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John Rabe (2009)

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    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 22.01.2013
Povestea incredibila a unui om de afaceri german care a salvat de la moarte 250.000 de chinezi in timpul invaziei japoneze din 1937, similaritati oarecum cu Lista lui Schindler.

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Eic4y6DI5Ec?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



    I am who I am, so don't even try to think about bothering me

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  • Înscris: 02.01.2007
Numele corect este John Heinrich Detlev Rabe (23 Noiembrie, 1882, Hamburg , Imperiul German – 5 Ianuarie, 1950, Berlin , B.R.D.) "Der gute Deutsche von Nanking" Posted Image  https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/John_Rabe

Fosta sa casa din Nanking a devenit un muzeu memorial  , sursa: https://en.wikipedia...John_Rabe_House
"On October 31, 2006, the “John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall” officially opened to the public. On 1628 square meters, 6 exhibition areas, more than 300 photographs, files and historical material tell Rabe’s life story. Its main focus is to commemorate the efforts of John Rabe and the other members of the Nanking Safety Zone to save innocent lives during the Nanking Massacre. The Memorial Hall in Rabe’s former residence can be visited Monday – Friday from 8:30 to 16:30. Since 2008, the Austrian Service Abroad has been sending a Peace Servant to work at the Memorial Hall and Exchange Center for one year."

Lista lui Schindler e joc de copii pe langa ceea ce a realizat si mai ales pe langa ceea ce a trebuit sa indure dupa razboi Posted Image
"Der gute Deutsche von Nanking" = John Heinrich Detlev Rabe Posted Image

"After the war, Rabe was arrested first by the Soviet NKVD and then by the British Army. Both, however, let him go after intense interrogation.
He worked sporadically for Siemens, earning very little. He was later denounced for his Nazi Party membership by an acquaintance.
He was stripped of the work permit that he had previously been given by the British Zone, and had to undergo a very lengthy de-nazification process (his first attempt was rejected and he had to appeal) in the hope of regaining the permission to work. He had to pay his own legal defense costs, which depleted his savings.

Unable to work to support his family and with the savings spent the family survived in a one-room apartment by selling his Chinese art collection, but this did not provide enough to avoid malnutrition.
He was formally declared "de-Nazified" by the British in June 3, 1946 but thereafter continued to live in poverty.
The family lived on wild seeds that the children would eat with soup, and on dry bread until that was no longer available either In 1948,
The citizens of Nanking learned of the very dire situation of the Rabe family in occupied Germany and they quickly raised a very large sum of money, equivalent to $2000 ($20,000 in 2016).
The city mayor himself went to Germany, via Switzerland where he bought a large amount of food for the Rabe family.
From mid 1948 until the communist takeover the people of Nanking also sent a food package each month, for which Rabe in many letters expressed deep gratitude. On January 5, 1950, Rabe died of a stroke. In 1997 his tombstone was moved from Berlin to Nanjing (as it is now) where it received a place of honor at the massacre memorial site."

Chiar si o misionara crestina Wilhelmina Vautrin, venita din S.U.A., a ajutat mii de persoane sa scape cu viata din "iadul de la Nanking" https://en.wikipedia.../Minnie_Vautrin  https://en.wikipedia...Rape_of_Nanking

Edited by Teophileos, 04 April 2016 - 18:53.



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  • Înscris: 22.01.2013

View PostTeophileos, on 04 aprilie 2016 - 18:26, said:

Lista lui Schindler e joc de copii pe langa ceea ce a realizat si mai ales pe langa ceea ce a trebuit sa indure dupa razboi
din pacate se pare ca el nu a fost prea bine vazut in conditiile in care Japonia era aliata Germaniei la acea vreme(uluitoare este scena in care ii baga pe toti sub steag si aviatia japoneza nu poate trage in simbolul Germaniei)

totusi nu se pot bagateliza nici actiunile lui Oscar Schindler desi el a avut alt destin fata de John Heinrich Detlev Rabe


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