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Frontul National Anti-Reptilian

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Poll: Frontul National Anti-Reptilian (88 member(s) have cast votes)

Ce parere aveti despre cei care cred in astfel de lucruri?

  1. Sunt bolnavi psihic care ar trebui tratati de urgenta (33 votes [37.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.50%

  2. Sunt niste excentrici inofensivi care ar trebui lasati in pace (33 votes [37.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.50%

  3. Sunt oameni obisnuiti, iar ideile lor ar putea contine o doza de adevar (7 votes [7.95%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.95%

  4. Sunt adevaratii eroi ai neamului, iar cei care nu ii iau in serios sunt niste ignoranti (15 votes [17.05%])

    Percentage of vote: 17.05%


turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 18.05.2006
auzi naga dar eu daca am o cheie tubulara in forma de pentagrama se chiama ca sunt reptilian?

oare cand te duci la mare si stai cu burta la soare reptila din mine sta pe plaja sau doar eu ?

pe mine sa nu ma socoteasca la inaltat spiritual anti-reptilienii astia ! mie imi place coada mea verde  :inlove:

binladen este anti-reptilian. o fi facand parte din frontul national ? e roman  :w00t: ?

serios vorbind acuma este trist ca sutn oameni in toata firea care pun botul la asa ceva doar pt ca li s-a " revelat "  :notangel:

Edited by turbo trabannt, 02 November 2006 - 14:55.



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View PostArchon, on Nov 2 2006, 14:41, said:

Nota 10 pentru Naga. a reusit sa ne mai descreteasca fruntile cu citatele sale alese din mari cugetatori ai neamului roman!  :w00t:

Thx. :peacefingers:

View PostArchon, on Nov 2 2006, 14:41, said:

Totusi, daca pui materialul ala cu bush-reptilianul esti maestrul maestrilor!

Evrika!. :D  Totusi, poza e slabuta insa link-ul pe video.google.com cred ca e mult mai interesant. :naughty:

View Postlight_strike, on Apr 19 2006, 17:48, said:

Pe astea cum le comentezi ? Exista sau nu o asa zisa Noua Ordine Mondiala pe care tot incerca s-o impuina un anume grup acestei umanitati/planete ?


[ http://www.bedoper.com/bedoper/reptilian/graphics_graveyard/271005bush_face.jpg - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Incercati sa vedeti ce e in spatele lui bush.

Apropo, poate ne spui si ce cauta crucile alea intoarse la Vatican (vezi filmul de mai sus), deasupra papei ... ?

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

  • Grup: Senior Members
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  • Înscris: 18.05.2006
mama, bush e reptilian!   :confuzzled:

sau e poza pe care bushulica a avut onoarea sa ii fie facuta dupa ce a intrat cu mountain bike in bosheti laiv ?  :D

ca atunci s-a julit rau de tot!

Doamne , ce creduli !



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 14:57, said:

sau e poza pe care bushulica a avut onoarea sa ii fie facuta dupa ce a intrat cu mountain bike in bosheti laiv ?  :D

ca atunci s-a julit rau de tot!

Doamne , ce creduli !

Pai cam asa ceva a fost in realitate. :) Pardon, corectez, de fapt i se vedeau solzii lui Bush, dar noi astia ignorantii am crezut minciuna cu juleala. :P  :naughty: :lol:

Mie mi se incarca mai greu videoclipul ala. A apucat vreunul dintre voi sa il vada deja? Apar si reptilienii acolo au ba? :huh:

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

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  • Înscris: 18.05.2006

View PostNaga, on Nov 3 2006, 02:04, said:

Pai cam asa ceva a fost in realitate. :) Pardon, corectez, de fapt i se vedeau solzii lui Bush, dar noi astia ignorantii am crezut minciuna cu juleala. :P  :naughty: :lol:
trebuie sa fie dus bine cu capul sa crezi ca ditamai infaibilul reptlian cade cu tricicleta si i se vad solzii dupa aia!  :D
tin minte cum nea bushulica de fata cu niscaiva reporteri a intrat fix in tufa omonima si s-a rasturnat. am ras la greu.

reptilieni, reptilieni dar terminatori trimisi sa vaneze semi zei si conducatori spirituali nu aveti ?  :P




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  • Înscris: 14.06.2005

View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 14:57, said:

mama, bush e reptilian!   :confuzzled:

Doamne , ce creduli !
I knew it! I friggin knew it ! Tomaso, eat your heart out!  :w00t:

Trist, domnule, trist...



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View PostArchon, on Nov 2 2006, 15:10, said:

I knew it! I friggin knew it ! Tomaso, eat your heart out!  :w00t:

Trist, domnule, trist...

Stai linistit ca tomaso stie de mult timp. :naughty: De ce crezi tu oare ca, pe topicul ala, tomaso l-a declarat pe light_strike ca fiind un "mutant ideologic"? ;)  :P

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

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  • Înscris: 18.05.2006
daca ma uit pe chestionar aproape 20% din voturi sunt ca anti-reptilienii sunt niste eroi ai neamului.

si eu am votat aceasta optiune (la misto)  dar inseamna ca avem oleaca de useri care acum sunt in lupta crancena cu reptilienii pe undeva la birou intr-o sedinta  :confuzzled:



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 15:17, said:

si eu am votat aceasta optiune (la misto)  dar inseamna ca avem oleaca de useri care acum sunt in lupta crancena cu reptilienii pe undeva la birou intr-o sedinta  :confuzzled:

Pai nu simti deja atacurile energetice ale lui Fortuna & co.? :naughty: :P  :lol:




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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 15:17, said:

daca ma uit pe chestionar aproape 20% din voturi sunt ca anti-reptilienii sunt niste eroi ai neamului.

si eu am votat aceasta optiune (la misto)  dar inseamna ca avem oleaca de useri care acum sunt in lupta crancena cu reptilienii pe undeva la birou intr-o sedinta  :confuzzled:
Bai, traiti-ar avataru'! Nu mai vota aiurea! Sa vedem si noi procentul de dilimaci/megabit softopedist...



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Isus a zis ceva care se potriveste bine in cazul de fata: (parerea mea): Iarta-i, Doamne, ca nu stiu ce fac...
fulgerel ala e dus cu capul, bietul. fanatismul e o boala grava, iar cand ti-o investesti si in asemenea lucruri...




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View Posttiara, on Nov 2 2006, 16:18, said:

Isus a zis ceva care se potriveste bine in cazul de fata: (parerea mea): Iarta-i, Doamne, ca nu stiu ce fac...
fulgerel ala e dus cu capul, bietul. fanatismul e o boala grava, iar cand ti-o investesti si in asemenea lucruri...
Nu e vorba de fanatism. E pur si simplu vorba de prostie. Dixit. :)



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  • Înscris: 11.04.2005
Are cineva vreo poza cu Fulgerica ?




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Stimabilelor colege și stimabililor colegi, cum puteți discuta despre o asemenea prostie?
Ar trebui închis topicul. Cine e de partea mea?




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  • Înscris: 27.04.2004

View PostNaga, on Nov 2 2006, 09:21, said:

Turbo, ce parere ai de urmatorul articol, semnat chiar de Bivolaru in persoana? :naughty:  :peacefingers:


DEZVĂLUIRILE CUTREMURĂTOARE ale unui microbiolog referitoare la virușii artificiali


un articol de Gregorian Bivolaru

Senatorul Hatch, președintele comitetului pentru relații externe al Senatului american, a răspuns unor întrebări referitoare la întrevederea pe care a acordat-o dr-lui Dan Burisch, cu privire la virușii artificiali (care urmează să fie utilizați pentru a fi contaminate cu ei pe ascuns sute de milioane de oameni), contactele secrete cu extratereștrii și tratatul ultrasecret TAU.IX......

...Dr. Burisch nu se teme de moarte, fiind împăcat cu sine însuși. Dschaak l-a văzut acum multă vreme înfruntând ideea unei morți premature. Avem deja o adevărată mină de informații cu mărturiile pe care le-a făcut. El dorește și s-ar părea că o să aibă posibilitatea de a încredința tuturor cunoștințele sale

noiembrie 2004

Se pare ca si pe alte meridiane oamenii astia care abereaza muncesc pe rupte din moment ce se raspandesc ca ciupercile dupa ploaie. Bivolaru a plagiat articolul asta, a facut doar pe interpretul :)) Articolul mot-a-mot in franceza este aici:


Iar daca vreti sa ii vedeti si la fata pe protagonisti, de alde doctor buric and company mergeti aici:




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View Posthoneybunny, on Nov 2 2006, 19:15, said:

Iar daca vreti sa ii vedeti si la fata pe protagonisti, de alde doctor buric and company mergeti aici:


Apropo de domnul pseudo-doctor Buric. :)


George Knapp, Investigative Reporter
Dr. Crain's UFO Claims Raise Questions

Dec 5, 2005 08:56 PM

UFO stories don't get any wilder than this one.  A Las Vegas man has developed a cult-like following around the world by claiming to have worked with a live extraterrestrial at Area 51.

The story told by Dan Burisch is a whopper, but can he prove any of it? George Knapp of the Eyewitness News I-Team has the story of Dr. Dan's alien adventure.

His name today is Dan Burisch. Before that it was Dan Catselas, and when Eyewitness News first ran into him, it was Dan Crain. "Doctor" Dan Crain, he says.  But is he a doctor, and has he really been face to face with an alien in an underground lab?

This story has a little bit of everything, including a lot of unanswered questions. When Channel 8 produced a story in 1994 about this volunteer teacher at the Boys and Girls club, he was introduced as Dr. Dan Crain. At the time, Dan Crain, now known as Dan Burisch, was supposedly participating in the most secret program in existence. But the secret is now out. Burisch has a worldwide following -- websites a message boards, books, audiotapes and DVDs.

He has a publicist and a biographer, a high profile for a secret scientist. Burisch says he worked in an underground lab at S-4 near Area 51, the same place first made public by Bob Lazar. Inside he met an extraterrestrial named Jrod and they became pals. He also met angels in the lab and they spoke in Hebrew.

On Frenchman's Mountain, Burisch discovered the first seeds of life on earth. Who believes this stuff? His wife Deborah for one. She signed a sworn statement saying she too works for MJ-12, the secret government. Family friend Marcia McDowell, another alleged secret agent, supports the story too. It's grown more complex ever since we first heard some of it in 1990. It's more complex now.

There are photos of Burisch and his wife in military garb saluting each other. Neither ever served in the military. Intriguingly, they have a sticker on their windshield that allows access to Nellis AFB. Would a real government scientist be allowed to openly dribble out government secrets? We asked former army intelligence Colonel John Alexander.

"It's highly improbable," said Col. John Alexander, retired army intelligence. What about his PHD? Burisch says he earned his doctorate in 1990 at Stony Brook University in New York. The school says he was never a student there. Burisch says his records were erased. But at the time he supposedly earned his degree in New York, records show, he had a full time job in Las Vegas as a parole officer.

He now says he flew back and forth to the school on weekends. Ridiculous, the university says. He met his wife as a parole officer. She was there on drug charges. She's spent 12 years in the PBX department of the Mirage, but that's just a cover job.

We asked MGM Mirage if they know they have a secret agent working for them in a cover job. They do now. Marcia McDowell, another secret operative, who solicited our coverage a few times, is seen in a video as she uncovers a space probe on Frenchman's Mountain and then meticulously dissects it's sophisticated electrical tape and rubber tubing.

Someone else who believes Burisch is his mom, Dodie Crane, although she has some doubts too. "If my son is the biggest bull****er in the world, I want to know about it," said Dodie Crain, Dan's mom.

Like everyone else in this story, Dodie declined an on camera interview, but told us her son, whom she hasn't seen in 12 years, is telling the truth. She's written her own book about it.

For a final opinion on this story, we turned to a man who helped to inspire it and who supposedly was in the secret program with Burisch.

"This is the biggest bull***t story I have ever heard in my life.  Anybody that actually believes this guy should be ashamed of themselves.  I never worked at Tonopah.  I never met this knucklehead," said Bob Lazar.

The sticker on the windshield is from Nellis. The United States Air Force says it's a low level sticker, easy to get, allowing access to the commissary, and that you can get one if you've had a relative in the military, as Deb Burisch has.

Also, Eyewitness News did talk to UNLV where Dan Burisch really did earn a B.A. in psychology. He's listed in the alumni guide as having that PHD from New York, but UNLV told us the alumni guide doesn't verify someone's post graduate credentials, so just because it says PHD in the guide means little.

Dan Burisch is a smart guy and this is an interesting story, which a lot of people seem to believe. We think it is sorely lacking in verifiable evidence. If any surfaces, we'd like to see it.

In concluzie, uite ce usor se fac banutii pe seama fraierilor care pun botul la toate aberatiile.  ;)

View Posttomaso, on Nov 2 2006, 18:56, said:

Are cineva vreo poza cu Fulgerica ?

Nu, dar putem incerca sa facem rost. ;) Chiar te intereseaza? :peacefingers:

turbo trabannt

turbo trabannt

    gogule, probleme mah? no, stai sa termin berea asta

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View PostNaga, on Nov 3 2006, 06:52, said:

In concluzie, uite ce usor se fac banutii pe seama fraierilor care pun botul la toate aberatiile.  ;)
eu am uitat sa va spun ca am un extraterestru incarnat in porcul din batatura. cand beau si eu si porcul vorbim amandoi ebraica  :worthy: .

intrucat se apropie Craciunul o sa eliberez spiritul extraterestrului din porc in Ajun.

Doritorii sa vada experienta ezoterica a taierii porcului si eliberarii spiritului lui Jiji ( asa il chiama pe extrasenzorialul) pot veni la mine in batatura contra unei sume modice de 3000 euro de caciula . + 1000 sde euro pentru spirala .

nu ratati un eveniment de o importanta galactica !

ps: porcul este reptilian  :naughty:



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View Postturbo trabannt, on Nov 2 2006, 20:04, said:

ps: porcul este reptilian  :naughty:
Si eu care credeam ca e mamiferian. :huh:
O intrebare, daca se lasa cu iubire afectiv-sexuala dupa spirala, ma bag si eu la o rata. :worthy:
Tin foarte mult la cresterea mea spirituala. :lol:


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