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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
VirtualDub & VirtualDubMod

In afara de ultima varanta originala pe care o gasiti AICI, puteti gasi si varianta pentru formatul asf la pagina de download. Tot acolo mai gasiti 2 variante pentru mpeg2 (sau aici: VirtualDub mpeg2) si sunet VBR, dar pentru acestea si chiar un inlocuitor pentru VirtualDub recomand VirtualDubMod.

VirtualDubMod Download.
Update. Dupa ce instalati VirtualDubMod aplicati acest ultim update.

Pentru cine doreste sa foloseasca lame in locul fraunhoffer:
Download lame. Extract it, go into the ACM folder. Right click LameACM.inf and click install. You should see lame in VDub now.

Pentru diferite transformari audio (wav, ac3, mp3, mp2, ogg, etc) folositi

Huffyuv v2.2.0 un codec pentru captura sau diferite conversii fara pierderi de calitate.
Varianta noua pentru cei care il folosesc in cazul capturilor si nu numai.


* Added "Reduced resolution". This will save your file in HALF the orginal resolution, and upscale the video on the fly. Lossy, but very fast!
* HuffYUV is now storing interlaced mode in the AVI-file. Now interlaced files are properly decoded!
* Added MMX optimized YUV -> RGB conversion routines.
* HuffYUV will now suggest to store RGB32 (RGB with alpha), even if it is disabled. Alpha information will however be removed when on.
* HuffYUV should now support all resolutions flawlessly. Do however not that it is not recommended to use a resolution that isn't divideable by 8, when using Reduced Resolution, and YUY2 naturally must med divideable by 2.

In cazul capturii, setati la Huffyuv: YUY2 Compression Method > Predict left (fastest).

Mtz Codec Pack

Pentru a nu fi nevoiti sa instalati tot felul de codec pack-uri de dimensiuni mari si care va pot crea conflicte, ceea ce veti gasi in atasament este indeajuns pentru a urmari filmele pe care le aveti. Contine si un ReadMe.


Attached Files



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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
1. Vidc. Cleaner
Daca se intampla sa aveti codecuri instalate dar in momentul in care incercati sa faceti codarea acestea nu apar in VirtualDub sau VirtualDubMod, descarcati atasamentul si rulati executabilul.
Apasati Ok si va va apare o lista cu toate codecurile din sistem. In finalul listei veti vedea si care anume era(au) gol(goale) si mesajul Fixed ca in imagine:

[ http://www.imageshack.us/files1/Vidc0.png - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

La o noua apasare pe ok nu va mai apare nici o valoare eronata:

[ http://www.imageshack.us/files2/Vidc.png - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Poate fi de ajutor si in cazul in care ati instalat tot felul de codeck pack-uri si aveti erori, dar eu nu l-am putut testa in acest caz pentru ca nu am asemenea pack-uri instalate. Nu va faceti probleme pentru acelea "Not Read.

Incepand cu XviD 1.0.0 din data de 17.05.2004, acest utilitar vine o data cu codecul XviD. Il gasiti in Start > Programs > XviD.

2. VCSwap
Un utilitar care va arata codecurile si decoderele instalate in sistem si pe care il puteti gasi aici.
Features :

- Hot Swapping Video Codecs
- Scan Codecs for additional FOURCC's
- Enabling and Disabling installed Codecs on the fly
- Showing of Installed DirectShow filters

3. Lame & Nimo problem:

I've been receiving a lot of crash reports of the following form:

An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'lameACM'...
...while enumerating formats for audio codec "LAME MP3 Codec v0.9.0 - 3.93 (stable)" (acompchoose.cpp:188)...
...while enumerating audio codec ID 00148028 (acompchoose.cpp:183).

It appears that the version of the LAME ACM codec that is distributed in the Nimo codec pack is broken in some way and crashes during codec enumeration, at least under Windows XP. I can reproduce this with Microsoft AVIEdit (a Platform SDK sample application) as well as Windows Sound Recorder (sndrec32.exe). In other words, this codec appears to destabilize the Windows XP audio codec system, and should not be installed. I do not know whether the problem lies in the codec itself, or in the particular build that was compiled -- LAME is distributed in source code form only and as such the ACM codec may not be exactly the same when compiled by two different sources. I wasn't successful in compiling it myself since it needs some headers from the Windows DDK, which unfortunately isn't distributed online anymore.

I ordered my Visual Studio .NET 2003 upgrade CD on Wednesday, and the next day I received a notice from Microsoft that it was backordered until mid-May. Arrgh. I'm looking forward to seeing how improved MMX intrinsic code generation is, as well as how long the new compiler can last before I can get it to emit C1001 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR (grin). Visual Studio .NET 2002 only lasted about two minutes:

Another reason I'm looking forward to VC7.1 is that reportedly it fixes a nasty bug in the VC7 global optimizer, namely that it aggressively prunes computation of unused formal parameters in inline functions. Unfortunately, this occurs in functions that have inline assembly that accesses formal parameters by stack offset instead of by name, which is virtually required if you write assembly routines without frame pointers like I do.




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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
When an AVI file is not an AVI file:

While trying to test some new code in VirtualDub 1.5.2 I happened to make an interesting discovery about Windows Media Player that could explain some of the bug reports I've been receiving. In particular, I now know why some AVI files refuse to play under Windows Media Player, instead showing a visualizer, even though you have the video and audio codecs you need to play the file. The answer will elicit great amounts of shock and awe.

Okay, maybe it won't.

The version of Windows Media Player that ships with Windows XP, and possibly newer versions, appear to have a bug in their media type detection code: specifically, any file that contains two or more consecutive MP3 frames in the first 8K of the file is considered an MP3 file. Unfortunately, that means an AVI file written with an MP3 audio track and without an OpenDML hierarchical index has a high likelihood of being mistaken as an audio file. When Windows Media Player does this, it displays a nice flashy visualizer, announces the audio track's bitrate with some ridiculous duration, and then refuses to play the file properly. DirectShow itself doesn't have this problem, as neither Windows Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe) nor the old Media Player (mplay32.exe) with the MCI DirectShow driver goofs up in this fashion. I do not know whether this bug affects WMP9, as I don't have that installed and don't plan to anytime soon -- 6.4 works just fine. (I still use WinAmp 2.77 too. Why change what works?)

Files written out by DirectShow won't trigger this bug, as they have AVI headers more than 16K long. VirtualDub normally won't trigger this bug either, for similar reasons -- it has to reserve space for the OpenDML indices whether or not they're actually needed. The problem occurs when VirtualDub writes AVI files in compatibility mode (old format AVIs), or segmented files, which automatically turn off the OpenDML index support. In these cases, VirtualDub writes a smaller 2K header instead, and this is what triggers the Windows Media Player bug. Annoying as it is, I'll probably modify VirtualDub to write 8K headers instead, as there is practically no need for tiny AVI files, and I don't feel like doing more experiments to figure out exactly what Windows Media Player 8 considers valid MP3 frames.

Current files that have this problem can be "fixed" by running them through VirtualDub in Direct mode with the normal Save AVI option. For best results, disable the "trim" option in Video > Frame Rate, so VirtualDub copies all data from both streams even if they're not the same duration.





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  • Înscris: 25.07.2003
Good filters for VirtualDub.

AlparySoft Denoise Filter for VirtualDub

AlparySoft Deinterlace Filter for VirtualDub

Alparysoft R&D



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  • Înscris: 09.04.2002
Pentru cei care sint multumiti de setarile lor din Vdub, n-ar putea sa puna aici si "processing settings" ?
Cred ca ar fi multi interesati ... mai ales eu.



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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
AviSynth 2.5.3 Released



* Added audio support to DirectShowSource.
* Added seeking support to DirectShowSource.
* Added .GRF file loading to load filter graphs from GraphEdit. Be sure there is an open pin, to which AviSynth is able to connect, otherwise expect "the filter graph won't talk to me".
* Added optional coring=true/false to Levels and Tweak. both true by default, as previously.
* Added Histogram(mode ="levels") and Histogram(mode = "color") which displays levels histogram and YUV color placement.
* AviSynth now properly converts to and from 24bit audio. WAV-files exported from vdub are compatible with at least WinAmp and CoolEdit.
* German documentation.
* Added DV type 1 video input, using AviSource(). Video only!
* DirectShowSource() is now capable of properly opening audio with more than 2 channels. Tested with AC3Filter.
* DirectShowSource() now accepts and properly decodes float-precision samples. Tested with AC3Filter.
* Added checks for samplerate and framerate in Splice.
* SwapUV(), UToY(), VToY() and YToUV() now also works in YUY2 mode.
* Added C-style plugin support (still in testing) to allow plugin writers to use other compilers than MSVC.
* Added Invert(), ShowAlpha().
* Added default parameters to ColorBars.
* Extensive updates of German documentation.
* DirectShowSource capable of opening audio only. WAV/AC3/MP3 can be opened using DirectshowSource.
* Added experimental "align=true/false" to crop - this will realign frames if they aren't already. Alignement is 16 for SSE2 machines, 8 for others.
* Added "Overall PSNR for Compare()" - thanks to temporance.
* ResampleAudio now accepts any number of channels.
* Added "after_frame=true/false" option to FrameEvaluate. This determines if the script should be evaluated before (default operation) or after the frame has been fetched from the filters above.


* Fixed memory leak in Plugin name export.
* Incorporated file lock fix in AviSource by WarpEnterprises.
* Minor fixes to field information in Info().
* Fixed occational hangs in DirectShowSource.
* Fixed crashbug in Compare, when logfile was specified.
* Fixed overflow in ResampleAudio (Thanks to IanB!). [Bug 770853].
* Fixed MergeChannels broken with more than 2 channels.
* Made adjustments for longer sample support in ResampleAudio.
* Fixed crash in ResampleAudio, if no audio was present.
* Fixed crash in MonoToStereo().
* Fixed: Normalize(show = true) displaying invalid value, and added a dB amplification indication.
* Fixed minor issues in audio routines with very long samples.
* Fixed wrong colors in ShowSMPTE YV12 mode.
* Corrected several performance problems in Limiter, YUY2 mode (thanks again ARDA!).
* Fixed YUY2 FlipHorizontal giving garbage/crashing.
* GeneralConvolution now properly processes 5x5 matrices. Thanks IanB? for the patch.
* Fixed minor stuff in TemporalSoften.
* (Hopefully) fixed precision in PointResize.
* ConvertBackToYUY2 now throws an error if non-RGB is delivered.
* Fixed occational crashbug in conditional Plane stats.


PS: 24 bits audio? hmm...



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  • Înscris: 05.10.2003
Mtz, spune-mi, te rog, ce inseamna faptul ca VirtualDub Mod accepta mpeg 2? Eu am vrut sa-l folosesc pentru taiat reclamele si am constatat ca nu permite ”direct stream copy”. Deci la asta nu se poate folosi (sau imi scapa mie ceva?) Altfel, stiu ca pot (si chiar fac curent) prelucra mpeg 2 in GK, pe care il vede exact ca pe vob si pot face din mpg avi de foarte buna calitate. Asta sa fie faptul ca mpeg 2 e acceptat? Sau e un patch ori un plugin ca sa pot si sa tai reclame?



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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
Pai si GK foloseste VirtualDubMod, dar nici ala nu poate salva mpeg cum nu poate nici VirtualDubMod. Nu e nici un secret. Nu ai vazut ca atunci cand dai save as nu ai optiune de mpeg?
Pentru editare foloseste mpeg tools de la TMPGEnc.




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  • Înscris: 05.10.2003
Multumesc foarte mult!



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  • Înscris: 15.03.2004
Pentru a converti din avi/vcd/svcd se poate folosi gordianknot 0.28.7 ?Daca se poate as vrea instructiuni . Multumesc!



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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
Bine ai venit pe forum marius500 !
Nu se poate folosi Gordian Knot la ce vrei tu, in schimb ai putea incerca AICI.

Functia de baza a unui forum este searchul. Nu uita sa faci search inainte de a posta si nu in ultimul rand, sa citesti regulile.




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  • Înscris: 23.02.2004
Mtz, am și eu o întrebare. În VirtualDubMod cum pot accesa meniul Audio ?
Practic mă interesează cum să comprim și pista audio dintr-un vob. Am făcut un test cu fast compression (divx 5.02) pentru un fișier de 900MB  și a rezultat un avi de 211 mega dintre care 138 PCM audio uncompressed și restul divx-ul, la o calitate deplorabilă. :hmm:

NanDub și V-Dub au meniul audio dar nu au posibilitatea de a încărca fișere vob. Dacă îmi poți oferi vreo soluție pentru una din aceste probleme rămân dator.  :buna:




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  • Înscris: 01.12.2002
La pagina de download a lui VirtualDubMod de pe www.softpedia.com la descrierea in limba romana scrie ca tabul audio nu a disparut ci se afla la Streams > Stream List. Setarile le faci la fel ca in VirtualDub cu click dreapta pe streamul audio care iti apare acolo.
MPEG2 si chiar voburi poti incarca in VirtualDubMod. Dar daca editezi ceva si vrei sa salvezi va trebui sa o faci in format avi deoarece nu accepta alt format de salvare decat avi.




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  • Înscris: 23.02.2004
Hehe, acum mă simt cam penibil.
Evident că găsisem meniul streams, dar evident că nu bifasem full processing mode și deci nu mergea. Doh ! :0

PS. Mulțumesc pentru promptitudine. ;)




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  • Înscris: 05.10.2003


Originally posted by Svetlana
Good filters for VirtualDub.

AlparySoft Denoise Filter for VirtualDub

AlparySoft Deinterlace Filter for VirtualDub

Alparysoft R&D

Filtrele pentru VD sunt free? Am vizitat pagina si n-am inteles care e regimul la plugins.



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  • Înscris: 05.01.2004
Stie cineva cum pot sa impart in 2 parti un VCD(Mpeg) rezultat in urma convertirii unui avi cu ajutorul DVD2SVCD????(include si subtitrare).Ce program pot sa folosesc(free) fara sa "stric"ceva la VCD ????
Multumesc !!!!!!



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  • Înscris: 28.11.2001
Mtz, ce soft imi recomanzi, te rog frumos, ca sa tai si sa lipesc MPEG-uri cu aceeasi usurinta cu care taie si lipeste VirtualDub AVI-uri?
Ma intereseaza in mod special derularea pe film din taste, sa fie cursiva, si sa aiba aceeasi usurinta in marcarea si salvarea segmentelor ;)

Multumesc anticipat!




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 11.11.2003
djlyon, cel mai bun este TMPGEnc.


Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă Chirurgia cranio-cerebrală minim invazivă

Tehnicile minim invazive impun utilizarea unei tehnologii ultramoderne.

Endoscoapele operatorii de diverse tipuri, microscopul operator dedicat, neuronavigația, neuroelectrofiziologia, tehnicile avansate de anestezie, chirurgia cu pacientul treaz reprezintă armamentarium fără de care neurochirurgia prin "gaura cheii" nu ar fi posibilă. Folosind tehnicile de mai sus, tratăm un spectru larg de patologii cranio-cerebrale.


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