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  • Înscris: 29.06.2005
informatiile care se dau ca raspuns tintit la o anumita intrebare nu se considera reclama (cel putin pe aria asta, eu nu vorbesc in numele altora) - cu rugamintea de a nu insista, de a nu scrie cu majuscule sau color, de a nu repeta chestii de genul "da, e cea mai buna, va spun din nou, mergeti la...".

in cazul de fata insa consider ca este suficient; un search cu google duce direct la pagina principala a centrului medical respectiv, deci nu mai e nevoie de alte amanunte aici, consider ca fiecare se descurca la o cautare.

 Fr3ak, on Sep 11 2006, 18:15, said:

ce înseamnă homeopatie...în ce constă. Medicamente? Tratament naturalist? Tratament de alt fel?



daca subiectul prezinta interes as prefera sa facem topic separat.



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 mianna, on Sep 11 2006, 18:21, said:

daca subiectul prezinta interes as prefera sa facem topic separat.

La mine nu mai prezintă  -_-

Mulţumesc oricum...şi sper să nici nu mai am nevoie...



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 mianna, on Sep 11 2006, 18:16, said:

informatiile care se dau ca raspuns tintit la o anumita intrebare nu se considera reclama (cel putin pe aria asta, eu nu vorbesc in numele altora) - cu rugamintea de a nu insista, de a nu scrie cu majuscule sau color, de a nu repeta chestii de genul "da, e cea mai buna, va spun din nou, mergeti la...".

in cazul de fata insa consider ca este suficient; un search cu google duce direct la pagina principala a centrului medical respectiv, deci nu mai e nevoie de alte amanunte aici, consider ca fiecare se descurca la o cautare.
Mutumesc mult Mianna.
Eu in Bucuresti am fost dar cred ca exista cabinete in multe orase din tara.Despre homeopatie si remedii da-i un search pe google. Vei afla mai multe decat iti pot eu spune in doua trei cuvinte. Legat de ce spuneai tu mai devreme ca esti sigur ca simptomele vor reveni te asigur ca asa este. Inainte de a afla de homeopatie am fost la un spital in Bucuresti. Acolo dupa un control mi-au dat  vitamina A fiole si supozitoare care nu mi-au folosit la nimic. Ba mai mult, dupa putin timp am inceput sa am si dureri insuportabile. De disperare incepusem sa ma gandesc la varianta operatiei dar apoi am aflat ca durerile postoperatorii sunt groaznice si nici nu scapi definitiv pt ca simptomele revin.



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  • Înscris: 15.01.2006
Am si eu problema asta de cativa ani buni si inca supravietuiesc :P, cand am fost la doctor a zis clar bisturiu, insa eu am fost de alta parere...

Au mai multe cauze, la mine a fost ca am mers foarte mult cu bicicleta insa odata cu trecerea timpului situatia s-a ameliorat....

Am stat sa analizez ce mancaruri nu sunt bune: in primul rand mancaruri foarte sarate, muraturi de orice fel, alcool distilat (berea si vinul nu au nici un efect), bauturi carbogazoase (mie imi fac foarte rau).
In rest manac si beau orice inclusiv cafea/ness care la mine nu au nici un efect, de fapt cafeau are chiar un efect pozitiv, si incerc sa ma menajez insa sensul ca dupa un scaun nu fac nici un fel de efort 15-20 de minute, cam asta e singurul inconvenient.

Eu sunt de parere ca daca nu sangereaza, nu trebuie sa te repezi la doctor  
si sa incerci un regim/o crema (hemorzom calmeaza foarte bine durerea)/un ceai usor laxativ pentru o perioada cat mai scurta de stat pe wv/bai caldute.



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 trident, on Sep 14 2006, 21:59, said:

Am si eu problema asta de cativa ani buni si inca supravietuiesc :P, cand am fost la doctor a zis clar bisturiu, insa eu am fost de alta parere...

Au mai multe cauze, la mine a fost ca am mers foarte mult cu bicicleta insa odata cu trecerea timpului situatia s-a ameliorat....

Am stat sa analizez ce mancaruri nu sunt bune: in primul rand mancaruri foarte sarate, muraturi de orice fel, alcool distilat (berea si vinul nu au nici un efect), bauturi carbogazoase (mie imi fac foarte rau).
In rest manac si beau orice inclusiv cafea/ness care la mine nu au nici un efect, de fapt cafeau are chiar un efect pozitiv, si incerc sa ma menajez insa sensul ca dupa un scaun nu fac nici un fel de efort 15-20 de minute, cam asta e singurul inconvenient.

Eu sunt de parere ca daca nu sangereaza, nu trebuie sa te repezi la doctor  
si sa incerci un regim/o crema (hemorzom calmeaza foarte bine durerea)/un ceai usor laxativ pentru o perioada cat mai scurta de stat pe wv/bai caldute.

Hai totuşi să nu mânjim doctoria de kkt. Că nu degeaba fac nici ăia o facultate. De cele mai multe ori ştiu ei ce zic. Nici bisturiul nu-ţi făcea prea mult rău...că odată ş-odată tot acolo ajungi. Eu aş prefera acum, decât la 40-50 de ani...că atunci revin mai greu după o intervenţie.



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 trident, on Sep 14 2006, 21:59, said:

si sa incerci un regim/o crema (hemorzom calmeaza foarte bine durerea)/un ceai usor laxativ pentru o perioada cat mai scurta de stat pe wv/bai caldute.

ca sa nu caute careva cu disperare pe google - hemorzon ii zice.

si pentru cine-l recomanda asa generos - va jucati cu un preparat cu cortizon. whatever, doctorii is invatati sa-i  ajute pe cei care apeleaza la ei, nu pe cei care-i ocolesc cu obstinatie.



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  • Înscris: 15.01.2006
Fiecare face cum crede, eu am simtit ca nu trebuie sa fac operatie si nu am facut. NU am nimik cu nici un doctor, insa imi e frica sa ajung mai grav decat sunt acum.

Am fost prin cateva spitale si numai gandul sa stau o noapte in spital ma termina, nu vreau sa depind de nimeni cu nimik.

Iar faptul ca cineva face o facultate nu inseamnca ca stie sa faca ceva.



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 trident, on Sep 15 2006, 20:29, said:

Iar faptul ca cineva face o facultate nu inseamnca ca stie sa faca ceva.

Aşa e...dar nici nu înseamnă că nimeni nu e bun de nimic în lumea asta.
Aşa e cum spui tu, ai libertatea de a alege, dar există o diferenţă între asta şi a face reclamă proastă medicilor. Să nu îndemnăm oamenii să nu mai meargă la medic, că e greşit, din orice punct de vedere o priveşti. E de-ajuns că ne-a fost indus acest mesaj încă din copilărie cu „dacă eşti rău te duc la doctor şi o să te înţepe cu seringa”  :death:

În rest...mă bucur că ţi-ai revenit...de-ar fi la toţi aşa.



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  • Înscris: 21.10.2003
Pf... mi-aduc aminte când am început acest thread... cum îi zicea pe vremuri.

Ţin minte că am fost la doctor cu hemoroizii ieşiţi.... mi-a băgat ăla deştu-n cur... şi mi-a spus: ”Trebuie să te operezi!”.

Mai mi-aduc aminte că mă durea aşa de tare când au ieşit afară... încât nici să râd nu puteam.

E... cum venea licenţa... nu m-am operat, cu atât mai mult cu cât e o zonă sensibilă acolo.

Au trecut 2 ani şi de atunci şi dureri nu am mai avut deloc. Foarte rar sângerări aproape insesizabile. Mâncărimi nici atât.

Probabil vă întrebaţi ce am făcut.

Am avut grijă de mine, asta am făcut. Hemoroizii încă există dar probleme nu mi-au mai făcut.

So... cel puţin odată pe săptămână mănânc cereale (musli). Şi am grijă per ansamblu să nu mănânc prea uscat. Nu prea mai mănânc carne, nu ştiu dacă are legătură.

De fiecare dată după ce fac la wc mă spăl FOARTE bine în lighean, cu apă călduţă. E foarte important în lighean, că şi înainte de probleme mă spălam, dar în duş, stând în picioare.

Recent un prieten a făcut o faimoasă operaţie din asta... MIRACULOASĂ... care l-a costat vreo 700 de euro. La 2 luni după operaţie i-au revenit hemoroizii.




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 Piorel, on Sep 22 2006, 01:02, said:

De fiecare dată după ce fac la wc mă spăl FOARTE bine în lighean, cu apă călduţă. E foarte important în lighean, că şi înainte de probleme mă spălam, dar în duş, stând în picioare.

Am si eu o intrebare:la servici cum faci cu ligheanul?  :scratchchin:

Am avut si eu problema asemenatoare. Exista un medicament Detralex pe care il gasesti la orice farmacie.Pe mine m-a ajutat.Am scapat de belele... :peacefingers:



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 chrystyna, on Sep 8 2006, 10:03, said:

Am si eu o intrebare...stiu ca pare puerila....Dar la ce doctor trebuie sa te duci pentru hemoroizi? :confuzzled:
Mi-am adus aminte din Seinfeld : PROCTOLOGIST în engleză, pe româneşte medic proctolog, fiindcă proctologia este conform dexului, partea din medicină care studiază bolile anusului şi rectului.
Dar asta numai la americani sau popoare care suferă de prea mult bine.

 Fr3ak, on Aug 21 2006, 11:22, said:

cică mai sunt şi ceva medicamente, pastile sau ce, care împiedică să-ţi mai revină. eu nu am luat şi cred că o să-mi revină.
Revine eventual şi fiindcă există condiţii propice. Principala cauză a hemoroizilor este staza sanguină în zona feselor, în ultimă instanţă rect-anus, fiindcă din experienţa personală (de curând am început să sufăr şi eu de hemoroizi  :w00t: ), am observat că scaunul se răzbună împotriva mea cu o forţă egală şi de sens contrar greutăţii, reacţiunea normală. Şi m-am gândit că taburetul este prea tare pentru şezutul meu atât de pretenţios, aşă că am încercat un scaun ergonomic.
  Rezultatele au fost vizibile. Dacă nu m-aş fi uns cu unguent de cătină, gălebenele şi propolis poate că mi-ar fi trecut mult mai greu, dar cred că oricum nu putea să evolueze decât spre vindecare. Fiindcă înainte stăteam 5-6 ore pe un scaun tare şi deja simţeam că trebuie să mă ridic de la calculator. Folosind scaunul supermeseriaş am stat fără probleme chiar şi 12 ore cu mici pauze.
Nu garantez că alţii pot să aibă acelaşi succes ca mine fiindcă eu am o fază incipientă, însă înainte de a merge la medic e bine să faci tu însuţi câteva chestii de bun simţ.

Edited by Mirovaia_Scorb, 22 September 2006 - 04:38.



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  • Înscris: 25.06.2004
O reteta foarte buna pt hemoroizi externi este urmatoarea:
Tratament 7 zile,
3-4 catei de usturoi zdrobiti cu tot cu coaja , un pahar de lapte crud,se amesteca bine usturoiul cu laptele si se aplica comprese.
Durerea dispare chiar de la prima compresa si in 3-4 zile hemoroizii se retrag.
compresele se aplica seara ,eventual se pune un pampers(sau cum se scrie)sa nu patezi patul.
cu mirosul  :death: asta e ...dar merita.
la mine a functionat perfect.
Binenteles sa nu uitam de regimul alimentar.

Sa auzimde bine !



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  • Înscris: 08.11.2006
dragilor, va vorbeste un doctor, chirurg, proctolog, linkul il am de la un pacient de-al meu care a orbecait mult prin parerile neavizate, chiar daca bine intentionate din acest thread.Ajuns la mine si lamurindu-l despre ce e vorba, si-a dat seama ca cineva ar trebui sa va lumineze in aceasta problema.intamplator sau nu, pe langa faptul ca sunt medic chirurg cu experienta bunicica in opaeratiile clasice, inclusiv pentru hemoroizi, practic de 7 ani in clinici private tratamentul neoperator prin rubber band ligation si infrared coagulation, binecunoscut in lume, dati search si veti vedea.Indicatia operatorie clasica, cu bisturiul, cu anestezie si internare in spital este foarte rar valabila in ziua de azi.majoritatea hemoroizilor sunt tratati prin metode neoperatorii, cu rata de scucces mult mai buna, contrar celor spuse de colegul meu nestiutor sau depasit care zicea ca metodele sunt abia la inceput, neverificate etc..bullshit, sunt de ani de zile si sunt statistici pe mii de pacienti.
nu va voi vorbi de clinica unde lucrez si unde sunt medic coordonator, nu vreau sa fac reclama, dar trebuie sa stabilim foarte clar ca hemoroizii NU SE VINDECA DE LA SINE, ca daca nu excizezi acelste varice din canalul anal, ele nu dispar, se pot micsora, ameliora etc cu diferite unguente dar nu vor disparea.
cateva articole :
FOLOSITE IN CLINICILE ..............  din bucuresti

RBL - Rubber band ligation = ligature hemoroizilor cu benzi elastice
Infrared coagulation = fototermocoagularea in infrarosu
Radiofrequency coagulation = coagularea cu unde de radiofrecventa

Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2003 Feb;95(2):110-4, 105-9. Links
Effectiveness of rubber band ligation in haemorrhoids and factors related to relapse.
[Article in English, Spanish]
• Perez Vicente F,
• Fernandez Frias A,
• Arroyo Sebastian A,
• Serrano Paz P,
• Costa Navarro D,
• Candela Polo F,
• Ferrer Riquelme R,
• Oliver Garcia I,
• Lacueva Gomez FJ,
• Calpena Rico R.
Unidad de Coloproctologia. Hospital Universitario de Elche. Alicante, Spain. [email protected]
PURPOSE: to assess the effectiveness of ambulatory rubber band ligation (RBL) in the treatment of symptomatic internal haemorrhoids and to identify factors related to relapse. PATIENTS AND METHODS: prospective study of 232 patients treated with rubber band ligation for symptomatic haemorrhoids (grade I-III or grade IV with severe contraindication for surgery) from November 1996 to November 2000 at the outpatient clinic. Ligation was performed with a Stille AB (Comedic) ligator and suction pump, placing 1-3 bands per session and with up to three sessions per patient. Effectiveness of treatment was defined as the absence of symptoms and was confirmed by anoscopy by checking the residual scar after the cushions' detachment. Categorical variables were compared using the shi-squared test, whereas Student's t-test was used for continuous variables. Logistic regression was employed to identify clinical factors related to relapse. RESULTS: a total of 331 bands were placed during 235 sessions in the 163 patients who completed follow-up (70%). Mean age was 45.6 years, with males accounting for 64.4%. Most patients (86.5%) had grade II or grade III haemorrhoids. Overall morbidity was 6%. The most frequent complications were rectal tenesmus (11%), slight or mild anal pain (7.4%), dysuria (4.3%) and transient anal bleeding (3.7%). The treatment was effective in 86% of patients after a mean follow-up of 32 months. Efficacy was high for grades I and II (100% and 97.4% ) but decreased for grade III (69.8%; p<0.001) and grade IV (0%; p<0.001). Most relapses occurred within the first 24 months (87%) and were not significantly related to age, gender, duration of symptoms, itching, bleeding, pain, tenesmus or bowel habit, but were significantly related to the presence of prolapse and its grade (p<0.001), and to the involvement of left posterior, right lateral and anterior pedicles (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: ambulatory RBL is a safe and effective treatment for grade I, II and III symptomatic haemorrhoids, and is associated with low morbidity. Recurrence is uncommon and occurs mainly within the first 24 months, being related to the presence and grade of prolapse as well as to its location, but bears little relation to the rest of factors analysed.
PMID: 12760718 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Concluzie : metodele ambulatorii sunt foarte eficiente in tratamentul hemoroizilor de grad I,II si III , recidiva este rara, dar atunci cand se produce apare in primele 24 de luni.

Dis Colon Rectum. 2004 Aug;47(8):1364-70.   Links
Long-term outcome of rubber band ligation for symptomatic primary and recurrent internal hemorrhoids.
• Iyer VS,
• Shrier I,
• Gordon PH.
Division of Colorectal Surgery and Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Sir Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
PURPOSE: Rubber band ligation therapy for symptomatic hemorrhoidal disease has been used for many years and is a well-accepted treatment modality, but information on long-term outcome is limited. Our goals were to determine safety and long-term efficacy of this treatment. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of patients undergoing rubber band ligatures for symptomatic internal hemorrhoids in a single practice was conducted. Information on presenting symptoms, number of bands applied, response to therapy, complications encountered, length of follow-up, interval to recurrent symptoms when applicable, and subsequent therapy were documented. Supplemental information was obtained from telephone follow-up. Outcome was categorized as success or failure, in which success was defined as: permanent relief of symptoms for follow-up period; marked improvement in symptomatology with rare manifestation of bleeding (< or = 1/month); symptom relief for a limited period of time (> or = 100 days), and failure was defined as: modest improvement (decreased but not relief of symptoms); or no improvement in symptoms. RESULTS: A total of 805 patients underwent 2,114 rubber band ligatures. Most common presenting symptoms were bleeding in 731 patients (90.8 percent) and prolapsing in 382 patients (47.5 percent). The median number of bands placed was two (range, 1-17). The median time between bandings was 4.7 (range, 1.1-35.6) weeks. Median follow-up time was 1,204 (range, 14-9,571) days. Excluding 104 patients lost to follow-up (never returned after initial treatment), success was obtained in 70.5 percent (494/701) and failure in 29.5 percent (207/701) of patients. Success rates were similar for all degrees of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal disease requiring the placement of four or more bands was associated with a trend in higher failure rates and greater need for subsequent hemorrhoidectomy. Complications per treatment series included bleeding (2.8 percent), thrombosed external hemorrhoids (1.5 percent), and bacteremia (0.09 percent). Higher bleeding rates were encountered with the use of acetylsalicylic acid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and warfarin. Time to recurrence was less with subsequent treatment courses. Treatment of recurrent symptoms with rubber band ligation resulted in success rates of 73.6, 61.4, and 65 percent for first, second, and third recurrences respectively. This resulted in a cumulative success rate of 80.2 percent for this method of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Rubber band ligatures are safe and effective therapy for symptomatic internal hemorrhoids. It can be used to treat all degrees of hemorrhoids with similar effectiveness. The use of acetylsalicylic acid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and warfarin is associated with higher bleeding rates. Rubber band ligatures for recurrence of symptoms is effective; however, time to recurrence is less with subsequent treatments.
PMID: 15484351 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Concluzie : ligaturile cu benzi elastice sunt o metoda sigura si eficienta in tratamentul hemoroizilor interni de toate gradele.A se evita folosirea aspirinelor, anticoagulantelor etc care pot creste riscul de sangerare.

Rev Gastroenterol Mex. 2005 Jul-Sep;70(3):284-90.   Links
[Non-surgical alternative management of hemorrhoidal disease]
[Article in Spanish]
• Charua Guindic L,
• Chirino Perez AE,
• Navarrete Cruces T,
• Osorio Hernandez RM,
• Avendano Espinosa O.
Unidad de Coloproctologia del Servicio de Gastroenterologia del Hospital General de Mexico. [email protected]
Clinical manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease depend on its location (internal or external) and the presence or not of complications. PURPOSE: To describe the results of the three most common alternatives for non-surgical procedures treating internal hemorrhoids: rubber band ligation, esclerotherapy and infrared photocoagulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study from January 1998 to December 2002 was carried out, including variables like age, gender, clinical manifestations and date of initiation, type of non-surgical alternative treatment, complications, management and stage of the illness. RESULTS: In 9,103 charts reviewed this study included 2,701 patients with hemorrhoidal disease, with an annual incidence of 540.20 patients; 1,388 (51.39%) were male and 1,313 (48.62%) were female; ages between 17 and 78 years, 44.10 as a mean age. Rubber band ligation was used in 516 patients (67.45%), esclerotherapy in 177 (23.13%) and infrared photocoagulation in 72 cases (9.41%). CONCLUSIONS: Rubber band ligation is mainly indicated for internal hemorrhoids II degree, the esclerotherapy is indicated in the suppression of acute hemorrhage, but in the long term, this method has the poorest results. Infrared photocoagulation has its best results in internal hemorrhoids I degree because it causes less pain and complications and patients accept it better.
Concluzie : ligatura cu benzi elastice si fototermocoagularea in infrarosu sunt metode bune spre deosebire de scleroterapie.
PMID: 17063784 [PubMed - in process]

Minerva Chir. 2006 Apr;61(2):119-24.   Links
Second degree haemorrhoids: patient's satisfaction, immediate and long-term results of rubber band ligation treatment.
• Benzoni E,
• Milan E,
• Cerato F,
• Narisetti P,
• Bresadola V,
• Terrosu G.
Department of Surgery, University of Udine, Udine, Italy.
AIM: Rubber band ligation (RBL) is a widely performed and well established treatment for second degree haemorrhoids. The aim of our prospective study was to assess the satisfaction of patients treated by rubber band ligation, as well as the immediate and long-term results of this technique. METHODS: From January 2001 to December 2004, 73 consecutive outpatients with second degree haemorrhoids underwent RBL. From 1 to 3 years from the initial treatment, 73 patients were contacted by phone call to have some news about their health condition and to collect their opinion about the satisfaction of RBL technique. RESULTS: We didn't identify any major complication in our series, sometimes a temporary anal discomfort that could be controlled by low dose of NSAIDs. We report an excellent immediate benefit in 13.7% of cases, a good one in 58.9%. From 1 to 3 years after the initial procedure 82.2% of patients are either symptom free or improved and don't need any medical therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate results are very good in particular for bleeding, anal pain and mucosal prolapse. Immediate and long-term results are invalidated by the concomitance of more symptoms and different results are recorded between sexes. We consider RBL a good ambulatory practice that could get better or resolve haemorrhoidal disease.

Concluzie : atat ca rezultate immediate, cat si pe termen lung , RBL  este metoda ideala pentru tratamentul hemoroizilor.
PMID: 16871143 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Colorectal Dis. 2006 Feb;8(2):145-8.     Links
A prospective study of outcome from rubber band ligation of piles.
• Longman RJ,
• Thomson WH.
Department of Surgery, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester, UK. [email protected]
OBJECTIVE: With the recent introduction of stapled anopexy it is timely to review the benefits of existing treatment options for piles. This study investigates the effectiveness and safety of rubber band ligation (RBL) of piles in the outpatient setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two hundred and fifty-two consecutive patients referred with piles in an 18-month period were studied prospectively. In those patients deemed suitable for banding of piles, data were collected on symptoms, proctoscopic appearance and degree of piles. Short and long-term outcome data were recorded for success of treatment and complications. RESULTS: Of 203 patients considered suitable and who attended for RBL, 176 kept their follow-up appointment. One hundred and forty-eight (84%) had been rendered symptom-free. A third of patients, however, had proctoscopic evidence of persistent piles, whilst in half of those patients with continuing symptoms the anal cushions appeared normal. Six (3%) patients had suffered a complication. Long-term follow-up by questionnaire found that 44% of respondents remained asymptomatic at a median of 46 months from banding. Six (5%) of 117 responders to the questionnaire had, though previously normal, suffered a postbanding impairment of continence. CONCLUSION: Most patients with piles of any degree can be safely managed by rubber band ligation, but return of symptoms in the long term affects less than tenth of patients treated.

Concluzie : marea majoritate a pacientilor cu hemoroizi pot fi tratati in siguranta prin ligatura cu benzi elastice, iar recurenta bolii in viitor afecteaza mai putin de o zecime din pacientii tratati .
PMID: 16412076 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Br J Surg. 2005 Dec;92(12):1481-7.     Links
Systematic review of randomized trials comparing rubber band ligation with excisional haemorrhoidectomy.
• Shanmugam V,
• Thaha MA,
• Rabindranath KS,
• Campbell KL,
• Steele RJ,
• Loudon MA.
Department of Surgery, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. [email protected]
BACKGROUND AND METHOD: This review compares the two most popular treatments for haemorrhoids, namely rubber band ligation (RBL) and excisional haemorrhoidectomy. Randomized trials were identified from the major electronic databases. Symptom control, retreatment, postoperative pain, complications, time off work and patient satisfaction were assessed. Relative risk (RR) and weighted mean difference with 95 per cent confidence interval (c.i.) were estimated using a random-effects model for dichotomous and continuous outcomes respectively. RESULTS: Three trials met the inclusion criteria and all were of poor methodological quality. Complete remission of haemorrhoidal symptoms was better after haemorrhoidectomy (RR 1.68 (95 per cent c.i 1.00 to 2.83)). There was significant heterogeneity between the studies (I(2) = 90.5 per cent; P < 0.001). Fewer patients required retreatment after haemorrhoidectomy (RR 0.20 (95 per cent c.i 0.09 to 0.40)), but anal stenosis, postoperative haemorrhage and incontinence to flatus were more common with this operation. CONCLUSIONS: Haemorrhoidectomy produced better long-term symptom control in patients with grade III/IV  haemorrhoids, but was associated with more postoperative complications than RBL. Copyright © 2005 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Concluzii : hemoroidectomia (operatia clasica ) a adus rezultate mai bune in stadiile  avansate III/IV ale bolii hemoroidale, dar asociind mai multe complicatii postoperatorii decat RBL .
PMID: 16252313 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2005 Jan;97(1):38-45.     Links
Rubber-band ligation for hemorrhoids in a colorectal unit. A prospective study.
[Article in English, Spanish]
• Bernal JC,
• Enguix M,
• Lopez Garcia J,
• Garcia Romero J,
• Trullenque Peris R.
Service of General Surgery, Hospital General Universitario, Valencia, Spain.
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays the rubber band ligation technique is one of the most worldwide used and effective treatment of the hemorrhoidal disease. OBJECTIVES: Our study has as a goal to analyze the success or failure of the rubber band ligation in hemorrhoids grade 1,2 and 3, to analyze their complications and to see if all symptomatic hemorrhoids should be treated with ligation at the first visit. PATIENTS AND METHOD: A prospective and descriptive study was designed for patients who came to the Colorectal Unit with hemorrhoidal disease from September 1997 to December 2001. First, second and third degree patients were treated according to the classification of hemorrhoids of St. Mark's Hospital. The technique of ligation after Barron was applied. RESULTS: From 261 patients with a mean age of 48.3 (range: 16-86), 181 (99 M/82 W) have been treated with Barron's method and 80 with rich fiber diet and water. Rectal bleeding was the most common symptom (91.16%). Anuscopy showed hemorrhoidal disease in all the cases. From 181 patients, 19.33% were hemorrhoids degree I, 51.93% degree II and 29.83% degree III. Two hundred and eighty-seven ligation sessions were done and the balance of ligations per patient was 2.45 and 1.5 rubber band per session. The 32% of the patients referred pain after ligation. A 13.81% of cases were operated due to persistent rectal bleeding or hemorrhoidal prolapse. CONCLUSIONS: Symptomatic hemorrhoids degree I and II with a short clinical history should be treated initially with a rich fiber and water diet. The technique of Barron is an effective therapy to treat the hemorrhoids degree 1, 2 and in 74% of success in cases with degree 3.

Concluzii : tehnica RBL este o metoda efectiva in tratamentul hemoroizilor gr 1,2 si in 74% din cazurile cu grad III .
PMID: 15801896 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Rom J Gastroenterol. 2005 Mar;14(1):37-41.     Links

Ambulatory hemorrhoid therapy with radiofrequency coagulation. Clinical practice paper.
• Gupta PJ.
Gupta Nursing Home, D/9 Laxminagar, Nagpur-44022, India. [email protected]
BACKGROUND: Despite availability of numerous surgical and non-surgical options for the treatment of hemorrhoids like sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation, cryosurgery, infrared photocoagulation, bipolar diathermy, and electro coagulation, none of these therapies has been acclaimed as the ultimate. Coagulation of hemorrhoids using a radio-frequency device is a new therapy to be added to the list. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In the present retrospective study, the early and long -term effects of radiofrequency coagulation on patients presenting with hemorrhoids is described. An Ellman radiofrequency generator was used for this procedure. In a separate, randomized, and blinded study, a comparative evaluation was carried out between radiofrequency coagulation and rubber band ligation in terms of their effectiveness and patient comfort. RESULTS: Two hundred and forty patients with Grade I and II hemorrhoids were treated by radiofrequency coagulation technique and were followed up for a period of 16 months. While 33 patients reported persistence or recurrence of bleeding, only few complained of pain or discomfort. The comparative study showed that though rubber band ligation is an effective procedure, its pain quotient is greater than the radiofrequency coagulation. CONCLUSION: This study shows that radiofrequency coagulation is an easy and effective alternative to conventional techniques employed in the treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids. It is easy to perform, is less painful, and has a low rate of complications. However, further results based on a longer follow-up of larger number of patients and its comparison with other conventional treatment techniques are called for.
Coagularea cu radiofrecventa este o metoda eficienta alternative tehnicilor conventionale de tratament al sangerarii hemoroidale
PMID: 15800692 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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editat de moderator: exista PM

Edited by mianna, 13 November 2006 - 01:47.



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cateva informatii intr-un filmulet de azi de la televizor



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 hro, on Nov 8 2006, 23:28, said:

cateva informatii intr-un filmulet de azi de la televizor
Nu am nevoie de filmulete am avut vreo 6 sedinte de hemoroizi la o clinica
privata acum vreo 2 ani. Face toti banii si sunt foarte
multumit. Daca ar recidiva n-as ezita sa apelez din nou la ei. Operatia
clasica cu bisturiul e un calvar pentru pacient !!!! Un amic de-al meu s-a
operat clasic pentru asta exista pe atunci si parca inca il mai vad cum
mergea pe holul spitalului parca era "teleghidat". Preventiv mai iau cate
unul doua comprimate de Detralex dar nu contant.

Edited by mianna, 31 December 2006 - 17:06.



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  • Înscris: 01.01.2006
Ce sunt hemoroizii ?

Hemoroizii (interni) sunt vene care captusesc canalul anal ca niste pernite (1), asigurand inchiderea etansa a anusului, astfel incat, in conditii normale, nici scaunul diareic nici flatulenta nu se pot exterioriza involuntar.
Daca hemoroizii sunt afectati in mod permanent, ca de exemplu in constipatia cronica, ei se maresc (2) si sunt impinsi treptat inafara anusului (3).

Care sunt simptomele caracteristice hemoroizilor?

De obicei sangerarea prin anus, cu sange rosu franc, urmata de prolabarea hemoroizilor inafara anusului, insotita de secretie anala care pateaza lenjeria, o senzatie neplacuta de presiune si o senzatie aproape permanenta de defecatie.

Cum pot fi tratati hemoroizii ?

Este necesar un scaun moale, cu o dieta corespunzatoare, bogata in fibre, cu aport suficient de lichide -1,5-2 l/zi, evitarea incordarii la defecatie, evitarea laxativelor, folosirea supozitoarelor sau cremelor adecvate prescrise de medic. Toate aceste masuri trebuie luate in mod permanent, ele vor ameliora afectiunea, dar tratamentul definitiv se face, intr-un stadiu rezonabil de evolutie a bolii, prin metode neoperatorii. Netratati, hemoroizii pot creste foarte mult in dimensiuni, ramanand ca singura atitudine terapeutica interventia chirurgicala, cunoscuta pentru inconvenientele majore perioperatorii. De retinut este faptul ca hemoroizii NU SE VINDECA DE LA SINE, tratamentul medical si masurile igieno-dietetice avand doar un rol de ameliorare.

Edited by mianna, 31 January 2007 - 11:41.



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  • Înscris: 07.01.2007
cineva care sa se fi operat de fisura anala e prin zona? as vrea sa stiu cum e recuperarea dupa o asemenea operatie, cam cit dureaza si mai ales daca durerile sunt asa de groaznice cum se spune.



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  • Înscris: 26.01.2007
si eu sunt vizat, aseara m-am trezit cu o umflatura straina. azi ma duc la astia proctolog, nu stau asa, ma simt diform :)

fir-ar sa fie munca asta la birou


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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