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Ce este Corectitudinea Politica daca nu Marxism Triumfator?

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Tu citesti forumul asta?

Si cu principiul cum ramine?



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View PostSCORILO-CORYLLUS, on 07 iulie 2015 - 08:43, said:

Intrebarea e cum poti ajunge la egalitate materiala intre doi oameni complet diferiti prin pregatire si posibil genetic (unul IQ de 140 si absolvent de facultate si unul cu IQ de 80, 10 clase terminate si mucitor pe santier)...

Nu poti ajunge la egalitate materiala, fiecare este renumerat functie de meseria practicata (daca amandoi matura strada vor fi platiti la fel).
Corectitudine inseamna insa ca beneficiaza de aceleasi drepturi: amandoi au dreptul sa foloseasca mijloacele de transport in comun si sa ia loc pe scaun, amandoi au obligatia morala sa cedeze locul unui invalid, femeie cu copil in brate (chiar daca ea are IQ 20),  cuiva in varsta, etc. Amandoi au dreptul la educatie, la asistenta medicala, la vot si la judecata corecta si echitabila deoarece amandoi platesc taxe si impozite.
Pentru mine, corectitudine politica inseamna a judeca dupa fapte si doar dupa fapte fara a lua in considerare alte circumstante irelevante (rasa, religie, sex sau orientare sexuala, nationalitate sau etnie).

Da stiu, sunt marxist, bolsevic, comunist, scursura societatii, am icoana cu Lenin la capul patului langa "Rapirea din serai".

Edited by bullterrorist, 10 July 2015 - 09:30.



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  • Înscris: 02.07.2015
Foarte tare, un clip din Paris, Franta, cu un musulman care urla la lume sa nu mai manance ca e Ramadanul, dupa care incepe sa rastoarne mesele. Cum s-a ajuns aici? Simplu. Cat mai rabda francezii si restul lumii, asta e intrebarea.

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/p0n0A0uovtw?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

“It’s simple: in Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities. In non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities,” writes Robert Spencer.

Edited by gigifenomen, 10 July 2015 - 20:30.



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Si pentru cine se mai indoia de corectitudinea politica ca marxism/spalare pe creier/new-speak, ce urmeaza dupa adoptarea prin forta a mariajului intre homosecsi?

Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ as ‘Anti-Gay’ Words



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View Postwizardofoz, on 10 iulie 2015 - 08:49, said:

Tu citesti forumul asta?

Si cu principiul cum ramine?
Una e "sa faci spume", alta e sa interzici prin lege.



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Corectitudinea politică se aseamănă bine cu comunsimul: în comunism toţi erau egali, numai că unii erau mai egali decât alţii.
Egalitatea poate să fie de mai multe feluri. Trebuie să existe egalitate în faţa legii, de şanse, de obligaţii, dar nu poţi impune anume egalităţi.
Iar unii din cei care se plâng de lipsa eglalităţii îi discriminează pe alţii.



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View Postcatalina1, on 11 iulie 2015 - 00:01, said:

Una e "sa faci spume", alta e sa interzici prin lege.

Ce s-a interzis prin lege? Injratura? pai aia era si inainte.
Daca va revolati ca nu mai e permisa magaria, mirlania si grobianismul, imi pare rau dar nu pot sa va sustin. Da, n-ai voie sa spui cioroi in documente oficiale.

Edited by wizardofoz, 11 July 2015 - 01:18.



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View Postdjl, on 11 iulie 2015 - 01:14, said:

Corectitudinea politică se aseamănă bine cu comunsimul: în comunism toţi erau egali, numai că unii erau mai egali decât alţii.
Egalitatea poate să fie de mai multe feluri. Trebuie să existe egalitate în faţa legii, de şanse, de obligaţii, dar nu poţi impune anume egalităţi.
Iar unii din cei care se plâng de lipsa eglalităţii îi discriminează pe alţii.

Ca tot ziceai de comunism:

Pope Francis, on tour in Bolivia, preached classical socialist and communist ideology. [He urged the people of Latin America to stand up to the world's capitalist system and change the global economic order by creating a “truly communitarian economy” based on redistribution of goods among all. The President of Bolivia presented the Pope with a crucifix crafted into the form of a hammer-and-sickle, the international icon representing communism.]



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The Cost Of Cultural Marxism

Marxism (collectivism) uses many vehicles or Trojan horses to gain access to political and cultural spaces. Once present, it gestates like cancer, erasing previous models of heritage and history in order to destroy any competing models of society.  If you want to understand what is happening in America today, I suggest you research the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960's.  We are experiencing the same Marxist program of historical and social destruction, only slightly slower and more strategic.

Younger generations are highly susceptible to social trends and are often easily manipulated by popular culture and academic authority, which is why we are seeing PC cultism explode with the millennials and post-millennials. In my brief participation on the left side of the false paradigm, political correctness was only beginning to take hold. A decade later, the speed of the propaganda has far accelerated, and we now have a bewildering manure storm on our hands. The result is a vast division within American society that cannot be mended. Those of us on the side of liberty are so different in our philosophies and solutions to social Marxists that there can be no compromise.

The whole carnival can end only one way: a fight. And perhaps this is exactly what the elites want: left against right, black against white, gay against religious and straight, etc. As long as the PC movement continues to unwittingly do the bidding of power brokers in their efforts toward the destruction of individual liberty, I see no other alternative but utter conflict.

The future costs of politically correct cultism

Edited by a3ds, 17 July 2015 - 01:42.



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Eu as zice ca este sfarsitul impreiului european. Pana acum, orice imepriu a disparut dupa o perioada, ceea ce ma duce cu gandul ca nu va exista nicio trezire.



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Că oamenii inferiori, oamenii care nu cer mult de la ei înșiși, sunt flatați și sunt încurajați să se privească ca fiind egalii celor care au făcut istorie
imi spui si mie cum nea gogu ar putea cere mai mult de la el cand nu are decat 3 neuroni?

in alta ordine de idei pericolul vine de la idea voastra de elitism si eforturi depuse ceea ce duce la abuzuri enorme contrare firii celor abuzati

bineinteles ca unii sunt mai destepti decat altii dar asta e o chestie care NU SE SPUNE PUBLIC ... asta e corectitudinea politica

in alta ordine de idei ce are dorinta de inavutire a fiecaruia cu faptul ca fiecare are neuroni diferiti. important e ca si aia cu neuroni putini trag pentru o viata buna...



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Titluri si linkuri

http://www.wnd.com/2...-terror-attack/ - tot musulmanii dragii de ei vor fi victimele extremistilor conspirationisti...
http://www.wnd.com/w...ruitment-video/ asociatia de studente e prea alba, atitudinile is prea feminine... dezgustator deci
http://www.wnd.com/2...icking/  isis nu doar ca ia sclavi dar mai si face trafic de organe, si ameninta ca va face asa cu toti ghiaurii
http://www.wnd.com/2...h  politician danez amendat 1200$ pentru tweet anti-Islamic
jihad watch
Tunisian author: Democratizing Muslim countries means leaving Islam
Islamic State jihadis behead 82-year-old archaeologist in Palmyra
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on how the Western establishment conceals Muslim persecution of Christians

Sa mai si radem

‘Diversity’: A diabolical doctrine  - un negru despre diversitate si falsii ei promotori - si reali escroci/demagogi.
‘Diversity’: A diabolical doctrine
var icx_publication_id = 16633; var icx_content_id = 2340405; .icx-toolbar{padding: 0 0 5px 0;}

View on www.wnd.com

Debbie Schlussel despre casatoria lui Mc Connaughey
Famous Movie Star’s Illegal Alien Wife Gets U.S. Citizenship (Conservative Idiots Praise It)
By Debbie Schlussel

View on www.debbieschlussel...

Tot acolo despre cum isi troptiresc bursierii de culoare bursele.

http://www.wnd.com/2...''chick fill a'' impiedicat - inca la modul isteric - sa deshida un local din cauza unei declaratii anti-mariaj ghei a unui responsabil, declaratie altfel civilizata

Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students.
According to the syllabus for Selena Lester Breikss’ “Women & Popular Culture” class, students risk a failing grade if they use any common descriptors that Breikss considers “oppressive and hateful language.”
According to her syllabus, students will lose one point every time they use the words “illegal alien” or “illegals” rather than the preferred terms of “‘undocumented’ migrants/immigrants/persons.” Throughout the course, Fowler says, students will “come to recognize how white privilege functions in everyday social structures and institutions.”

Defending the West - the destruction of Kurt Schilling - who will they come for next?
“ESPN pulls Curt Schilling from Little League World Series after tweet,” Fox News reported last week, explaining that “the sports network announced Tuesday it was pulling the analyst and former major league pitcher from its Little League World Series broadcast team over a tweet by Schilling that compared Muslims to Nazi-era Germans.”
This is false. Schilling’s tweet didn’t compare “Muslims to Nazi-era Germans.” It compared “extremist Muslims” to Nazis. But even that cannot be said now. And the false claim went all over the world, as is usual with the enemedia today. CNN called it a “horribly anti-Muslim tweet.” It didn’t bother to explain in what way it was “anti-Muslim,” since Schilling was only calling out “extremist Muslims,” whom Muslims in the West are supposed to oppose.
Schilling tweeted out a graphic that read: “Only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How’d that go?” Even though there was nothing false, inaccurate or offensive about this, Schilling deleted it almost immediately – but it was already too late: The pro-jihad jackals had seen it, and Schilling’s career was suddenly on the line.

General secretary for Danish refugee help - We face an Armageddon scenario
The General Secretary for Danish Refugee Help, Andreas Kamm, used to be a politically correct pro-multiculturalist. But he has had a change of mind, and is not even sure if we can save our societies. I am also not sure, but we have to fight as if we have a chance.

http://www.theatlant.../399356/  mai pe larg, din ciclul "I'm a liberal teacher and my liberal students terrify me". Studentii sunt avangarda nebuniei azi.

7 Things to Remember If You’re a White Person Dating a Person of Color, Everyday Feminism   

White supremacy “has to be acknowledged–and dealt with–constantly.”

We Used to Count Black Americans as 3/5 of a Person. For Reparations, Give Them 5/3 of a Vote., Washington Post
Black man calls for more political power for blacks.

Pell Grants: Billions Go to Students Who Don’t Graduate, Analysis Finds, NBC News

Poor students get handouts but they still don’t graduate.

Debbie Schlussel 1.09
Stewardesa musulmana refuza sa serveasca alcool pasagerilor, si... da in judecata compania ca nu ii respecta convingerile! Sa vedeti c-o sa si castige.
Reporteri negri spun frecvent chestii rasiste/extremiste si nimeni nu se sesizeaza.

http://www.usatoday....517072/  juma' din imigranti is pe alocatii, pentru visatorii care viseaza visuri cu muncitori stakanovisti care ne duc economia...

WND 3.09 Obama e acuzat ca e principalul vinovat de criza refugiatilor de catre... comunisti, care zic ca el a destabilizat tarile arabe

http://www.wnd.com/2...orig=diversions fratii nostri turci...

...si fratii nostri musulmani

Alte nebunii feminizde.
The advertisement for “Healthy Masculinities Week,” which was emailed to members of the student body, includes a portrayal man with a thought bubble, thinking, “Don’t cry,” “Have sex,” “Major in business,” “Play sports,” and “Man up.” Allegedly, these are examples of unhealthy masculinity.
Macar de-ar fi adaugat si "put burka on girls/wage jihad/rape infidels" in lista... dar mai degraba ingheata Mecca, cred...



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Inca una-alta

The Growth of Refugee Inc., Wall Street Journal
Making money running a refugee camp: Margins are low so you need volume.

Islamic Extremists ‘Trying to Recruit Syrian Refugees in Germany’, Telegraph Warning from German security services.

September 14, 2015
Achievement Gaps Widen for California’s Black and Latino Students, Los Angeles TimeS   
Pass rates in math: Asians–69% , Whites–49%, Hispanics–21%, Blacks–16%.

http://www.cdc.gov/h...ents.pdf  94% din contaminarile cu SIDA la barbati, cel putin in SUA, au loc prin gay sex; totusi nu se prea vorbeste de aspectele mai problematice ale acestui comportament

Government plans regulation of faith leaders
'Turns the clock back on religious freedom more than 300 years'
Bob Unruh - cica asta pentru combaterea extremismului; dar nu mai simplu era sa nu se importe musulmani? Acuma guvernul cenzureaza TOATE religiile si le impune agenda lui, pretextand asta.

Muslim raping of women epidemic in refugee camps
Christians fear Islamic retribution

WND Exclusive 17.09
'Allahu Akbar!': Migrants rampage, attack police
Invasion of Europe 'a well orchestrated event,' says expert

Obama set to deport 12 Iraqi Christian refugees
Detained for 6 months while criminal illegals allowed to stay

Blonde Danish Teenager, 15, Murdered Her Mother After Watching ISIS Videos
Allan Hall and John Hall, Daily Mail, September 16, 2015
A blonde Danish teenager who murdered her mother after watching ISIS’ sickening filmed beheadings of British hostages has been jailed along with her older jihadi lover.
Asta la capitolul "interfertilizare culturala", I guess...

Bursa 18.09 articolul lui Rechea despre agenda imigratiei impinsa pe gatlejul nostru prin tactica ''rusinarii''.

Jihad watch 17.09 "Refugiatii'' refuza azilul in Danemarca pe motiv ca... "nu li se da" destul...

September 18, 2015

Famous Study Showing Immigration Doesn’t Depress Wages Refuted, National Review
The Mariel boatlift did reduce wages of low-skill workers.

Ex-Ole Miss Student Sentenced for Statue Vandalism, Clarion Ledger
He’ll spend six months in prison for hanging a noose on a statue.

Black Student Admits Hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ Signs near School Bathrooms, EAG News
It was for an “art project.”

More than 20 Students at Virginia High School Suspended for Wearing Confederate Flag on Clothing, Fox News
They say they are defending their heritage.

Croatia Seeks to Redirect Migrants Toward Hungary, Slovenia, My Way

Viktor Orban says Europe is gripped by a “suicidal liberalism.”

35 Million Migrants Heading to Europe, Says Hungary as It Builds Second Fence, Express
Foreign affairs minister calls it “a massive migration of nations, with inexhaustible reserves.”

A Belated Welcome in France Is Drawing Few Migrants, New York Times
According to the media, this is a cause for shame.

Child Molester Given Longer Sentence as Victims Are Asian, Telegraph
Judge says Asian victims are hurt more that white victims.

Sweden’s Ugly Immigration Problem, Globe and Mail
Majority of murderers and rapists are first- or second-generation immigrants.

U.S. soldiers told ignore Afghan allies' abuse of boys
'At night we can hear them screaming, but we're not allowed to do anything about it' - WND

21.09 Remus Cernea e pro-refugiati fanatic.
Cine e cretin intr-un domeniu vad ca trebuie sa fie in toate.

Drudge report 22.09: ART GARFUNKEL: Muslims transforming Europe; Mass migration dangerous...

Muslim preacher: Migrants must breed and conquer
'Oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians ... Take the refugees!'

A top Islamic preacher has come up with an idea on how Muslim migrants can show thanks to Europe and America for taking them in: Breed and conquer.
Sheikh Muhammad Ayed ordered Muslims fleeing Iraq, Syria and northern Africa to show the world what a fertile culture looks like.
“They have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in their midst. We will give them fertility!” the imam said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, the Blaze reported Monday. “We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not, oh Germans, oh Americans, oh French, oh Italians, and all those like you. Take the refugees!”
Read more at Muslim preacher: Migrants must breed and conquer
Numa' noi suntem dajtepcii dracului si ne facem ca nu vedem...

http://www.debbiesch...ore-79800  un articol de Debbie Schlussel despre Emmys, mai ales despre plangerile negrilor

September 16, 2015, - 2:28 pm

tot de ea:
English EXCLUSIVE – Muslims in Germany: “You Must CANCEL Oktoberfest!” Germ Leaders Apologize to Muslims
Offended Muslims erupt on school board
'We’re going to be the majority soon!'

Obama Administration punishes soldiers who try to stop child rape ByPamela Geller on September 22, 2015 - See more at: Obama Administration punishes soldiers who try to stop child rape | Pamela Geller

Bursa azi 23.09 - Am scapat de Moscova si am dat de Berlin - decizia cu cotele a fost luata a la URSS si al sau ''centralism democratic"...

September 24, 2015
In Speech to Congress, Pope Francis Urges Action on Immigration, Climate, USA Today
“We must not be taken aback by their numbers.” Nici cand or fi 100 de milioane, in vreo 2 ani?...

New DHS Program Pairs Illegal Immigrants with Social Workers, Breitbart
Crazy idea: Give them benefits so they won’t skip their court dates.

Long Island Teacher Claims She Got Blame for Student’s Sexual Assault Threat, Claims Backlash Was Racially Motivated, NY Daily News
Black student threatened to rape her and her daughter.
…iar oficialii din zona – negri desigur – tin cu EL.

Bicske: The Police Take Action,
Ungrateful “refugees” spurn gifts of food and drink.

September 23, 2015
Jeb Bush Weighs in on ‘Multiculturalism’, CNN
“We should not have a multicultural society.”
Si Merkel zicea asa…

Race and Class Collide in a Plan for Two Brooklyn Schools, New York Times
Both blacks and whites resist proposed school integration.

County Will Give ‘Old Joe’ Confederate Statue to Museum, Gainesville Sun
Monument to Confederate dead will be moved from prominent location.

Viola Davis and the ‘White Feminist’ Backlash, Los Angeles Times
Black actress: How dare white women talk back.
Feministe vs negri, castiga negrii. Aviz feministelor.

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims would trade Constitution for Shariah
By Leo Hohmann
'Quran should be highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion'
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2...PflVW7dJSFy0.99

Drudge report
Desenele cu South Park: episod in care Trump e violat si ucis.
Sa faca vreun neofascist asa ceva cu Obama, ui-ui-uiiii…

Bursa din 25.09
Articol excelent de Rechea despre minciunile multiculturalismului, cu insistenta pe nebunia suedeza. De citit obligatoriu.
Despre cum imigrantii fac 80% din crime si incaseaza 60% din ajutoare, sau cum 60% traiesc din ajutoare etc.
O zice o ziarista mainstream care vorbeste cu un sociolog KURD. Cam tot ce zic "rasistii paranoici" e real.

September 25, 2015
Immigration Group Planned Girl’s Pope Encounter for a Year, Big Story
Anchor baby says: “All immigrants just like my dad feed this country.”

‘Camp of the Saints’ Seen Mirrored in Pope’s Message, Breitbart
Novel predicted a Latin American “people’s pope” would welcome immigrants.

A Field Guide to SJWs
Jane Weir, American Renaissance, September 25, 2015 – foarte interesant, despre activistii-teroristi virtuali CP de pe net

http://thosewhocanse...weal.html  DE CITIT OBLIGATORIU!
Mentalitatea vestica vs restul.

O noua culme a absurdului devine viata de zi cu zi: bancile din Suedia au dobanda sub zero de aproape un an, si lumea isi vede bine-mersi de treaba in continuare.
Deci io ca suedez platesc bani sa mi-i tin in banca, si tot ii tin, si-mi vad cuminte de treaba.
Deci io ca escroc pot imprumuta 50 de miliarde si sa dau inapoi 49.
Si lumea isi vede cuminte de treaba.
Asa de cuminte, ca bancile centrale de peste tot incep sa se gandeasca sa fa-caca suedezii.

titlurile din 5.10
CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man
LA Times claims Mercer was a white supremacist. De fapt simpatiza tot felul de musulmani...

ISIS advancing 'apocalyptic fantasy' in Europe
Islam expert says 'refugees' part of 5-year plan to conquer Rome, world
Nebunie fara limite...



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View Postvyctoras1985, on 24 iulie 2015 - 10:43, said:

imi spui si mie cum nea gogu ar putea cere mai mult de la el cand nu are decat 3 neuroni?

in alta ordine de idei pericolul vine de la idea voastra de elitism si eforturi depuse ceea ce duce la abuzuri enorme contrare firii celor abuzati

bineinteles ca unii sunt mai destepti decat altii dar asta e o chestie care NU SE SPUNE PUBLIC ... asta e corectitudinea politica

in alta ordine de idei ce are dorinta de inavutire a fiecaruia cu faptul ca fiecare are neuroni diferiti. important e ca si aia cu neuroni putini trag pentru o viata buna...

N-ai inteles ce e corectitudinea politica. Mai studiaza.



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View Posttarmasundar, on 23 octombrie 2015 - 17:49, said:

Inca una-alta
Dupa ultimele serii de stiri ce le-ai postat, pot zice cu certitudine ca nici macar in cele mai negre cosmaruri nu ma vedeam traind intr-o asa o lume.
Comunismul ceausist a fost nimica toata fata de grozaviile ce se petrec in Vest.



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Partea buna este ca poti sa-ti dai demisiea din lumea asta.
Lipsa ta de respect pentru cei are au suferit sub comunism este remarcabila. Compararea unor suferinte imaginare aduse de hipstereala, affirmative action, drepturle omului si alte orori vestice cu gulagurile si inchisorile comuniste este boala psihica reala.



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View PostCaptcha, on 23 octombrie 2015 - 23:21, said:

Dupa ultimele serii de stiri ce le-ai postat, pot zice cu certitudine ca nici macar in cele mai negre cosmaruri nu ma vedeam traind intr-o asa o lume.
Comunismul ceausist a fost nimica toata fata de grozaviile ce se petrec in Vest.

Eu zic ca nu are rost sa va lamentati, nici tu nici fratiorul revenit Posted Image "Lectura" obligatorie (discuta cu un suedez Stefan) :

[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uQi3XGvB_EA?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]


View Postwizardofoz, on 23 octombrie 2015 - 23:48, said:

Partea buna este ca poti sa-ti dai demisiea din lumea asta.
Lipsa ta de respect pentru cei are au suferit sub comunism este remarcabila. Compararea unor suferinte imaginare aduse de hipstereala, affirmative action, drepturle omului si alte orori vestice cu gulagurile si inchisorile comuniste este boala psihica reala.

Eh, n-as merge atat de departe sa zic "imaginare", ca fac mult rau fizic societatii vestice musulmanii. Cheltuie resurse enorme care ar putea fi folosite pentru altceva (in Suedia statul se imprumuta de la banci de luni de zile ca sa sustina imigratia), mai un viol, mai un atentat, mai o decapitare, mai un hahaha.

De acord ca nu-s la nivelul terorii comuniste crimele si violurile, dar chiar vrei sa ajungi acolo sau mai bine previi aberatiile?

Ei o zic cu subiect si predicat ca vor sa devina majoritari si atunci am belit-o cu maretie.

Sau poate crezi ca glumesc imamii? Daca glumesc, de ce nu rade nimeni?

Edited by a3ds, 24 October 2015 - 04:23.



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Un articol excelent despre America care devine o natiune de hipsteri plangaciosi corecti politic adica spalati pe creier, nivelati, uniformizati:

The ferocious American hostility to individualism is most virulent in the form of political correctness, which requires that all of us think the same things. The universities are worst, and they are the future. Once, unpopular ideas were argued and freedom of speech respected, however grudgingly. Today we have the pack mind.

Beyond the insistence that everyone should be like everyone else is the insistence that everyone already is like everyone else. No differences exist between men and women, sex being a social construct, and thus women should be in the Marines. Differences of race do not exist, race being a social construct, so if members of one non-existent race do not do as well at physics as members of another nonexistent race, we must on racial grounds hire them as physicists anyway under affirmative action, since differences are social constructs.

The United States, in a historical first, has turned the pyramid of civilization upside down. Universities, instead of seeking the qualified, actually look for the unqualified.

Georgetown University Drops SAT/ACT Requirement”.

This latter is needed to open the gates to the “disadvantaged,” meaning the stupid. And it has worked marvelously:

Forbes: “America’s Millennials Are Among the World’s Least Skilled”

Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

Edited by a3ds, 25 October 2015 - 06:25.


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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