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Cum au reusit utilizatorii /Reddit sa faca praf Wallstreet

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Tare imi e ca e vorba de castigarea unei batalii si nu a razboiului. Astia de pe wall vor castiga la urma. Din pacate.



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Vedem. E posibil sa vedem niște schimbări de legislație.

In cazul GME WSt au fost nesimțiți și au vrut sa bage compania deliberat in faliment. Deși, financiar, compania nu e chiar aproape de faliment (nici de succes suprem, dar nici in faliment). GME e pe profit și are Cash destul sa își plătească toate datoriile deodată dacă vor. Deci shortul la 140% a fost mânărie clară din partea ăstora.

Shorterii in general sunt niște paraziți pe spatele companiilor. Au putere foarte mare și pot duce ușor o companie in colaps.

Și faptul ca brokerii au încercat sa le acopere spatele, e motiv sa se revizuiască legislația.

Nu știu dacă ați urmărit, dar toată lumea, Democrați, Republicani și independenți, sunt împotriva a ce au făcut brokerii și considera ca shorterii fac treaba murdara. Cam de putine ori ii ai de D+R adunați la un loc cu aceleași opinii.

Și faza asta a fost exemplul perfect ca piața nu e liberă și e controlată de niște unii.

Sunt curios cum se va termina, legal, asta.



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View Postvladut01, on 30 ianuarie 2021 - 15:39, said:

Nu e neaparat un termen, (...) pot sa cumpar actiuni cu bani imprumutati de la broker.(...) Daca insa actiunile cresc (...) trebuie sa vand ce mai am si sa cumpar actiunile la pret supra evaluat si sa le dau inapoi. (...) Uneori ai cateva ore la dispozitie.
Merci de explicatie Posted Image



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View PostLex404, on 30 ianuarie 2021 - 13:55, said:

Am citit de 5 ori cutremur financiar in articolul ăla și abia începuse :lol:

Lol presa românească...
Aveam pretenții, tu mai deschizi un articol marca capital? Ăștia ar fi în stare sa anunțe ca a născut găina gemeni, numai sa aibă clienți la site...



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Si chestia e ca toata mega publicitatea asta amplifica cresterea actiunilor GME/AMC. E tare funny!



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View Postslai, on 30 ianuarie 2021 - 19:59, said:

Aveam pretenții, tu mai deschizi un articol marca capital? Ăștia ar fi în stare sa anunțe ca a născut găina gemeni, numai sa aibă clienți la site...

Pai nu auzisem de eu pana azi :lol: am dar și eu click ca mno, m-am oprit după câteva rânduri.



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tarziu de tot ajunge si pe aici subiectul;

GME nu mai e de ceva vreme o chestie legata de castiguri financiara acum a devenit o metoda de a transmite un mesaj, lumea se baga pt mesaj nu pt a castiga bani



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articolul asta povesteste exact cum a inceput totul:


vi-l pun aici, ptr cine nu are abonament la NYT:

The ‘Roaring Kitty’ Rally: How a Reddit User and His Friends Roiled the Markets
A Massachusetts man who goes by “Roaring Kitty” on social media helped fuel the frenzy around GameStop. His $53,000 investment in the company briefly reached $48 million in value.

By Nathaniel Popper and Kellen Browning
Jan. 29, 2021

In mid-2019, a Reddit user — known as “Roaring Kitty” on some social media accounts — posted a picture on an online forum depicting a single $53,000 investment in the video-game retailer GameStop.The post attracted little attention, except from a few people who mocked the bet on the struggling company. “This dude should sell now,” a Reddit user named cmcewen wrote at the time.

But Roaring Kitty was not deterred. Over the next year, he began tweeting frequently about GameStop and making YouTube and TikTok videos about his investment. He also started livestreaming his financial ideas. Other Reddit users with monikers like Ackilles and Bowlerguy92 began following his every move and piling into GameStop.
“IF HE IS IN WE ARE IN������,” one user wrote on a Reddit board called WallStreetBets on Tuesday.
Roaring Kitty — who is Keith Gill, 34, a former financial educator for an insurance firm in Massachusetts — has now become a central figure in this week’s stock market frenzy. Inspired by him and a small crew of individual investors who gathered around him, hordes of young online traders took GameStop’s stock on a wild ride, pitting themselves against sophisticated hedge funds and upending Wall Street’s norms in the process.

Their actions — pushing up GameStop’s price by buying so-called options contracts that offer a cheap way to bet on a stock’s direction — have shocked established investors because Mr. Gill and his online comrades are the antithesis of the Wall Street titans who have long ruled the stock market.

Working far from well-heeled financial offices, Mr. Gill and his fans socialized on Reddit and YouTube and used no-fee online trading platforms like Robinhood and WeBull. Many were so devoted to their GameStop investment that they spent hours each week chatting in the comments section of Mr. Gill’s videos, delving into the company’s financial filings and arcane details about free-cash flow and video game consoles.

Their show of force this week underlines how the financial markets have changed by merging with the world of social media and a younger generation of traders who have been empowered by online platforms. It has also made some in this new generation wildly wealthy.
On Tuesday, Mr. Gill posted a picture on Reddit that showed his $53,000 bet on GameStop had soared in value to $48 million. (His holdings could not be independently verified.) The post was “upvoted” — the equivalent of being liked — more than 140,000 times by other users. GameStop, which traded at $4 a year ago, closed on Friday at $325.

“Your example has literally changed the lives of thousands of ordinary normal people,” a Reddit user named reality_czech wrote this week to Mr. Gill. “Seriously thank you.”

Shares in GameStop, the video game retailer, have soared because amateur investors, starting on Reddit, have bet heavily on shares of the company.
The wave gained momentum in response to large hedge funds short selling GameStop stock — basically they were betting against the company’s success.
The sudden demand has driven up the share price from less than $20 in December to nearly $200 on Thursday. On paper, anyway.
It’s not just GameStop. Amateur investors have backed other companies that many big investors had shunned, such as AMC and BlackBerry.
This bubble around GameStop may force big investors to raise money to cover their losses, or dump shares of other companies.
Larry Tabb, the head of market structure research at Bloomberg Intelligence, said the rise of traders like Mr. Gill “would have been impossible even a few years ago” because every trade came with a fee and there was less focus on the markets on social media. But with people now stuck at home in the pandemic with easy access to free trading at online brokerages, “these guys saw an opportunity and they took it,” he said.

Mr. Gill did not respond to requests for comment. His online accounts and email addresses were tied to his old office in New Hampshire and his Massachusetts home. Mr. Gill’s mother, Elaine, confirmed in a brief phone call that her son was Roaring Kitty. “I’m proud,” she said, before hanging up.

Mr. Gill’s life as Roaring Kitty began in 2014 when he started a limited liability company with that name. Before that, he was an All American runner in college who could cover a mile in 4 minutes 3 seconds, according to local newspapers. After graduating, he worked as a chartered financial analyst and a financial wellness educator, a recently deleted LinkedIn profile showed.

In August 2019, he began posting on Reddit. Like many other Reddit users, he showed familiarity with memes and internet expressions like YOLO (you only live once) and exhibited a love for profanity. The middle letter of the initials of his Reddit username, DFV, refers to an expletive. On YouTube, TikTok and Twitter, he went by Roaring Kitty.
Mr. Gill’s first posts on WallStreetBets showed the screenshot of his E-Trade portfolio with the options trades he had made on GameStop, all of them betting the stock would go up. In the comments, he explained that Wall Street did not appreciate how much GameStop would benefit as new video game consoles were released.
Shortly after Mr. Gill placed his trades, Michael Burry, an investor made famous by the Michael Lewis book “The Big Short,” also expressed interest in GameStop. On Reddit, Mr. Gill pointed to Mr. Burry’s post as validation. When others questioned the investment, Mr. Gill held firm.

“Dude everyone thinks I’m crazy, and I think everyone else is crazy,” he responded to a commenter when GameStop announced sales had dropped 30 percent in late 2019.
Last summer, Mr. Gill started a Roaring Kitty channel on YouTube where he talked for hours about GameStop. He had 418 YouTube subscribers through last November, according to the web tracking firm SocialBlade.

In one of his first YouTube videos, he wondered aloud, “Maybe there’s going to be no one tuning in, so this is silly.”
He explained that to avoid disturbing his 2-year-old daughter, he was filming in a basement room called the “Kitty Corner,” with a stuffed animal cat on the doorknob.
Fast-talking and cracking jokes in between analyzing stocks, Mr. Gill sipped beer, brandished cigars and told viewers he sometimes used a Magic 8-Ball to guide his investments. He often wore a baseball cap over his long hair and a T-shirt with a cat in sunglasses.
The comments section of his videos soon became a gathering place for a small group of other GameStop fans. One YouTube follower, Joe Fonicello, known as Toast on Twitter, said he tuned in from an old van that he was traveling across the country in with his girlfriend.

Mr. Fonicello said chatting with Mr. Gill and others online was not just about money. “What went from a great few hours of stock analysis turned into a few hours of just spreading positivity,” he said.

Last August, Ryan Cohen, the founder of the pet food site Chewy.com, announced that he had taken a big stake in GameStop. A few weeks later, Mr. Gill’s investment hit $1 million, according to pictures he posted of his portfolio.

Through financial filings, Mr. Gill’s crew also discovered that hedge funds such as Point72 and Citron Capital were betting that GameStop’s price would fall, in a maneuver known as short-selling. That angered them.

“That’s your ignition switch. A common enemy, so to speak,” said Rod Alzmann, 31, a corporate strategist in Florida who has bet on GameStop for even longer than Mr. Gill and posted online as Uberkikz11. “The speculation is a rush, plus fighting the man.”

In December, Mr. Gill’s wife made a cameo on YouTube when her hand appeared on a livestream to clink glasses with him to celebrate GameStop’s stock reaching $20. Mr. Gill wore a pink party hat and sunglasses and sipped what appeared to be champagne.

“I certainly do not drive a Lambo,” he said in the video, referring to a Lamborghini. “We rent this house that you see, so it’s been a wild ride for us as a family.”
Earlier this month, Mr. Cohen joined GameStop’s board. That caused the company’s stock to rise, enriching Mr. Gill and others. When Mr. Gill showed another picture of his investment on Jan. 13, some of the 44,200 people who looked at the post said his decision not to cash out even a penny of GameStop kept them going.
“Daddy’s still in!” said a Reddit user named freehouse_throwaway. “Feels so good.”

Late last week, 190,000 viewers tuned in to the Roaring Kitty YouTube channel, which now has more than 74,000 subscribers, as Mr. Gill, in a red bandanna and sunglasses, said he would be stepping away “for a bit.” That day, he livestreamed for seven hours while watching a chart of GameStop’s surging stock, laughing and calling out to longtime comrades in the comments.

On Thursday, several online brokerages shut down trading in GameStop, causing the company’s price to plunge by almost two-thirds before steadying. Even ardent supporters wondered if Mr. Gill had finally caved and sold.

Mr. Gill then posted another picture on Reddit showing he had stayed firm — and had lost $15 million. His fans cheered.
“IF HE’S STILL IN, I’M STILL IN,” over 100 different followers responded in quick succession.
On Friday, their faith was rewarded when GameStop’s stock soared 68 percent.

Correction: Jan. 29, 2021
An earlier version of this article misstated a professional credential for the investor Keith Gill. He has worked as a chartered financial analyst, not accountant.
Nathaniel Popper covers finance and technology. He is the author of “Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money.” He previously worked at The Los Angeles Times and The Forward. @nathanielpopper • Facebook
Kellen Browning is a technology reporter in the Bay Area covering the video game industry and general tech news. He graduated from Pomona College. @kellen_browning
A version of this article appears in print on Jan. 30, 2021, Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: How a Guy in His Basement Helped Fuel the GameStop Frenzy. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe



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View PostImperathor, on 30 ianuarie 2021 - 09:20, said:

Mircea Goia:

Mircea Goia care urmareste si el evenimentele cu interes din coltul lui de America - undeva prin fundul Arizonei sau Niu Mehico ;) - "live", la MSNBC/CNN, a ajuns mare autoritate bursiera...?!



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View Posttakillya, on 30 ianuarie 2021 - 10:06, said:

problema se pune asa, acea aplicatie e practic brokerul tau; banuiesc ca nu ai fi prea fericit daca brokerul tau te-ar suna maine si ti-ar spune "stii, eu nu mai cumpar actiuni pentru portofoliul tau. de ce ? pai fiindca aia de la Melvin Capital pierd bani din cauza ta, si nu putem permite lucrul asta...."
Folosesc platforme (romanesti) de genul din 2004, iti ia 5 minute sa-ti faci un cont pe alta platforma si sa continui sa cumperi. Sigur, e o mizerie sa-ti impuna platforma sa nu cumperi ceva si statul american trebuie sa rezolve situatia in astfel de situatii.



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Daca tu ai banii blocati pe o platforma nu e asa usor sa incepi pe una noua.



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Cum adica blocati? Iti rechizitioneaza banii platforma? Eu pot sa scot bani oricand de pe platforma.



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Brokerii au blocat cumpararea, fortand vanzarea (si scaderea pretului).

Daca platforma nu permite transferul actiunilor (transfer al actiunilor, nu al fondurilor), atunci poti iesi in pierdere cand treci de la un broker la altul.

Pentru ca practic trebuie sa faci lichidarea

Trebuie sa astepti ca fondurile sa devina settled

Trebuie sa ti-i trimiti in banca

Trebuie sa astepti sa ajunga

Trebuie sa ii trimiti catre noul broker

Trebuie sa astepti sa ajunga

Trebuie sa-ti recumperi portofoliul la alt pret.

ps. eu imi imaginez procesul similar cu cel cand mi-am schimbat adresa de email. A durat aproape un an sa actualizez toate alea cu noua adresa :lol:

Edited by Lex404, 31 January 2021 - 12:26.



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Pai nu trebuie sa lichidezi vechiul cont, dar daca vrei sa cumperi mai mult si nu te lasa Robin Hood inseamna ca ai bani care nu sunt blocati in tranzactii/actiuni, deci e usor sa-ti faci alt cont pe alta platforma.

Eu pe platforma actuala am bani blocati in actiuni si bani care sunt "cash", asteapta sa fie investiti in ceva. Pe aia ii poti scoate usor si sa-i pui in alt cont. Daca nu ai bani "cash", inseamna ca nu ai cu ce sa cumperi mai mult.

Nimeni nu ma opreste sa fac tranzactii pe 7 platforme diferite daca doresc...

Edited by utopium, 31 January 2021 - 13:03.



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Nu știu dacă ai observat, dar lumea s-a apucat sa vândă fracții din alte acțiuni ca sa aibă bani de război :lol:




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140% din float sunt short. Asta inseamna ca pt cover trebuie sa rascumperi 100% si apoi inca 40%. Eu nu inteleg cum se poate ca asta se se fi intamplat joi (sau sapt trecuta). Eu cred ca shorts inca sunt pe pozitie.

Teoretic, daca toata lumea care e long nu ar vinde niciodata nu ar rezulta ca cei short ar falimenta doar din plata dobanzilor si nu ar putea sa le rascumpere niciodata?

Edited by c_alecs, 31 January 2021 - 15:48.




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Aștept, cu interes, momentul in care 'teligentii de pe RedDit își vor da seama ce mwuie au luat. Și, mai ales, de la cine.

Cam asta înseamnă să nu știi istorie - toate mwuile luate de pulime au fost, tot timpul, ambalate in "dreptate"(de care o fi ea - politica, financiara etc). Ce sa zic - foarte bine, unii o merita cu vârf și îndesata adânc. :)



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Sa vedem. Pana una alta hedge fund-urile care joaca "necurat" au pierderi de zeci de miliarde de dolari. So funny!


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