dar macar ai avantajul ca exitul vede doar traficul, nu si originea... asta daca nu ii nimeresti si pe restul lantului tot pe ei :)

daca vrei anonimitate la modul serios trebuie sa inveti la greu programare, cum functioneaza retelele samd.
dupa ce le stapanesti, poti incepe sa compromiti alte sisteme si instala propriile aplicatii acolo cu care le controlezi, sa rutezi traficul tau prin ele etc.
daca o faci dintr-un loc public, iti trebuie ceva machiaj ca e pin de camere peste tot



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View PostKean, on 17 ianuarie 2019 - 19:32, said:

In afara de ati face in IP fake cred ca o alta metoda ar fi accesarea unui hot spot de la un mall,gara,restaurant in acest fel exista IP-ul mallului care e comun deci tu ramai practic neidentificat.

Total anonim poti fi cu cartela noua plus telefon nou.Asta doar daca excludem triangulatia.

Dar ce vrei sa faci?Caci din Ro au fost cumparate cartelele cand au fost atentatele de la francezi.

Edited by ionutz_joe2009, 17 January 2019 - 19:59.


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