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Trotinete electrice, E-TWOW, Xiaomi Mijia etc

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Interesant ar fi de stiut cum este reglementat acest aspect in alte tari din spatiul european. aveti idee?



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View PostFronT, on 11 octombrie 2017 - 14:43, said:

Interesant ar fi de stiut cum este reglementat acest aspect in alte tari din spatiul european. aveti idee?
Asta am gasit la un search scurt. In unele tari/state nici nu ai voie cu asa ceva pe strazi.
EU - http://www.bike-eu.c...-part-1-1018836
UK - https://www.bikesure...nd-the-law.html
UK2 - https://www.gov.uk/electric-bike-rules
Si USA - https://electricscoo...s.com/laws.html - aici e pe fiecare stat in parte

Edited by Vlad00s3, 11 October 2017 - 15:12.



    - Magister Ludi -

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  • Înscris: 21.03.2013
Cu exceptia ultimului link vad ca se face referire exclusiv la bicicleta electrica si scuter sau moped.
Chiar si la ultimul link nu imi este clar daca este vorba de trotineta electrica sau de scuterul electric, ambele fiind denumite, de regula, prin sintagma generala de "electric scooter". In scopul evitarii confuziei pentru trotineta electrica se utilizeaza denumirea de "electric kick scooter" (kick scooter = trotineta).
Confuzii se pot face usor si denumirile pot sa varieze, ca in acest exemplu: https://www.quora.co...-Vienna-Austria

In cele mai multe cazuri legislatia nu este prea clara cu privire la utilizarea trotinetelor electrice pe drumurile publice, nici in Europa si nici pe alte continete.
Deoarece in prezent circula tot mai multe trotinete electrice pe drumurile publice, piste pentru biciclisti, acostament etc. este de asteptat sa fie actualizata si legislatia.
Pana atunci, daca circulati pe drumurile publice cu o viteza de siguranta, fara a stanjeni circulatia altor vehicule (mai mult decat o bicicleta, decat un vehicul tras sau impins cu bratele etc.), fara a pune in pericol viata si sanatatea altor participanti la trafic sau a bunurilor lor ori propria viata si sanatate (eventual, purtand si un echipament de protectie), folosind semnalizarea la schimbarea directiei s.a.m.d. si asigurand vizibilitatea vehicului pe timp de noapte prin lumini, elemente reflectorizante etc., cam greu ar fi sa va sanctioneze un agent de circulatie, tocmai din cauza ca legislatia nu este clara cu privire la utilizarea trotinetelor electrice si se poate dovedi usor ca la data redactarii prevederilor legale cu privire la vehiculele care pot circula sau nu pot circula pe drumurile publice si la conditiile pe care trebuie sa le indeplineasca vehiculul si conducatorul lui pentru a circula pe drumul public nu au fost avute in vedere trotinetele electrice, ci alte tipuri de vehicule (cu care doar se aseamana sau nu, pur intamplator, fara a se putea incadra intr-o categorie deja existenta). Sau, mai bine spus, nu se poate face dovada ca legiuitorul a avut in vedere si trotinetele electrice, atunci cand au fost redactate clasificari ale vehiculelor si norme cu privire la drepturile si obligatiile conducatorilor lor. Singura problema ar fi ca daca un agent de circulatie (care nu este si jurist) abuzeaza de prevederile legale, interpretandu-le eronat si emite o amenda, atunci singura cale pentru anularea amenzii este in instanta, motivand ilegalitatea aplicarii ei.
(Eu nu sunt jurist, ci doar am discutat cu un jurist pe aceasta tema si am reprodus in linii mari ce mi-a transmis. Mentionez ca alti juristi pe care i-am consultat nu impartasesc in totalitate aceasta opinie, de unde rezulta ca situatia ramane neclara si chiar acesta neclaritate va ofera o "cale libera").



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Pana la urma unde ar fi ilegal sa mergi cu ea, pe trotuar sau pe sosea?



    - Magister Ludi -

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  • Înscris: 21.03.2013
Nicaieri. Posted Image
In masura in care este asociata trotinetei impinse cu piciorul (ca vehicul pentru pietoni) o poti utiliza in orice loc unde se poate utiliza o trotineta obisnuita.
Ilegal este in primul rand sa circuli in asa fel incat sa pui in pericol viata, sanatatea sau bunurile altora (de exemplu, sa circuli cu o viteza prea mare). In ceea ce priveste utilizarea anumitor vehicule pentru pietoni, vehicule pentru persoane cu dizabilitati s.a.m.d. (de exemplu, pe trotuare) gasisem intr-un articol scris in limba engleza ca trebuie respectata o limita de viteza de cel mult 8 Km/h (adica o viteza la care abia iti poti mentine propriul echilibru pe o trotineta). Sper sa nu treaca cuiva prin cap sa impuna si la noi asemenea limite de viteza sau, mai rau, sa interzica circulatia trotinetelor pe trotuare. In ceea ce priveste circulatia trotinetelor electrice pe sosea nu stiu ce sa iti raspund. Depinde daca se forteaza aplicarea legislatiei actuale (care aparent ar interzice) sau nu (dat fiind ca legislatia nu se refera in mod explicit la trotinete electrice). Raspunsurile vor deveni clare abia dupa modificarea legislatiei in conformitate. Probabil ca se asteapta si evolutia situatiei. Daca niste idioti se vor apuca sa circule cu 30 de Km/h pe trotuare cu trotineta electrica si vor accidenta pietonii sau vor produce accidente rutiere cand circula pe sosea, atunci nu m-ar mira sa ajunga permise doar pe terenuri private, cu acordul proprietarului...




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View Post_-_, on 17 octombrie 2017 - 08:43, said:

Raspunsurile vor deveni clare abia dupa modificarea legislatiei in conformitate. Probabil ca se asteapta si evolutia situatiei. Daca niste idioti se vor apuca sa circule cu 30 de Km/h pe trotuare cu trotineta electrica si vor accidenta pietonii sau vor produce accidente rutiere cand circula pe sosea, atunci nu m-ar mira sa ajunga permise doar pe terenuri private, cu acordul proprietarului...

Nu cred ca e un inbold suficient pentru a fi interzise.

Daca se vor observa scaderi masive de taxe la benzina, respectiv bilete si abonamente de transport in comun, atunci ne putem astepta la masuri asemanatoare interdictiei debransarii de la radet.




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Trotinetele electrice se vand pentru ca "se permite" sa iesi cu ele pe strada, trotuar, catre serviciu, acasa etc etc. Daca se va pune restrictie sa iesi doar in parc, atunci cred ca vanzarile or sa scada destul de mult. Doar saptamana trecuta am intalnit 6-7 de "trotinisti" pe cararile capitalei, toti cu aceeasi marca din pacate. Spun "din pacate" pentru ca nu am avut ocazia sa mai testez si eu altceva :D



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Ati luat careva de pe gearbest cu "FREE SHIPPING to Romania Via Priority Line"? Chiar iti vine la usa si nu mai trebuiesc platite alte taxe?
Si am inteles ca e recomandat PayPal... ar rezolva mai rapid incidentele.

Eu "pandesc" o Xiaomi Mijia :)



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Gearbest, Tomtop, Banggood, sunt ok.
Recomand paypal pt o mai mare siguranta.
Spor la cumparaturi  :)



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View Postshutzu, on 07 septembrie 2017 - 09:07, said:

Tocmai de'aia intreb pe cineva din Cluj. If you ask me.. Frunzisului nu`i o panta foarte abrupta.. dar nici foarte lina. Iar mie fix pentru aia imi trebuie, urcat/coborat respectiva strada de vreo 3km

La intrebarea mea as mai adauga si: 1.83 cm, 63kg

Joyor iti urca fara probleme panta aceia, am urcat eu cu ea peste tot nicio problema, inainte am avut un Etwow si era fix pix nu puteam urca orice, plus Joyor are bateria de 3 ori ca si capacitate de curent si dubla ca si autonomie. Daca iei Joyor nu vei regreta si nu o sa vrei alta trotineta ca e cea mai ok de pe piata, eu am testat o groaza si cand m-am urcat pe asta m-a lasat masca.




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  • Înscris: 01.03.2017
Ce parere aveti de jucaria asta , o are cineva ? Pare buna ..




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View PostBaxon, on 29 octombrie 2017 - 09:47, said:

Ce parere aveti de jucaria asta , o are cineva ? Pare buna ..
Trebuie sa te gandesti si la cele 19kg care le are.



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Lasa ca e mai grea si nu o tii pe umar usor dar mai buna, pai 500W este un minim necesar... va amintesc ca sunt hoverboard-uri de 700W cu 6.5" Posted Image Puterea necesara trebuei calculata, eu cred ca la trotinete orice e sub 500-700W sunt pentru copii.

Autonomia e relativa dar ce conteaza in special este puterea, pentru ca una de putere mai mare merge mai bine, accelereaza mai calumea dar are si autonomie mai mare daca mergi linistit cu ea. De regula capacitatea bateriei este calculata impreuna cu puterea. Mai conteaza si tehnologia trenului de rulare, in special a motorului, daca este cu multi poli direct drive sau daca este clasic dar cu reductor etc...

Edited by andreic, 29 October 2017 - 10:52.



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View PostBaxon, on 29 octombrie 2017 - 09:47, said:

Ce parere aveti de jucaria asta , o are cineva ? Pare buna ..

Eu am mezina familiei Joyor F5S aceiasi configuratie ca celelalte doar ca are o mica suspensie pe fata si pe spate nu are suspensie si are roata plina.
Daca vrei sa testezi si esti in zona Dr.Taberei sector 6 ma poti contacta si cu mare drag iti mai explic ce mai stiu si eu despre ele, ca si eu am cautat toata vara pana am ajuns sa cumpar ca am luat doua pentru ca vreau sa le dau la inchiriat.

Ca sa verifici ce capacitate are o baterie si te poti baza pe bateria aceea faci in felul urmator, ce voltaj are 48V de exemplu astea X ori amperii pe care ii are 13ah modelele astea si rezulta 48V x 13AH = 624W deci cea mai mare de pe piata din cate am vazut eu la pretul asta. doar Kult 77 are 26ahX48V =1248W deci dublu.

Etwow booster S2 top de gama are 33V x 6.5Ah =214.5W cu un consum declarat de 7.5Wh deci 214.5W impartit la 7.5Wh declarat ai 28.6 km autonomie in conditii ideale.
Matematica e singura stinta exacta deci astea sunt calculele matematice care iti spun exact ce cumperi, restul sunt cancan cu renerativa si etc, oricum daca testezi ce gasesti pe piata singur ajungi la concluzia cea mai buna pentru tine. Nu exista trotinete proaste sau bune, mie imi plac modelele de pe piata si unele sunt in raport real cu calitate/pret.

Eu am mers cu junioarele mele pana la epuizare si am facut 47 km mi se pare decent tinant cont ca atunci cand aveam etwow am ramas cu ea in drum si am dat 4 km la picior sa ajung acasa.

Mie mi se par fara sa exagerez cele mai bune si mai corecte.




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View Postandreic, on 29 octombrie 2017 - 10:50, said:

Lasa ca e mai grea si nu o tii pe umar usor dar mai buna, pai 500W este un minim necesar... va amintesc ca sunt hoverboard-uri de 700W cu 6.5" Posted Image Puterea necesara trebuei calculata, eu cred ca la trotinete orice e sub 500-700W sunt pentru copii.

Autonomia e relativa dar ce conteaza in special este puterea, pentru ca una de putere mai mare merge mai bine, accelereaza mai calumea dar are si autonomie mai mare daca mergi linistit cu ea. De regula capacitatea bateriei este calculata impreuna cu puterea. Mai conteaza si tehnologia trenului de rulare, in special a motorului, daca este cu multi poli direct drive sau daca este clasic dar cu reductor etc...
Dintre toate trotinetele testate, etwow booster cu 500w le intrece pe toate cand vine vorba de viteza.
Poti sa ai si motor de 300W si sa fie ok. Ex: inokim light super

Capacitatea bateriei:  Litiu – Ion: 36V/10.4Ah
Distanta parcurgere max.: 25-30 km
Putere motor: 300W / 36V
Roti pneumatice cu d = 8.5”
Timp de incarcare: 5 ore

27KM tine, testata. Doar ca astepti 3-4 ore pana se incarca.
La etwow booster astepti mai putin de 2 ore si e mult mai usoara.
La fel de buna este si xiaomi mijia scooter, doar ca am vazut ca au viteza destul de mica.



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View Postadiatric, on 29 octombrie 2017 - 13:48, said:

Dintre toate trotinetele testate, etwow booster cu 500w le intrece pe toate cand vine vorba de viteza.
Poti sa ai si motor de 300W si sa fie ok. Ex: inokim light super

Capacitatea bateriei:  Litiu – Ion: 36V/10.4Ah
Distanta parcurgere max.: 25-30 km
Putere motor: 300W / 36V
Roti pneumatice cu d = 8.5”
Timp de incarcare: 5 ore

27KM tine, testata. Doar ca astepti 3-4 ore pana se incarca.
La etwow booster astepti mai putin de 2 ore si e mult mai usoara.
La fel de buna este si xiaomi mijia scooter, doar ca am vazut ca au viteza destul de mica.
pe mine nu m-a intrecut niciun etwow :)) pana acum si nicio alta trotineta :)) doar un Hoverboard de 3000W asa ca eu nu cred in povesti :)) daca ai o trotineta si vrei sa le comparam cu mare drag te invit la intalnire sa mai invatam unii de la altii.




  • Grup: Banned
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  • Înscris: 08.10.2015
Nu folosesc trotinete pe care nu le pot cara.
Dar daca poti veni la cluj , putem incerca un deal :) ca sunt piste de biciclisti, nu ca in bucuresti

Edited by adiatric, 29 October 2017 - 14:18.



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Pentru cei ce au xiaomi mijia m365 sau m187 daca sunt interesați să instaleze coustom fw pe ea sa arunce un ochi aici http://electrotransp...p?topic=51146.0
Practic trotineta are un motor de 500w putere nominală 1000w maxima dar este limitată electronic si de baterie.Partea nasoală e ca trebuie sa trimiteți mainboard ul trotinetei in russia toată treaba costa cam 25 de euro și plata se face prin paypal.
40. FERRY-M365MAX - new firmware.
1. Presentation, functions.
2. FAQ - questions, explanations.
3. Official statement of guarantee.

1. Presentation of firmware from FERRY:
Many owners of the scooter are very satisfied with their "pet", but perhaps there is not one who does not want to improve it in it.

Finally, it's time to improve the software.

You all probably heard that the work in this direction began a long time ago and all this time we spent tirelessly defending microcontrollers, disassembled many kilobytes of specific code, and understood the logic of the programs. You may think that the modifications made are simple and not essential, but remember that it took us more than two months of painstaking work and this is exactly what you asked for and wanted to get in this scooter.

And so, the modifications:

a) Of course the malicious restriction of the speed of the scooter! Yes, we removed the limit of 25 km/h.... but, unfortunately at this point, everything is not so rosy... the maximum speed with which the scooter can now go is no longer limited programmatically, but there is still a limitation related to the physics of the electric motor. Unfortunately, the theoretical speed of rotation of the wheel m365 is limited by the voltage of the installed battery. With a regular battery 10S installed in the scooter, faster ~ 32km/h. the wheel can not spin, and this is without load. The real values ​​are the same, that if you weigh ~ 60kg, you have well-inflated wheels and the road is covered with smooth asphalt, you accelerate to ~ 30km/h. With a weight of 80kg, the maximum speed will be ~ 27km/h.... You say: I want to go faster! Ok, move on to the next item.

B) You can now connect 12S batteries to the state controller of the scooter and go faster... and accelerate faster! With the increase in the number of elements in the battery chain, its voltage also increases. Now this is a maximum of 50 volts when fully charged, which will give you about 15% of the speed increase and about 10% increase in power.... And what is so little, the reader will say? And the truth, why not add more power !!

c) Increase the power of the scooter almost 2 times !!! Yes Yes!!! We can almost double the power by software. Now we have almost 500Watt of constant power. Of course, the battery with this recoil, is consumed faster, but believe me, it's worth it! You can go faster, more maneuverable and safer! This modification is available both for use with a standard battery and for version 12S. The power mod gives also a speed increase, although not very large, but still nice.... Well, well, what else?

d) And we have learned to save electricity! Now, when releasing the throttle trigger to the zero position, the scooter does not brake, and it goes rolling! The gas control algorithm is now slightly different from the regular one. Dispersal and motion with the use of the motor works as before. You set the trigger of the gas with the speed at which you want to move, but if you reach the required speed, sharply release the gas to zero position, the scooter will not brake with recuperation, but will continue to roll without giving resistance. The recuperative brake from the brake lever continues to function as before, and you can safely move out of any slides.

e) Start of movement from the place (Zero start).

At the beginning of the work, this seemed not to be achievable, but after two months it was a trifle. Many in our favorite scooter, irritated a very tangible push forward, to start the movement. According to our estimates, it was necessary to accelerate the scooter to a speed of about 5 km/h. With our new firmware, you can start moving almost from the spot. You just need to push the scooter a little bit forward so that he understands the direction of the movement. The initial speed is less than 0.5 km/h.

That's all for now, but the work continues. Scooter has even a decent potential for modification and improvement!
Adapted to life by White Eagle. Stay Tuned!

2. FAQ - questions, explanations.
 1) Q: How many firmware by quantity?
Formally - the firmware is one for the scooter m365. The basis is taken version 1.3.0. If necessary, try the same thing for m187.

2) Q: Is it possible to roll back to the factory firmware?
Yes, it is possible, in several different ways.

3) Q: What if the scooter is under warranty?
Pray... that it can be repaired by guarantee... or simply untie your own hands and begin to modify it. In any case, if your serial is less than 35.000 and you upgraded the firmware to MAX, then you need to modify your BMS. Either BEFORE or AFTER.

4) Q: What are you giving guarantees for electronics?

It is very difficult to give any guarantees for electronics, which we did not develop and did not produce. Everyone knows that our scooters tend to pretend to be brick. Our firmware can not fix this. We can only give a recommendation: If you are interested in the power of the scooter on a regular battery, it is very desirable to make some refinement of the BMS board. This will increase the probability of its failure-free operation at increased loads. Although, to be honest, I'm driving a modified firmware without changing the electronics for almost a month and I have everything ok.

5) Q: Is it possible to select different functions in the firmware and how many of them are there as a result.
Yes, it is possible. 4 options are available, the fifth option is to remove the speed limit, it will be included in all variants. The cost will not depend on the number and combination of options.

6) Q: What devices are needed to connect a 50V battery?

 You need a modified firmware, the battery itself with a balanced BMS rated for currents of up to 30A and a BatteryGood/FERRY BMS module.

7) Q: Which brake will result, antiphase or recuperative?
Purely recuperative

 Q: The price at retail ??
1500 rubles of the Russian Federation.

9) Q: What will the application show?
The same as it shows on the stock firmware... The application does not distinguish the modified firmware from the native firmware, at least for now.

10) Q: What is the name of the firmware and what are they different, if there are several.
The firmware has one code name M365Max, nothing else yet. I wrote about the options above.

11) What happens when switching to ECO mode?
In the ECO mode, the power level of the scooter is reduced to the nominal firmware output (~ 250/500 watts constant/peak)
12) What changes are made in scooter electronics?
Look at the serial number of the scooter (label pasted on the deck on the side or in the appendix). If the second number in the serial number (it looks like XXXXX/YYYYYYY) is more than 35000 - you are lucky! No change is required.
Custom firmware will work the same as the factory firmware.
For serial numbers less than 35,000, a fuse must be replaced with another with a large operating current. If this is not done, the failure of the scooter is almost guaranteed. Not infrequently this happens even on the factory firmware.
13) How can I flash my scooter?
At the moment, there is a technical opportunity to flash a scooter in three ways:

1. Without disassembling the scooter, via Bluetooth
2. By connecting to the controller of the scooter through the standard connectors
3. Using a special programmer for the controller CPU.

Each of these methods can be applied to the scooter, depending on the results that other methods have given.

The firmware on the bluetooth channel, although it is the most convenient, periodically passes through a failure, due to the peculiarities of the protocol implementation in the scooter itself. In this case, physical access to the controller can not be avoided.

14). How can I update the firmware if I'm not from Moscow or not at all in Russia?
Attention all who need the firmware! If your serial number is more than 35.000, you need to remove the controller from the scooter deck and send it to the address: Russia, company carrier CODE (and only SDEK), city Solntsevo, office SDEK SLN1, ul Glavmosstroy house 7. Recipient - IP Bondareva. Recipient's phone 89258452004

Attention to all, who needs the new 365MAX firmware! If your serial number is more than 35.000, you need to take the controller from the deck of the scooter and to send it to the address: Russia, company carrier of "SDEK" (only SDEK), city of Solntsevo, SDEK office code - SLN1 , street Glavmosstroya, house 7. The recipient - IP Bondareva. tel: 89258452004

White Eagle
Stay Tuned!

FERRY's official statement of guarantee:
Dear friends! I have some explanations for our new firmware MI365MAX, which we prepared for Xiaomi.
The scooter, which we are discussing and to which our new firmware will be applied, comes from the factory with a large percentage of the marriage. The electronics of this scooter are weak.

We are neither the developers of electronic circuits of this scooter by its manufacturer. And in spite of the fact that in principle many skates roll without breakdowns, we still can not be responsible for someone else's work, which is carried out within the framework of a strong economy of means, than we, consumers, unfortunately pay a large number of both warranty and paid repairs.
We came to the conclusion that in the event of a malfunction, we can not adequately identify the reasons for the failure of the scooter because of our firmware or not, since the cases of the scooter failures were in very different and interesting situations, I want to emphasize this especially! there was a magic coincidence?. For example, got out of the car - did not turn on... Brought home-did not turn on... passed the cat past - did not turn on.... someone had a baby - and he stopped turning on.
Or here - just received a message in the vatsap from the number 915-xxx-65-61:
"Good evening, I took you a reed tongue today, I practically put it, but not one more, now the scooter is not charging, the battery flashes 4 times red and everything. I tried to press the contacts, it does not help." Could be from the vibration (when driving the pin) that what will happen and how can I do now? " end of the quote message (author confirm ))
We heard a lot of similar stories and people very often believed in the Magic of coincidences.

And after the autopsy, it was found out that by that time he had just broken down, and everything else was just a coincidence, perhaps an easy blow to the ground or another concussion. This is not in vain invented:
Therefore, we can not take responsibility for the ridiculous and unreasoned work of Xiaomi engineers. We officially declare that all modifications and firmware will be carried out without our official warranty support - that is, we will not give a guarantee! (Done, checked, it works... great!)

Due to the lack of warranty support, we can minimize the price of the firmware.
As for modification of the required power and battery voltage, we will spend for additional money the replacement of mosfets and other electronics, put FERRY-R, which will allow the scooter not to fail in a fast and ridiculous manner.
But even in the case of this modification, to increase the power and speed, we will not give any guarantees because the standard electronics is used.
In the case when we do 60 Volt versions, we put all our electronics completely - that's the version with a standard warranty of 1 year and 6 months per battery.
In connection with the above, to collect more statistics, we invite new test participants with their scooters to test the installation of new firmware.
And a little bit about the battery, once there was a speech about the malfunction. The battery in the scooter vibrates and sags. It is already proved. Stockholders of cells do not cope with the weight of the elements. As a result, the battery still sags, vibrates and beats the center about the scooter. Deflection in the region of 0.5-0.9 mm. By simply laying soft material, this can not be cured - this amount of travel will only squeeze the material even further. Here you need a hard "stiffener" on which the battery will lie. But what would it not be beat about this rib - here and it is necessary to do precompression with soft material. Such a decision is justified. Why?
When the contact is welded (detached), at this point, the contact pin is held by the film - the heat shrinkage, into which the battery is wrapped. As a result of poor contact, this place is heated and resistance increases. As a result of this, the cell in this place works on high currents, beyond the limits for it. As a result, the cell dies.
This we have already checked on the cells that we have made out of the battery that traveled with the fallen contact.
They loaded them with currents - they do not hold it. Cells were dying. As a result, even if you soldered the contacts - the capacity of your battery is no longer 7.800...

LIST and White Eagle

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Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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