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  • Înscris: 17.09.2007
Buhaha, actualul zbor cred ca a fost o miscare politica pentru NASA in relatie cu protestele BO si Dynetics https://spacenews.co...dget-shortfall/
Dynetics also claimed that NASA overlooked weaknesses in SpaceX’s proposal. “NASA failed to consider the risks inherent in SpaceX’s technical approach and, more specifically, information too close at hand for NASA to ignore — i.e., that four SpaceX Starships have exploded at various stages of their tests flights in recent months,” the protest states. “NASA has given SpaceX a pass on its demonstrable lack of such systems engineering.”

Yeah, genial protest, cum bine spuneau unii comentatori pe acolo:
Blue Origin and Dynetics have developed a rather fool proof method of not having any orbital capable rocket or lunar lander explode. Just don't build anything. In 20 years of existence Blue Origin has yet to launch an orbital rocket and Dynetics has only produced mockups of the ALPACA which never leave the ground. So its pretty simple don't fly anything and it will never go boom.

In acelasi timp Elon Musk declara simplu https://arstechnica....ccess-to-space/
We’re definitely going to build a lot of rockets and probably smash a lot of them. But I think 2024 will happen. It seems likely. We’re going to aim for sooner than that. This is actually doable.

Probabil a amanat urmatorul spectacol, facand manevra belly-flop la o altitudine mai mare decat cele precedente, cat dea un argument suplimentar sa scape NASA de protestele celor doi. Asta pentru ca https://arstechnica....s-the-fun-part/
Three days later, NASA's inspector general released a report that included the cost of the Human Landing System for NASA through this first landing. The report estimated that NASA would spend $17.3 billion for lander development and the first human landing. So with its fixed-price award to SpaceX, NASA saved more than $14 billion in its projected costs for the Artemis landing. Effectively, this means that NASA could squeeze a Moon program into its existing budget rather than needing billions of dollars more in annual budgets from Congress.

This cost savings is but one potential benefit of Starship. The other is an unparalleled capability to deliver cargo to the Moon. After refueling in low Earth orbit, a fully reusable Starship carrying cargo only—meaning it flies to the Moon, unloads its payload, and returns to Earth—could carry more than 50 tons to the lunar surface, according to estimates by physicist Casey Handmer. An expendable Starship, which lands on the Moon and stays, could bring more than 200 tons to the Moon.



    Guru Member

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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
Prostul care nu e si fudul nu e prost destul.
Adica Bezos si orgoliul lui, adunatura cealalta nu conteaza. Sunt ridicoli.
Trebuiau sa zica mersi ca au fost lasati in competitie, de fapt dat fiind situatia la momentul respectiv oricum nu erau decat de umplutura, sa fie competitie si atat.

Racheta SpaceX pentru Luna va fi diferita de cele care sunt trantite acum, atat motoare, picioare, structura interioara, fiind destinata exclusiv activitatii in Spatiu .

Partea comica este ca SpaceX nu are nevoie de NASA ca sa ajunga pe Luna, tehnic vorbind.

Desigur, vorbim de pielea ursului din padure dar ursul celor cu gura mare nici macar nu s-a nascut.



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  • Înscris: 19.07.2005
Au postat cei de la SpaceX si o scurta recapitulare a zborului SN15, sunt inlcuse si unele secvente care nu s-au vazut live, in special aterizarea.
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/7CZTLogln34?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 17.09.2007
Un articol interesant relativ la implicatiile Starship si esecurile istorice Nasa in lupta cu politica https://nautil.us/is...usks-new-rocket

Despite the fact that a blue-ribbon committee, headed by Jack Kerrebrock, an eminent professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recommended in 1993 that such a Shuttle-derived heavy-lift booster be quickly developed—as a way of cutting the number of launches required to create the International Space Station by an order of magnitude—he was overruled by then-Vice President Al Gore. Gore wanted to extend the space-station construction program by decades, involving dozens of Shuttle and Russian Proton launches to use as a vehicle for encouraging friendly relations with (i.e. transferring funds to) the new rulers of post-Soviet Russia.2 So the Space Launch System was delayed two decades, until it was already obsolete.
This sadly left NASA with a generation gap of lost expertise. Responsibility for development shifted to people who had never done anything like it before, so the program limped along well into a new century, with a performance-degraded final design and not even a test flight to show for some 30 years of effort, and more than $20 billion worth of expenditures.

For a space program to be supported, not by three or four flight vehicles, but by scores of them—and eventually hundreds—is revolutionary. Starship ascents will be counted in rates of flights per week, or even per day. The Shuttle’s average flight rate of four per year, meant that, with a program annual cost of $4 billion per year, the actual cost of a Shuttle flight was a whopping $1 billion. A Starship transorbital railroad, employing 5,000 people, would cost about that much per year. Musk is aiming to manage 200 flights, which is possible with 20 operational Starships each turned around to fly again every 36 days. That would work out to $5 million per flight, 1/200th the cost of the Shuttle with five times its payload, for a thousandfold improvement overall.



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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
“Hold your horses” ar zice un american mai cu picioarele pe pamant, deocamdata sunt doar cifre aruncate in vant, asa a fost intotdeauna in domeniu la inceput, super optimism urmat de depasiri de costuri greu de suportat si uneori abandonare.

Deocamdata principiul Starship nu a fost validat, se afla la primele teste care nu inseamna mai mult decat a masura adancimea marii cu degetul.
Este mult entuziasm acum in jurul testarilor, dar asta printre cei care nu sunt in domeniu, macar in cel tehnic.
Progresul e inca foarte lent. Fericire mare ca SN15 a scapat intreaga dar au fost de exemplu cateva probleme, din care doua noi:
- socul la aterizare inca mult prea puternic, ducand la avarierea serioasa a unor picioare, ruptura in conducte si incendiu posibil catastrofal;
- aterizare la mai mult de 50 de metri de limita zonei propuse, si asta dupa un zbor cat se poate de simplu, mai erau cativa pasi si cadea in afara placilor betonate urmata clar de distrugere. Din persoectiva recuperarii boosterului intre suporturile din turn, unde precizia impusa e de sub un metru, asta este o atentionare severa, ceva nu e deloc in regula.
- desi solicitarile dinamice asupra structurii au fost absolut minore comparativ cu reintrarea de pe orbita, un numar de placute au cazut. Nu e clar daca au cazut in zbor sau la aterizare, dar daca s-au desprins inainte atunci e semn rau.
- din motive mai mult de conjunctura -fortarea lucrurilor pentru a arata pisica lui Bezos- procedura de intoarcere la verticala s-a facut mult mai sus decat orice estimare, doar pentru a spori sansele unei aterizari bune, cu pretul a multor tone de combustibil.

Pentru primul test al boosterului plus Starship se prevede amerizarea ambelor vehicule, boosterul in golful Mexic iar Starship in apropiere de Hawaii dupa aproape o tura.



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  • Înscris: 10.05.2008
Nasa a ales Space X pentru a trimite cu un Falcon Heavy ceea ce s-ar numi un "orbitor" Space Launch System (SLS) care va efectua aproximativ 50
de treceri in apropierea lunii lui Jupiter.




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View PostRosebud09, on 06 mai 2021 - 16:05, said:

Prostul care nu e si fudul nu e prost destul.
Adica Bezos si orgoliul lui, adunatura cealalta nu conteaza. Sunt ridicoli.
Trebuiau sa zica mersi ca au fost lasati in competitie, de fapt dat fiind situatia la momentul respectiv oricum nu erau decat de umplutura, sa fie competitie si atat.

Racheta SpaceX pentru Luna va fi diferita de cele care sunt trantite acum, atat motoare, picioare, structura interioara, fiind destinata exclusiv activitatii in Spatiu .

Partea comica este ca SpaceX nu are nevoie de NASA ca sa ajunga pe Luna, tehnic vorbind.

Desigur, vorbim de pielea ursului din padure dar ursul celor cu gura mare nici macar nu s-a nascut.
Oho, don' "egzpert". Ar fi trebuit să fii în echipa Blue Origin, sigur aduceai plus valoare, cât restul la un loc.



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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
Zi unde si de ce e gresit si dupa aia mai vedem.
Se intampla sa stiu ceva mai multe lucruri despre subiect, si atat.



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View Postiulian_1976, on 24 iulie 2021 - 12:03, said:

Nasa a ales Space X pentru a trimite cu un Falcon Heavy ceea ce s-ar numi un "orbitor" Space Launch System (SLS) care va efectua aproximativ 50
de treceri in apropierea lunii lui Jupiter.

De remarcat pe acest subiect https://arstechnica....-bargain-price/
The total contract award amount for launch services is approximately $178 million, NASA said in a news release. This is a significant moment for SpaceX, as the company will be entrusted with one of NASA's highest-priority exploration missions. The deal also saves NASA about $2 billion.

Finally, what forced Shelby and the rest of Congress to give in was a "shaking" issue with the SLS rocket. This large vehicle is powered off the pad by two very large solid rocket boosters that produce significant vibrations. SLS program officials had been telling the agency's leadership that the torsional load—essentially a measurement of twisting and vibration—was a certain value. However, after NASA performed wind-tunnel testing, the actual torsional load value was nearly double the SLS program estimates.
Accommodating for this launch stress, NASA officials told Ars, would have required an additional $1 billion in modifications to make the spacecraft more robust. That additional cost was ultimately what led NASA to be able to make Friday's announcement.



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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
O simpla formalitate, era ca si sigur demult ca Falcon Heavy va duce sonda. SLS e o nenorocire si nu e nimeni pe acolo care sa mai parieze pe ea, merge in inertie doar pentru pastrarea slujbelor si scaunelor. Asteapta toti incheierea, sa se intample ceva, in bine sau rau. Asta desigur nu inseamna ca luata pe bucati sau la detaliu nu ar fi totusi remarcabila, doar ca ansamblul este prost, rezultatul fiind sub valoarea componentelor in loc sa fie invers.

Vibratia boosterelor mari e poveste veche, in cazul navetei problema a fost diminuata de amortizoare suplimentare din prinderea orbiterului plus articulatii sferice care permiteau deplasari mici. Cand au lansat aiureala aceea de Ares acum vreo 10-12 ani (doar un booster plus un cap inert) au vazut clar ca e o problema serioasa. Probabil ca pentru incarcaturi mai robuste( echipaj…) sa fie totusi OK. :lol:

Musk nu are prea multe comenzi pentru magaoaia lui, parca vreo 4-5 in urmatorii 3 ani. Nu e cerere pentru asa incarcaturi grele dar cu dimensiuni/diametru relativ mic. Sa faca spatiu mai mare ci-ca il costa peste 100 milioane.

Edited by Rosebud09, 27 July 2021 - 04:59.



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  • Înscris: 17.09.2007
SpaceX a instalat 29 motoare Raptor intr-o singura noapte! https://arstechnica....ket-last-night/
Then, overnight, something remarkable happened. Technicians and engineers at the SpaceX build facility near Boca Chica Beach attached 29 Raptor rocket engines to the rocket. Twenty-nine engines. Each with intricate plumbing lines and connections. This is the number of engines that Super Heavy will fly with for initial flight tests, although the final configuration is likely to have 33 engines.
I'm not really sure what to write or say about all this, because typically in the rocket business it takes a few days to install a single engine.

Cum era de asteptat, GAO a respins protestele BO si Dynetics relativ la contractul HLS https://spacenews.co...ander-contract/
In a statement, the GAO said that NASA did not violate procurement law when it decided to make a single Human Landing System (HLS) award to SpaceX in April after previously stating its intent to make two such awards.
“In denying the protests, GAO first concluded that NASA did not violate procurement law or regulation when it decided to make only one award,” Kenneth E. Patton, managing associate general counsel for procurement law at the GAO, said in the statement. The agency made clear in the competition that awards were contingent on available funding, and reserved the right to make a single award, or none at all.
“GAO further concluded there was no requirement for NASA to engage in discussions, amend, or cancel the announcement as a result of the amount of funding available for the program,” Patton said. “As a result, GAO denied the protest arguments that NASA acted improperly in making a single award to SpaceX.”

Amuzanta si declaratia BO dupa rezultat:
“We stand firm in our belief that there were fundamental issues with NASA’s decision, but the GAO wasn’t able to address them due to their limited jurisdiction,” a Blue Origin spokesperson said in a statement to SpaceNews.



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  • Înscris: 17.09.2007
Well, un tur excelent in interiorul Starbase, poate unul din cele mai bune relativ la SpaceX: [ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/t705r8ICkRw?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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  • Înscris: 02.10.2009
Arata foarte putin din ce este acolo, nu mai spun de partea unde se construieste baza de lansare orbitala.
Un lucru mi se pare clar: Musk era drogat bine la momentul filmarii :D



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De ce, n-a vorbit cursiv dupa prompter ca un politician? Poate nu stiai ca asa vorbeste de obicei, avand Asperger...
In ce priveste baza de lansare probabil vor fi mai multe detalii in partea a 2-a, asa cum a fost mentionat la inceputul filmarii.



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View PostRosebud09, on 05 august 2021 - 03:20, said:

Arata foarte putin din ce este acolo, nu mai spun de partea unde se construieste baza de lansare orbitala.
Un lucru mi se pare clar: Musk era drogat bine la momentul filmarii Posted Image

Nu cred ca vreunul din noi ar arata mai bine dupa zile intregi de nesomn..



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  • Înscris: 19.07.2005
Startship stacking in progres. O fac doar pentru a verifica daca totul e ok. De zburat va zbura probabil peste 2-3 luni.
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mhJRzQsLZGg?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]

Attached File  sta.png   1.38MB   8 downloads Attached File  sta2.png   1.06MB   7 downloads Attached File  sta3.png   1.35MB   8 downloads   Attached File  sta4.png   1.64MB   9 downloads

Edited by vj_Heaven, 06 August 2021 - 14:25.



    Disident politic

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  • Înscris: 22.12.2015
O racheta mai puternica decât Saturn V, remarcabil ce a putut sa realizeze Musk in doar 10 ani. Sunt convins ca pana în 2040, oamenii o sa revină pe Luna si probabil ca vor face primi pasi timizi pe suprafata planetei roșii. Viitorul suna bine de tot ! Nu credeam ca se va întâmpla în timpul vieților noastre, daca nu apărea Musk...rămâneam cu SLS si cam atât.

Edited by doxan, 22 August 2021 - 12:40.



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In aceasta noapte la ora 3 ora Romaniei se va lansa misiunea Inspiration-4, misiune care va da startul turismului spatial.
[ https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3pv01sSq44w?feature=oembed - Pentru incarcare in pagina (embed) Click aici ]



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