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Tesla Model S facelift

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Un articol interesant:




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View Postdiabolik213, on 10 mai 2017 - 06:52, said:

Am zis eu ca Modelul 3 ne rezerva niste foarte placute surprize.



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Los Angeles - New York City in 51 ore si 47 minute intr-un Model S.
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wleUNEYXxb0?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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Oamenii cauta reducere, nu ecologie.

"Tesla a simțit pe propria piele în Hong Kong ce înseamnă eliminarea bonusurilor guvernamentale acordate la achiziția mașinilor electrice: vânzările au scăzut la zero într-o singură lună după dispariția acestora.

Pentru a fi considerate vehicule mainstream, mașinile electrice trebuie să treacă, potrivit statisticienilor, de o cotă de piață de 3% din vânzările totale la nivel mondial. Iar analiștii consideră că mașinile electrice vor putea trece de 3% în perioada următoare doar în condițiile în care bonusurile la achiziție și facilitățile fiscale și de utilizare vor continua să transforme acest tip de vehicule în alternative viabile la mașinile clasice.

Ei bine, cel mai bun exemplu în acest sens vine Hong Kong, o piață care în ultimii ani a ieșit în evidență prin bonusurile acordate clienților care se orientau spre electrice. Ei bine, autoritățile au decis recent să reducă aceste bonusuri pentru a lăsa piața să se dezvolte natural, iar rezultatele sunt vizibile imediat în cifrele de vânzări. Conform oficialilor din Hong Kong, explozia mașinilor cumpărate și utilizate de o singură persoană este un alt motiv important pentru măsură abordată.

Concret, noile reguli intrate în vigoare în aprilie 2017 au dat de pământ cu vânzările de mașini electrice, iar cel mai bun exemplu în acest sens este faptul că cifrele Tesla s-au prăbușit brusc. Dacă în primele 3 luni ale anului și-a găsit 3600 de clienți în Hong Kong (dintre care 2939 doar în luna martie), americanii nu au mai reușit să vândă în aprilie nicio mașină.

"Hong Kong este versiunea trendy a Chinei. Iar asta înseamnă că aceste rezultate nu reprezintă o imagine tocmai pozitivă a proiecției vânzărilor Tesla în China în viitor", a declarat Dave Sullivan, analist de profil și consultant AutoPacific, citat de Market Watch.

Problema Tesla în Hong Kong este cu atât mai apăsată cu cât statul asiatic a adunat peste 15% dintre vânzările mărcii americane în primul sfert akl anului 2017."



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Ce chestie, e naspa sa fii hipster pe banii tai, pe banii altora era misto...



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View Posthummin, on 12 iulie 2017 - 20:47, said:

Ce chestie, e naspa sa fii hipster pe banii tai, pe banii altora era misto...
Spune-le asta beizadelelor cu A8/Seia 7/S-class.
Traducerea de la noi a fost aiurea, nu e nici un bonus taiat, doar taxele enorme au fost scutite pentru EV https://electrek.co/...centives-tesla/
The local government imposes a massive first registration tax in order to control new vehicle deployment, which so far had been waived for electric vehicles.
On the least expensive version of the Tesla Model S, the tax adds up to $435,000 HKD (~$56,000 USD), which almost doubles the price of the vehicle.
Today, the government announced that as part of the new budget, it is modifying the program and instead of a complete waiver of the ~$56,000 USD tax, it will be waived up to up to $97,500 HKD (~$12,500 USD).

Oarecum masura era de asteptat, taxele mari in HK sunt pentru descurajarea inregistrarii de noi vehicule. Iar HK e si fruntas la pretul carburantului http://www.globalpet...asoline_prices/



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"Tesla's most bullish fans are overestimating its potential in the future electric-car market.
Rivals like GM can ramp up production much faster and use existing EV platforms in several new models much faster than Tesla.
Tesla is more likely to wind up being the sixth- or seventh-largest electric-vehicle maker in the long run.
Tesla almost went bankrupt in late 2008, but since then Elon Musk's all-electric-car maker has more than survived - it's prospered, against all the odds. With a market cap that surpassed General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - the Detroit Big Three - at one point this year, Tesla became the Big One as far as new American automakers go."



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Interesant articol si probabil realist.




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View PostTorquemada-666, on 17 iulie 2017 - 07:58, said:


"Tesla's most bullish fans are overestimating its potential in the future electric-car market.
Rivals like GM can ramp up production much faster and use existing EV platforms in several new models much faster than Tesla.
Tesla is more likely to wind up being the sixth- or seventh-largest electric-vehicle maker in the long run.
Tesla almost went bankrupt in late 2008, but since then Elon Musk's all-electric-car maker has more than survived - it's prospered, against all the odds. With a market cap that surpassed General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - the Detroit Big Three - at one point this year, Tesla became the Big One as far as new American automakers go."

Bravo colega!
Nu credeam ca o sa lauzi Tesla.
Inca o data, BRAVO!

Edited by ericmario, 17 July 2017 - 20:49.



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View Postericmario, on 17 iulie 2017 - 20:48, said:

Bravo colega!
Nu credeam ca o sa lauzi Tesla.
Inca o data, BRAVO!

Loialitatea si principiile mele, sunt flexibile !!! 🤣😃🤣 O laud, ca un spion 😉


"When you spend six figures or so on a car, you expect the exceptional fit and finish of a luxury vehicle, not to mention solid construction. No one's going to blame you for griping about wood trim that doesn't match, suspension components that rattle, air conditioning that doesn't work, a cracked windshield pillar, a car that unexpectedly shuts down, or the myriad other issues Tesla owners have reported."

Edited by Torquemada-666, 17 July 2017 - 23:29.



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Ce contează astea când suntem hipsteri pe electric ????



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"A driver and his four passengers were hurt when his Tesla suddenly accelerated while on autopilot, careened off the road and flipped into a marsh.

David Clark, 58, of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, had put the electric car into its autopilot feature, and was approaching the intersection of 141st Street and 172nd Avenue in Irving Township.

He told police: 'When he engaged the auto pilot (sic) feature, that the vehicle suddenly accelerated causing the car to leave the roadway and overturn.'"

Autopilotul teslei.



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Din acelasi articol:

'We have not yet established whether the vehicle’s Autopilot feature was activated, and have no reason to believe that Autopilot, which has been found by NHTSA to reduce accident rates by 40 percent, worked other than as designed.
'Every time a driver engages Autopilot, they are reminded of their responsibility to remain engaged and to be prepared to take immediate action at all times, and drivers must acknowledge their responsibility to do so before Autopilot is enabled.'
Tesla has an impressive safety record and have scored high on rollover safety tests due to the vehicle's low center of gravity, weight and they also have a strong roof structure.
A federal report found that Tesla cars fitted with an autopilot system are 40 per cent less likely to crash than models being monitored and controlled by a driver alone."



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Ei vezi, daca Tesla ar fi proiectat AutoPilot la fel ca oricare dintre producatorii traditionali, acest lucru nu s-ar fi intamplat, pentru ca sistemul ar fi fost activat. Adica ca orice sistem de siguranta care nu se dezactiveaza, sau cel putin nu total.
Imi aminteste de acei copii omorati de o Tesla S care n-a oprit la semafor acum cativa ani. In loc sa faca AP sa functioneze precum un Emergency Brake System care sa fie activ tot timpul, ei au preferat un circ in jurul acesui sistem pentr urcarea cotatiei...
Emergency Brake System au masini de 5-6 ori mai ieftine dacat o Tesla Model S, mai putin Tesla...

Edited by valitudor, 18 July 2017 - 16:12.




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"M-ai vazut cumva cu o viata plina de tristete pe topicurile lor, asa cum participi tu pe orice topic VW?" Posted Image



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View Postinuendo0, on 18 iulie 2017 - 15:30, said:

Din acelasi articol:

'We have not yet established whether the vehicle’s Autopilot feature was activated, and have no reason to believe that Autopilot, which has been found by NHTSA to reduce accident rates by 40 percent, worked other than as designed.
'Every time a driver engages Autopilot, they are reminded of their responsibility to remain engaged and to be prepared to take immediate action at all times, and drivers must acknowledge their responsibility to do so before Autopilot is enabled.'
Tesla has an impressive safety record and have scored high on rollover safety tests due to the vehicle's low center of gravity, weight and they also have a strong roof structure.
A federal report found that Tesla cars fitted with an autopilot system are 40 per cent less likely to crash than models being monitored and controlled by a driver alone."

Degeaba. E big fail.

Edited by Torquemada-666, 18 July 2017 - 19:24.




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De big fail ce e te ataci atat...



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Consumer Reports: Tesla Model S a recâștigat titlul de cel mai sigur sedan ultralux


Edited by inuendo0, 25 July 2017 - 20:13.


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