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Lycoris Linux: in sfarsit cei ce au deschis ochii

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    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
Iata ca in sfarsit au aparut si ACEI OAMENI ce au reusit sa deschida ochii, sa priveasca bien si sa mai si constientizeze ce e in jurul lor. Stiu...am zis ca nu mai psotez aici decat cand am o problema sau pot ajuta..dar sincer cred ca aceasta distributie  va ajuta pe cativa chiar si dintre voi ,cei "de moda veche"...... in sfarsit Lycoris Linux este acea distributie care pe langa faptul ca arata foarte bine ( identic, chair paote un pic mai bien decat Windows XP), are un suport de aplicatii foarte bien facut, are Macromedia Flash inclus, JAVA, Adobe Acrobat si multe altele incluse, are si pe cd-ul 3 asa zisele DevTools....... ce par a fi ceva de capul lor..... pentru prima data vad un workstation adevarat pe Linux, unde domne`, cand trebe sa-ti faci treaba nu mai stai la discutii si sa bati ca bivolu` la linia de comanda...... uitati-ve pe site-ul lor, cititi despre sistem si eventual downloadati-l..eu unul asta o sa fac..... nu am cuvinte sa imi exprim entuziasmul fata de acesti oameni realisti si constienti ......





  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
Imaginile sunt apetisante :)
Pacat ca download-ul este icredibil de mic :(
1-3 Kbs pe server ;(




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 28.11.2001
ce kernel foloseste , gcc, kde, gnome???????,se foloste de tgz,rpm...?
as vrea sa stiu versiunile acestor programe, Pittick da mai multe informati !!!




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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
‱‱‱‱.. NU E FREE  ;(



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
ba este monitox ..sicner....si in revista PC Magazine scrie ca da....daca stii cum si unde sa cauti il gasesti..stati asaca va dau eu linkurile..rabdare




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
oooook  :OK:

At fi belea sa pun mana pe el.. de f mult timp caut asa ceva :D



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
adresa este cea de mai jos.


Vedeti ca acolo la "Category:Mirrors"(e pe la mijlocu paginii) aveti de pe ce continent sa va selectati mirrorul si pe urma aveti lista cu tarile de unde il puteti da jos....eu va dau daca vreti cateva linkuri "gata gasite" de prin austria..ungaria..etc.....




  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
Cool.. in doua zile il am :D

3 ISO.. ce naiba... heh



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
iata lsita cu mirrorurile din Europa..cred caedeajuns..enjoy si astept sa fac si eu rost catmai curand de el..cine il instaleaza sa verseaici nsite impresii ..... din cate citeam pe acolo si prin PCMagazine, cica poti cu succes sa dai click pe executabilele de windows si acestea vor fi lansate sau chiar instalate!...... pretty good......va dati seama..un workstation pe un asemenea Linux, cu un Kylix 2 si ceva bun de tot legat de .NET m-ar face fericit..finally...



    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
ai uitat sa atasezi lista :)
anyway... faza COOL:


e lycoris linux acolo :)




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 20.03.2002
Cam asta am gasit deocamdata:

The most recent Update 2, Build 46 release on July 30th on the Lycoris website.  The default installation contains quite a list of installed software: KDE 2.2.2 desktop, Konqueror 2.2.1 File Manager, Mozilla web browser 1.0, gFTP 2.0.8, LICQ 1.0.2, Koffice 1.1.1, GIMP image editor 1.2, RealPlayer 8.0, Xine media player 0.9.6, Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5, KOnCD CD burning software 1.0rc2, and many more software packages too numerous to name.

Si in plus foloseste modelul RPM de pachete pt instalare.

P.S. Sammy, asa se numea inainte distributia, Redmond Linux, dar s-au cam suparat cei din Redmond (stiti voi care :) ) si au schimbat numele. Se numea asa pt ca firma este chiar din Redmond.



    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
rpm... damn...
beta... si cer si bani :)



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002

da..ma grabeam....scuze ca nu atasasem lista......
Cat despre faza cu Redmond Linux....ei s-au redenumit in Lycoris acu catva timp cik... oricum...din ce a spus si horatzica si din ce oti mai fi cititla ei pe sit, puteti sa va dati cu parerea?(asta inainte de a-l vedea/testa personal)....



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
nu e beta oameni buni...citit cu atentie.cumparati si PC Mag si veti vedea ca nu e beta..si se paote si downloada....... nu e neaparat pe bani....



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
ok..uitati ceva interesant despre un tip ce l-a instalat..un tip redactor la o revista on-line parca.....:

"My experience with Lycoris Desktop/LX has thus far been the best of all Linux or Unix distributions I've used.  After downloading the 512MB ISO file from a Lycoris mirror website, I burned a CD and proceeded to install Desktop/LX on my trusty 800mhz Athlon test PC.  I have equipped this system with some pretty standard components such as the Asus A7V133 motherboard with 320MB of  PC133 SDRam and a Maxtor 20GB hard drive.  It's not designed to be the fastest gaming machine there is, but rather to be the equivalent of what most home and office PC users have.

I booted from my burned CD and was presented with a colorfully interactive menu to either begin the install or to probe my video card.  Gone are the days of having a hundred lines of cryptic text scroll down the screen during the initial boot before being prompted to start the installation.  Several other distributions of Linux have done this so it appears that there is a growing trend in the Linux community as a whole to try and make it simpler install and use.

Once the installation was under way, I was startled to see that the installation process of Desktop/LX actually made good on its promise of having a simple and painless installation.  My previous experiences with Linux installs were never easy or truly user friendly.  The installation of Desktop/LX can be compared to that of Microsoft Windows in it's ease of use and by the amount of user interaction that is required.  Lycoris has put a tremendous amount of effort into simplifying what was once a daunting task of getting a Linux operating system installed, never the less working effectively and flawlessly.

The hardware in my test machine is fairly standard, using a nVidia GeForce2 video adapter, Realtek RTL8139 network card, and a Asus motherboard with AC`97 onboard sound.  Unfortunately at the time of testing I did not have any additional devices such as a DVD-Rom, CD-RW, or USB device installed to test with Desktop/LX.

Amazingly, Desktop/LX auto detected the hardware devices and installed the appropriate drivers.  I wasn't fully convinced that Desktop/LX did a good job until I booted the first time and heard that orchestra style  chime coming from my speakers.  Along with the sound, the video was properly configured with the correct resolution and refresh rate giving a clear and crisp picture.  

The only issue I noted was that Desktop/LX hadn't properly detected my onboard Promise PDC20265 IDE/RAID controller.  I am not sure if this was an improper BIOS or jumper setting, so users with onboard IDE controllers may want to check with Lycoris or the hardware manufacturer to make sure these devices are fully supported.

What left a large impression on me was the driver database.  Lycoris has given Desktop/LX an extraordinarily large driver database covering just about every hardware manufacturer I've heard of and then some.  I don't see why there is no reason that Desktop/LX shouldn't work on at least 98% of home desktop PC's today.  Even the ones that are several years old should have no problem running Desktop/LX.  Hopefully other Linux distributions will see what Lycoris has done and follow them adding large driver databases to their own versions of Linux.

Added to the setup process is an optional feature that most people will find enjoyable.  Once all of the installation options are set and Desktop/LX begins to install, the setup process offered me ability to play as many games of Solitaire that I wanted while the installation completed.  This goes away from the normal trend of operating systems flashing screens of their features and advertisements while you sit there and wait.  It is definitely a welcomed change by me considering I have sat behind numerous monitors doing nothing but spinning CD's to pass the time while the installation finished.

Upon the completion of the install and reboot, I checked the time and noticed it had only taken a mere 20 minutes for the entire installation of Lycoris Desktop/LX.  I had began the installation at 6:27pm and was logged in to the desktop by 6:47pm.  I barely had enough time to refill my Dr. Pepper, sort a few papers, and figure out where that mysterious cup on my desk came from before the install was finished and ready to go.  In my opinion the Desktop/LX installation performed flawlessly and outperforms other major operating systems in speed and effectiveness.  To compare Lycoris to Windows XP, XP took over 40 minutes on my Athlon 1.4ghz processor."




  • Grup: Members
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  • Înscris: 20.03.2002
Si daca va intrebati cumva pe ce distributie se bazeaza, ei zic ca au plecat de la Caldera Workstation 3.1



    DIE HARD!..over and over again

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 04.01.2002
abia astept sa il am si eu pe mana...o sa il testez...dar din cate citesc.... o sa ma lase mai mutl decat impresionat..... un adevarat workstation Linux pare a fi......dar mai bine nu vb. inainte de a il testa la propriu.



    Active Member

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  • Înscris: 26.11.2001
eu nu am tangente, deocamdata, uc linux ca workstation... doar ca server administrabil remote...
pentru ca nu m-a interesat.
asa ca nu pot sa-mi dau nici o parere. nu am mai instalat un x de nu stiu cand... anyway, se poate downloada, intr-adevar, il downloadez acum, dar:


Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 49 Beta
Posted on Tuesday 27 August @ 18:02:25
pe 27 august era beta... in 3 zile nu cred ca a aparut finalul deja :)


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

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Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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