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    dabăl iu ti ef?

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  • Înscris: 18.01.2005

View PostRaInInGmaN`, on Apr 29 2006, 00:50, said:

incepusem si eu un thread de genu pe la fun dar nu s'a postat prea mult in el.

zicea cineva mai sus despre mel "raisa" k desi verurile sunt enervante mel e ok.sa'ti dau un pont..melodia originala o canta niste spanioli sau portughezi(sau ceva din neamul lor) si suna mult mai ok asa cum era ea...nu prea are farmec deloc cu nonsensurile adaugate de plagiatorii verii.

shobi daca vei mai posta si tu poate reusim sa tine threadul asta sus

acu pornesc tv tuneru p atomic la vanatoare de "perle"
hehe, cu raisa asta au fost mai multe discutii decat in alte cazuri ..
intr-o vreme, pe forum era unu din caracal care se lauda ca i-au furat melodia ... astia de la fly project ... in fine, nici nu mai conteaza

cat despre postatul aici ... nu stiu, nu prea ma mai uit la televizor :D dar promit sa iau cele mai noi melodii si sa comentez  :D




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  • Înscris: 09.10.2005
la tv nu prea ma uit nici eu da unele hituri nu au cum sa iti treaca neobservate.chiar dupa postu precedent am deschis tuneru pe atomic si ce crezi k am ascultat?alt hit de la aceeasi formatie de plagiatori.de fapt e aceeasim melodie doar ici colo schimbate vre'o 2 note :),si versurile...dumnezeule nu pot crede k o persoana care e in deplinatatea capacitatilor mintale poate asculta mizeria asta cu placere  :death:

ex:(scuze daca sunt greseli nu stiu mel pe de rost da sunt sigur ca,virgula,cunoasteti melodia)

la inceput te'a prins
prea tare te'a atins
te las sa poti visa
sti ca va continua
ti'am dat si soarele
ti'am dat si ploile
viseaza zilele traieste noptile

tera tam tana tana tera tam tana taa X n(n+1) :D

apoi mai urmeaza ceva de genu:

hai alearga'ma urmareste'ma,hai instiga'ma oboseste'ma...si tot asa niste verbe aruncate la intamplare fara o ordine sau un inteles anume...doar sa fie umplut golul dintre "tera tam tana tana tera tam tana taa X n(n+1)"

si cam atat e melodia

refuz sa cred ca cineva da bani sa asculte ceva de genu.mai bine cumparati'va un e'jay si o maimuta,faceti negativu singuri,puneti maimuta sa se miste si sa scoate sunete la intamplare si ai cu succes si minim de bani 90% din muzica romaneasca la tine acasa.  :w00t:



    Smrt fačizmu, sloboda narodu! Îmi cresc amprenta de Carbon

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  • Înscris: 13.06.2004
Dacă prostimea ascultă asemena "melodii" nu e de mirare că există tâmpiți care creeze asemnea "opere"!
P.S. Mie îmi place "Raisa" :D
Am auzit niște versuri de manea:
Nu închide gurița/Că îmi strivești (sau rupi) beeep

Cristina Scacun

Cristina Scacun

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  • Înscris: 12.08.2006
Am eu impresia sau multe dintre textele melodiilor de azi sunt de o simplitate puerila si de un prost gust care te scot din sarite?Personal,prefer melodiile mai vechi.



    Lord of the Bunnies

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  • Înscris: 21.04.2006
Desi este una din trupele mele preferate, desi piesa asta are o melodie bestiala si un ritm aparte, versurile astea nu pot sa nu-ti atraga atentia prin simplitatea lor stupida...

Amorphis - House of Sleep

I will never sleep alone, never without you
Whatever you say to me, I already know
If I said something to you, you would take those words....
There's so much power in those words

You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
Sleep is a house...for lovers

You will be the mistress of the house
You will be given the wide belt and the big key to the gate
If I said something to you, you would take those words....
There's so much power in those words

You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
Sleep is a house...for lovers

You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
You don't know, you don't know nothing yet
About the dreams I have

Lasand la o parte mesajul oarecum interesant, repetitivitatea si simplitatea distrug complet versurile...



    Geniu umil

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  • Înscris: 21.04.2004
una din cele mai cretine piese pe care le-am intilnit vreodata vine din partea formatiei mele preferate  :lol:

Genesis - Who dunnit?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Who dunnit?

I didn't, I, I didn't do it....

Oh but we know, we know, we know...

So was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it A or was it B?
Or was it X or Z?

Was it you or was it me?
Or was it he or she?
Was it you or was it me?
Who dunnit?

I, I, I didn't, I didn't do it...

But we know, we know, we know...
Yeah we don't know, we don't know, we don't know...
We all know, we all know, we all know...

evident ca probabil erau beti si isi reglau intrumentele or something si probabil a ajuns din greseala pe albuum, iar apoi din lene, au renuntat sa o mai scoata :D

Edited by Mosotti, 21 August 2006 - 09:17.



    Lord of the Bunnies

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 21.04.2006
Doamne cum suna..acum am ascultat si piesa ( de a carei existenta nu stiam)...hihi...e ca piesa aia minunata de  la Blink 182...desi Blink 182 sunt apa de ploaie comparativ cu trupele mari, de remarcat totusi stupiditatea piesei asteaia :

Blink 182 - Fucking Dogs

I wanna fuck a dog in the ass (he wants to fuck a dog in the ass)
I wanna fuck a dog,that`s right kids
I tried to fuck your mom in the ass,tried to fuck your dad in the ass,
could only find the dog,and his ass

We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog

I tried to fuck a fucking pirate in the ass (argh,me and me first mate you skurvey ker )
Tried to fuck a fucking pirate,but I found a dog (Ah,that was no pirate man that was thy own sister)

(it`s a mexican pirate)

We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog in the ass
We wanna fuck a dog

Fuck You




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 09.10.2005
adevarul e ca suntem bombardati zilnic de piese ale caror versuri sunt extrem de stupide,iar daca au cat de cat un inteles nu mai respecta alte reguli...


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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