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[ https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/323190/extras/FP_frost.jpg?t=1524740661 - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/qqEpSOFDXGA?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Ma fascineaza... Nu stiam de ce a ajuns ceva bestseller pe IG.
Un joc in care singura forta ostila e natura. Un joc despre supravietuire.



The Verdict
Even though the bleakness is palpable, Frostpunk is a captivating experience. The gameplay is unique and varied, using the best aspects of city-building and survival games, with a little exploration mixed in. The story is engrossing and can go in a variety of ways based on the choices you make. All of this is relayed through outstanding aesthetics and graphical design that make staring at a frozen wasteland more appealing than you’d expect. Most original, though, are the ethical quandaries that Frostpunk raises, forcing you to balance the needs of individual and survival of the city without sacrificing your humanity.

https://store.steamp...3190/Frostpunk/ - 30 EUR (sau 24 pe IG)

[ https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/323190/extras/FP_footer_2.jpg?t=1524740661 - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

“Frostpunk is a tense, gripping, and often stressful survival strategy game filled with difficult, sometimes unthinkable choices. It's tough to play but even tougher to stop.”
89/100 – PC GAMER
“In a steampunk ice age, the only thing that can be crueler than the bitter cold are the decisions you have to make to keep your people alive.”
9/10 – IGN
“Frostpunk is among the best overall takes on the survival city builder to date. Its theming and consistency create a powerful narrative through line that binds your actions around the struggle to hold onto humanity in uncertain times. Hope is a qualified good, but you may not always be strong enough (or clever enough) to shelter that flame from the cold.”
9/10 – GameSpot

About this game:

Edited by Lex404, 27 April 2018 - 09:46.



    Guru Member

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Imi place.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 19.04.2009
Si mie, poate saptamana viitoare. Daca imi mut steamul aici e 10 EUR Posted Image
Cica ar mai trebui optimizat, insa povestea si gameplayul sunt laudate peste tot.

L-am luat cu 10 EUR, mi-am mutat Steamul in PH, mi-am trimis singur prin WU online 650 PHP (taxa 2E) pe un mastercard prepaid (pe care l-am luat in 2 minute si-l folosesc la Spotify cu 2 EUR/ luna)

Abia astept ziua de maine Posted Image Trebuie sa mai verific preturi, sa-mi fac cumparaturile inainte sa plec Posted Image (PUBG 12E, luna viitoare)

Eu nu am mai fost asa fascinat de aparitia unui joc de ani de zile. Satul de titluri AAA ajunse pe la a 7-a editie, satul de inamici bipezi si altele... Uitati un joc in care natura si frigul sunt singurii inamici, in care deciziile conteaza. De asta l-am luat, si de asta am facut topicul. De obicei merg cu turma, dar jocul asta pare intradevar fascinant ca si concept/ gameplay. Vedem maine seara Posted Image

Edited by Lex404, 27 April 2018 - 09:50.



    Targu Mures

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View PostLex404, on 27 aprilie 2018 - 08:49, said:

L-am luat cu 10 EUR, mi-am mutat Steamul in PH,..

Te-ai mutat de la Cluj in Prahova?



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Mai curand FilipinePosted Image  (philippines)

Edited by baribalu, 27 April 2018 - 10:25.



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  • Înscris: 19.04.2009
Da, Filipine.
Am verificat, nu sunt multe mai ieftine. Doar de la studiouri mici-medii, restul sunt mai scumpe decât pe IG de exemplu.

Abia mâine seara reușesc, depinde și cât o sa dureze descurcatul. Poate rog pe cineva sa descarce noaptea asta de pe Steam și sa transfer mâine backupul, salvez timp :lol: văd dacă pot.



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Mersi, chiar nu știam de el. Pare interesant!



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  • Înscris: 19.04.2009
Jocul ii fain, dar ii destul de greu. Si daca ai facut o decizie necioplita la un moment dat, lucrurile merg si mai prost (desi decizia pare ca ar fi fost buna).
Primele 15 zile sunt cruciale. Musai inceput sa faceti expeditiile cat mai repede. Nu dau spoilere, dar o sa ajute foarte mult.

Attached File  Frostpunk Screenshot 2018.04.29 -   4.42MB   30 downloads

Attached File  Frostpunk Screenshot 2018.04.29 -   3.65MB   27 downloads

Si ceva dragut:



Hello, Citizens!
Frostpunk's release was a HUGE thing for us, as you may imagine. It is our biggest and most complex game to date - and thanks to your amazing support - it may be our biggest success as well! The feedback we've received from you, from gaming press and influencers - has been truly amazing (and very useful!). We can't thank you enough - you are absolutely awesome!
We are receiving a lot of questions, too - about the game and our post-release development plans. We will try to answer some of them right now - so you are up to date with our agenda.
1. I've already finished the game! Do you plan to add more content?
It's a great question! And the simplest answer is: YES, we do plan to add more content. More complicated answer is: we have A LOT of ideas ourselves and we also listen to our community (that's you!). We plan to polish some rough edges of the original game - you're reporting some issues with difficulty balance, with minor bugs and such. We want to fix that! We also plan to add more modes and scenarios to the game. What are they going to be exactly? It's too early to announce - but you should be excited. And yes - a sandbox/endless mode is on our mind as well. Frostpunk is going to grow - all you have to do right now is to wait a little bit. We do plan to release a roadmap for our development plans as soon as we're ready. Stay tuned!

Daca ajungeti sa treceti de 20 de zile in prima campanie, se deblocheaza urmatoarea.
Faptul ca vor sa bage mai mult content ii o veste buna. Incercam sa imi imaginez cum ar fi asta online, cu mai multe orase inghetate, ajutat intre, etc :)

Edited by Lex404, 29 April 2018 - 17:42.




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Extinction is not an option.



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Frostpunk e gratuit pe Epic Games Store pana cel tarziu joi 10 iunie la ora 16.



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  • Înscris: 09.03.2019
In urma posturilor de aici l-am jucat si eu... in sfarsit un joc nou original ca idee... in plus mai apreciez ca nu este ingradit de idei nerealiste gen "corectitudine politica", are o coloana sonora in ton cu jocul... iar deciziile pe care le iei (bune/rele) te pot afecta ulterior :)


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