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  • Înscris: 14.01.2012

View PostReboko, on 29 septembrie 2012 - 01:00, said:

Am vazut un film drama nemapomenit zilele astea. Cu un tip care toata viata si-a facut griji de sanatatea lui, sa manance sanatos, sa se protejeze etc si care... a murit de cancer.
Toti putem sa facem cancer. Unii sunt imuni la mediul inconjurator, mancare etc, altii nu. Asta e. Viata trebuie traita. Unii traiesc in 20 de ani cat atlii in 60.
Cum se numea?



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  • Înscris: 24.04.2007
B17 pt prevenire.



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Studii clinice ?



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  • Înscris: 24.04.2007
Nu exista pentru ca a fost interzisa cand s-a vazut ca da rezultate la cancer. B17 o iei din natura pentru prevenire. In caz de cancer e mai greu de procurat.



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  • Înscris: 25.11.2009
Au fost facute studii clinice pentru asa zisa vitB17 care defapt nu e o vitamina, un studiu a aratat ca laetrilul a avut efecte adverse usoare similare intoxicatiei cu cianuri (doza a fost relativ mica), al doilea studiu facut de prestigioasa clinica Mayo( non dublu blind) a fost facut pe 170 de pacienti, unul a avut o imbunatatire pentru 10 saptamani, la ceilalti cancerul a continuat sa progreseze.
In 2011 Cochrane Library a aratat ca nu exista absolut nici un studi stiintific care sa sustina faptul ca latrilul ar vindeca cancerul sau l-ar preveni, in schimb efectele adverse sint redutabile ducand la depasirea dozelor la moarte (doza letala este 50 g).
Vit B17 se poate cumpara de pe internet, majoritatea e facuta in Mexic, cititi de ex si comentariile de aici.



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  • Înscris: 24.08.2010
Atentie la ratia dintre Omega6 si Omega3. Nu folosit, zilnic, ulei de floarea soarelui (contime foarte mult Linoleic acid), soia, porumb. Folositi ulei de masline.
Evitati carnea rosie; Mancati cel putin de 2 ori pe saptamana peste (contine Omega3 EPA si DHA care inhiba celulele cancerigene).

Omega3 (bun) si Omega 6 (rau)

Omega 3 antiinflamator, bun pt circulatie, inima, memorie, vedere, depresie (posibil), etc.
Exista 3 tipuri de Omega 3:

ALA - alpha-Linolenic acid se gaseste in plante (in, chia etc) are efecte minime de inhibitie a celuleor canceroase si poate anula efectele EPA sau DHA. Unele studii sugerand cresterea riscului de cancer prostata. De evitat.

EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid ( peste) are efect inhibitor asupra celulelor canceroase (pana la 48% conform unor studii – cancer de piele - Nonmelanoma skin cancer).

DHA - docosahexaenoic acid (peste) se pare ca are cel mai puternic efect inhibitor pana la 83%(in cazul cancer de piele - Nonmelanoma skin cancer).

Din pacate Omega 6 (Linoleic acid- una dintre cele mai mari concentratii este in uleiul de floarea soarelului 50%-80%. Concentratii scazute sunt in ulei de masline (atentie cel extravirgin nu se foloseste la gatit doar cel „pomace”, palmier.  Linoleic acid se gaseste si in: carne, untura etc) are efecte opuse lui Omega 3 si ii reduce efectele inhibitoare:
-inflamator (se stie ca inflamatia cronica este una din cauzele cancerului). Inflamatia este o etapa a vindecarii leziunilor deci Omega 6 este indispensabil vietii, problema este supradozajul deoarece se gaseste in foarte multe alimente;
-in concentratii mari impiedica absortia Omega 3;
-duce la accelerarea cresterii tumorilor reducand foarte mult efectele inhibitoare ale EPA si DHA.

„DHA are strongly anti-angiogenic and block tumor growth and metastasis. He used the soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors to stabilize these epoxides in mice. In contrast, the epoxides of the omega 6 fatty acid ARA (arachidonate) are mildly angiogenic and encourage tumor and wound healing.”

Cancer piele:
„....In other words, UV-induced cancer increased in proportion to the linoleic acid (Omega 6) content of the diet, because linoleic acid suppresses the immune system’s cancer-fighting ability! „
It doesn’t end at skin cancer. In animal models, a number of cancers are highly sensitive to the amount of linoleic acid in the diet, including breast cancer. Once again, butter beats margarine and vegetable oils….
Conversely, omega-3 fish oil protects against skin cancer in the hairless mouse, even in large amounts. In another study, not only did fish oil protect against skin cancer, it doubled the amount of time researchers had to expose the mice to UV light to cause sunburn!”

Omega 3 but not omega 6 fatty acids inhibit AP-1 activity and cell transformation in JB6 cells

Omega-3 Supplements May Prevent Skin Cancer

Cancer san:
„The omega-3s worked against all types of cancerous cells, but the effect was observed to be stronger in triple-negative cell lines, reducing proliferation by as much as 90 percent. „

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Slow Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Shown to Prevent Breast Cancer Growth (defapt reduc cu 30% cresterea tumorilor)

Asta nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa mai mancam alimente care contin Omega 6.

Cancer stomac:
The study was published ahead of print in the journal Infection and Immunity.

In the study, the researchers infected Mongolian gerbils with H. pylori. One set of gerbils received a regular diet; the other, a high salt diet. At the end of the experiment the researchers analyzed the animals' stomach tissues. Every animal on the high salt diet developed cancer, compared with just 58 percent of those on the regular diet

The investigators also detected significantly higher levels of gastric inflammation in H. pylori-infected gerbils on a high salt diet than in those on a regular diet..”



Consumati turmeric (contime curcumin app. 5% si iubeste piperul negru). A fost un mic razboi intre companiile farmaceutice care au patentat, pt. o scurta perioada, turmericul si India (nu se mai putea vinde ca aliment/condiment ci ca si supliment/medicament), pricipalul producator, castigat de India. Din pacate interesul companiilor farmaceutice a disparut nimeni un isi poate permite sa „investeasca” minim 50 mil USD (se poate ajunge si la 100 mil, atat costa aducerea pe piata a unui nou medicament, iar fara patent oricine il poate produce in secunda doi) si sa nu obtina un profit (de cele mai multe ori se cumpara cel mai ieftin medicament iar cum tu ai investit 0 USD in cercetare, studii iti convine sa il vinzi mult mai ieftin decat cel care a facut studiile).

On April 21, 2011, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, top Western medicine abandoned it's normal research for new toxic chemo solutions for cancer to release a surprising paper on their curcumin research.

The researchers were amazed at curcumin's ability to differentiate cancer cells from normal cells and create apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells only, while actually promoting better cellular health in non-cancerous cells.

Cap si gat:
Previous research has also found that curcumin - and its primary element, turmeric - have been found to reduce cancer growth and brain tumors as much as 81 percent.

"Curcumin, the main component in the spice turmeric, suppresses a cell signaling pathway that drives the growth of head and neck cancer, according to a pilot study using human saliva by researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center," the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, said, confirming the university's results.

“The curcumin had a significant inhibitory effect, blocking two different drivers of head and neck cancer growth,”

The curcumin binds to and prevents an enzyme known as IKK, an inhibitor of kappa β kinase, from activating a transcription factor called nuclear factor kappa β (NF?β), which promotes cancer growth.

Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2TLy5BLgp


More recently, a study from Zheijian Provincial People's Hospital in Zheijiang, China indicates that curcumin is capable of inducing apoptosis (cell death) within triple negative breast cancer cells. Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of cancer that defies conventional therapy.


According to a study conducted in 2008 and published in Cancer Prevention Research, curcumin also inhibits the growth and spread of breast cancer cells by directly impacting the function of alpha6beta4 integrin, responsible for cancer progression.

Another study, performed in 2010, found that curcumin also has the potential to target cancer stem cells.

According to researchers at the University of Kansas' Cancer Center and Medical Center, study results indicate that "curcumin inhibits the growth of esophageal cancer cell lines," though how it works "is not well understood."

Learn more: http://www.naturalne...l#ixzz2TLx3e7vb

A 2011 study took advantage of the fact that curcumin stays in the intestine rather than absorbing into the blood. Researchers tested it to find out if it could reduce the number of cancer precursors in the colon and rectum. They measured compounds that help promote cancer in rats, did colonoscopies to count abnormal crypt foci (a very early sign that colon cancer may be developing) in biopsy samples, then gave 2 to 4 grams of curcumin a day to 44 smokers. After a month on the curcumin, the researchers did second colonoscopies and biopsies to see if there was a lower concentration of pro-carcinogenic substances in the colon and rectum. The compounds were at the same level as they were before the study. But the smokers who took 4 grams of curcumin a day had fewer abnormal crypt foci after the study, while the smokers who took 2 grams a day had the same number as before. Researchers are still looking at whether curcumin might actually reduce the number of colon and rectum cancers.

Following the wave of information of curcumin, researchers who posted their findings in Molecular Pharmacology classified curcumin as a pancreatic cancer cell inhibitor back in 2009.


Nu folositi suplimente care contin vitaminele B9-B7-B12 daca nu aveti recomandarea unui doctor.



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  • Înscris: 24.08.2010
Universitatea Cambridge. Cancer prostata:
"În cadrul cercetării, bărbaţii care fuseseră trataţi chirurgical sau cu ajutorul radioterapiei au primit o capsulă ce conţinea esenţă de rodie, ceai verde, turmeric şi broccoli.

La finalul celor 6 luni de studiu, cercetătorii au descoperit că nivelul PSA-ului din corp, o proteină ce indică prezenţa cancerului, era cu 63% mai mic în rândul bărbaţilor trataţi cu această capsulă decât în rândul celor ce primiseră o capsulă placebo."

"Studiul nu a identificat vreun efect secundar în cazul bărbaţilor care au fost trataţi cu acest supliment."


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