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PSYOPS-ul romanesc

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    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 27.08.2002
Ne putem mandri cu PSYOPS-ul romanesc

Interviu cu colonelul MIHAIL-ANTON DUMITRESCU, seful Sectiei Operatii Psihologice din Directia Operatii a Statului Major General

- S-a nascut la 27 mai 1950 in locali­tatea Targoviste, jud. Dambovita;
- A urmat cursurile Liceului Militar „Dimitrie Cantemir“, Scolii Militare de Ofiteri Activi „Nicolae Balcescu“ si ale Academiei de Inalte Studii Militare. Este licentiat in stiinte politice, stiinte mili­tare si sociologie. A absolvit cursuri de specializare si postuniversitare la diferite institutii militare si civile de invatamant superior.
- A fost cadru didactic in institutii militare de invatamant, Liceul Militar „Dimitrie Cantemir“ si Academia de Inalte Studii Militare, a detinut functii in state majore de regiment si divizie.
- Lucreaza in domeniul operatiilor psihologice din 1994, in prezent fiind seful Sectiei Operatii Psihologice din Directia Operatii a Statului Major General. A organizat si condus numeroase aplicatii, exercitii si antrenamente de specialitate in tara, cu caracter national sau multinational, a indeplinit o serie de misiuni in teatrele de operatii din afara tarii. A fost prezent cu articole si studii de specialitate in paginile publicatilor militare si civile.

–  Domnule colonel, as vrea sa incepem discutia noastra prin a preciza cum este organizata si care sunt misiunile Sectiei Operatii Psihologice?

– Sectia Operatii Psihologice face parte din Directia Operatii a Statului Major General si, in momentul de fata, este compusa din doua birouri: Biroul Analiza Tinta si Evaluare si Biroul Planificare si Conducere a Operatiilor Psihologice. Aceste birouri, din punct de vedere al denumirii, organizarii si misiunii lor, sunt in deplina concordanta cu cele ale structurilor similare din tarile membre NATO. Inainte de restructurarea sectiei noastre, lucram tot pe doua birouri, insa denumirile si misiunile erau altele. De exemplu, aveam Biroul de Influentare Psihologica a Inamicului, care nu mai exista in momentul de fata.

Activitatea Sectiei Operatii Psihologice este reglementata de Doctrina pentru Operatii Psihologice, aprobata si aflata in functiune din anul 2003, si de Manualul de Operatii Psihologice care se gaseste intr-o faza avansata de elaborare. Probabil ca pana la sfarsitul acestui an va intra in vigoare.

Din structurile de operatii psihologice ale armatei noastre mai face parte si Centrul de Operatii Psihologice, despre care as vrea sa vorbesc ceva mai incolo.

Misiunile Sectiei Operatii Psihologice pot fi impartite in doua categorii: misiuni pe plan intern si misiuni pe plan extern. In plan intern, principala misiune a celor care compun sectia este aceea de a ne pregati permanent pentru a indeplini ordinele si misiunile pe care le primim pe linie ierarhica, pentru a asigura suportul, din punct de vedere al operatiilor psihologice, al oricarei operatii militare desfasurate de armata noastra.

Probabil ca, in viitor, fiecare batalion care va desfasura actiuni de lupta sau de pregatire pentru lupta va avea o componenta de operatii psihologice. Ne propunem ca, pentru inceput, brigazile mecanizate, de vanatori de munte, de infanterie usoara sa beneficieze de sprijin in domeniul operatiilor psihologice.

Misiunile pe care le desfasuram pe plan extern sunt cele pe care le primim din partea NATO. Astfel, militarii si structurile noastre de operatii psihologice, aflate in diverse teatre de operatii, executa ordinele date de comandantii esaloanelor NATO in care sunt incadrati. Avem militari specialisti in operatii psihologice care participa in comandamente multinationale NATO cum este, de exemplu, cel de la Pričtina (Kosovo).

In ceea ce priveste misiunile desfasurate de Sectia Operatii Psihologice, as vrea sa subliniez ca, din punctul nostru de vedere, unul dintre cele mai importante elemente care contribuie decisiv la indeplinirea misiunilor pe care le primim sunt informatiile. Informatiile le obtinem fie de la structurile specializate de informatii, fie prin eforturi proprii. Echipele noastre tactice din teren efectueaza, pe timpul desfasurarii studiilor de zona, studii de tinta si culegere de informatii care vor fi folosite pentru realizarea produselor de tip audio, video, radio etc. adaptate zonei si tintei careia noi dorim sa-i schimbam opiniile, atitudinile sau comportamentul, in functie de obiectivele si scopurile stabilite la nivel strategic, operativ si tactic. Sarcina noastra este aceea de a culege informatii, de a le stoca si prelucra, de a concepe si realiza, pe baza acestora, produse specifice (tiparite, audio, video). Aceste produse sunt apoi pretestate, corectate si, in final, sunt diseminate catre tinte. Urmeaza etapa de verificare a eficientei acestor produse care, in urma analizei, pot suferi corectii de imbuna­tatire. In final, ele sunt din nou transmise catre publicul vizat. Acest proces complex de planifi­care, concepere si realizare a unei operatii psihologice este similar cu procesele desfa­surate in cazul unei operatii militare. Noi facem parte intotdeauna din structurile de operatii si suntem implicati direct in elaborarea si reali­zarea conceptiei de lupta, venind, prin activi­tatile pe care le desfasuram, in sprijinul indepli­nirii obiectivelor si scopurilor comandantului.

– Avand in vedere importanta deosebita care se acorda acum structurilor specializate in gestionarea informatiilor – structurile de relatii publice, structurile de informatii, structurile de operatii psihologice etc. – cum vedeti locul dumneavoastra in randul acestor structuri?      

– Acestor structuri responsabile cu gestionarea de informatii li se acorda, astazi, o atentie deosebita atat de catre NATO, dar si de factorii de raspundere din armata noastra.

Am reusit sa realizam, in ultimul timp, o colaborare buna cu structurile de informatii, colaborare care pana acum nu era la nivelul de eficienta pe care ni-l doream. Si nu vorbim numai de colaborarea la nivelul conducerii strategice sau operative, ci si de cea de la nivelurile de jos ale acestor structuri.

Avem numeroase exemple din teatrele de operatii unde specialistii nostri isi desfasoara activitatea, colaborand foarte bine cu celelalte structuri de informatii ale armatei noastre. Se face foarte eficient un schimb de informatii intre aceste structuri, ceea ce ofera tuturor posibili­tatea de a verifica diferitele tipuri de informatii cu care lucreaza. Sigur, nu ne referim la toata plaja de informatii vehiculate de respectivele structuri. Functioneaza si in acest domeniu al informatiilor principiul „sa stii atat cat trebuie“.

Avem o colaborare foarte fructuoasa pentru ca, de multe ori, echipele noastre tactice, specialistii nostri aflati in teren au posibilitatea sa verifice diferite tipuri de informatii venite pe diverse canale de informatii, de la felurite surse si pe care le pot pune la dispozitia structurilor de informatii ce au nevoie de ele. In acelasi fel, specialistii nostri pot beneficia de informatii punctuale foarte utile de la alte structuri specializate in domeniul informatiilor.  

Aceasta intrepatrundere si conlucrare dintre structurile de actiuni psihologice, cele de relatii publice si cele de informatii este un concept foarte actual si foarte amplu discutat in NATO. Acest concept poarta denumirea de InfoOps (Operatii Informationale). In viziunea specialistilor NATO, InfoOps-ul presupune prezenta mai multor domenii coordonate unitar pentru realizarea unui scop comun de sprijinire a activitatii comandantului. Din InfoOps pot face parte specialisti in razboi electronic, specialisti in domeniul CIMIC (relatii civili-militari), specialisti in operatii psihologice, in relatii publice, specialisti in culegere de informatii si din alte domenii. InfoOps-ul trebuie sa aiba un rol integrator si de coordonare in cadrul structurilor specializate in gestionarea informatiilor.

Unele tari membre ale NATO si-au elaborat o doctrina InfoOps. La nivelul NATO, ca organi­zatie, se gaseste in faza de ratificare o doc­trina InfoOps la care si armata noastra a aderat.

La noi, s-au purtat discutii daca este sau nu oportun sa se infiinteze o structura de InfoOps proprie. Fie ca vrem sau nu, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, aceasta structura va trebui sa existe pentru ca se cere sa fim interoperabili. S-a mai luat, de asemenea, in discutie locul si rolul unei astfel de structuri in armata. S-a stabilit deja, la nivelul NATO, ca aceste structuri InfoOps sa faca parte din structurile de operatii.

Noi deja avem elemente de InfoOps in armata noastra. De exemplu, Comandamentul 2 Operational, si nu numai, are structuri hibride de InfoOps–PSYOPS de mici dimensiuni. Din nefericire, ele sunt suspendate pentru ca nu au la esaloanele superioare structuri similare si nici nu au in subordine alte subunitati de InfoOps-PSYOPS. Aceste structuri sunt acum in faza de initiere, de pregatire, dar este foarte bine ca ele exista.

Pe timpul Aplicatiei Bicaz-2004, la care am participat cu un element de sprijin de nivel corp de armata, am fost intrebati de persoane cu functii de raspundere din armata daca nu folosim in cadrul exercitiului si elemente de InfoOps. Trebuie sa va spun ca am folosit elemente de InfoOps care s-au concretizat intr-o colaborare buna cu celelalte structuri din domeniul informatiilor. Nu putem sa ne grabim sa ne implicam foarte mult in domeniul InfoOps pentru ca, pe de o parte, in momentul de fata doar in domeniul PSYOPS exista documente clare ce reglementeaza activitatea specialistilor nostri iar, pe de alta parte, sunt putine persoane in armata care au o idee clara despre ce inseamna InfoOps. Probabil ca in Aplicatia Bicaz 2005, care se va desfasura pe la jumatatea anului 2005, vom putea sa folosim mult mai mult elemente de InfoOps.

– Tinand seama de statutul tarii noastre de membru al NATO, nu se mai poate discuta astazi despre structuri militare romanesti performante fara a face referire la interope­rabilitate. Care este gradul de interoperabilitate a structurilor PSYOPS romanesti cu cele similare ale NATO?

– Raspunsul la aceasta intrebare ar putea trezi suspiciunea ca suntem lipsiti de modestie, insa, dupa parerea mea, suntem interoperabili cu structurile similare ale NATO in proportie de 90%.  Aceasta concluzie am tras-o si in urma aprecierilor pe care le-am primit din partea specialistilor aflati la niveluri foarte inalte in NATO, care au avut ocazia sa vada prestatia noastra in diverse misiuni, exercitii si aplicatii internationale. Aceasta interoperabilitate nu este data numai de cunoasterea foarte buna a limbilor straine, in special engleza si franceza, ci si de nivelul foarte bun de pregatire profesionala a specialistilor nostri, de usurinta cu care ei s-au integrat in structurile de operatii psihologice ale NATO si de eficienta pe care au dovedit-o in indeplinirea misiunilor incredintate.

Din punct de vedere al factorului uman, putem vorbi de o interoperabilitate foarte ridicata. Procentul de 10% care ne lipseste pentru a fi complet interoperabili se refera la faptul ca cele doua mari structuri de operatii psihologice – Sectia Operatii Psihologice si Centrul de Operatii Psihologice – nu pot face fata la momentul actual, din punct de vedere al incadrarii si al dimensiunii lor, la cerintele complexe pe care NATO le are si le va avea. De asemenea, mai avem de recuperat unele intarzieri in dotarea cu tehnica.

Sigur ca, in ultimul timp, am beneficiat de fonduri materiale si am inregistrat progrese bune pe linia modernizarii bazei materiale specifice, insa nu suntem, deocamdata, la nivelul de dotare care se cere. Noi folosim, inca, statii de radiodifuziune destul de vechi, in gama undelor medii si scurte. Ele sunt functio­nale, dar gradul lor de uzura morala este mare. Statiile de radio cele mai ascultate la ora actuala sunt cele in gama de unde ultrascurte sau FM.

Avem, in schimb, elemente de tehnica pe care alte armate nu le au. Am surprins placut la unele aplicatii si exercitii internationale cand am folosit tehnica foarte moderna pe care alti colegi din NATO nu o aveau.

In concluzie, structura de operatii psihologice centrala a armatei noastre si Centrul de Operatii Psihologice sunt interope­rabile cu cele ale NATO. Despre celelalte structuri, de la nivel central in jos, nu putem spune ca sunt interoperabile pentru ca, deocamdata, ele sunt foarte mici si, desi au oameni bine pregatiti, nu pot raspunde  satisfacator, din toate punctele de vedere, la exigentele de interoperabilitate ale NATO.

– Stim ca acest grad de interoperabilitate a permis specialistilor PSYOPS romani sa-si dovedeasca profesionalismul in diverse misiuni in strainatate. Ce ne puteti spune despre aceste misiuni, despre rezultatele si beneficiile profesionale obtinute de militarii romani  ca urmare a participarii la aceste misiuni?

– Specialistii PSYOPS romani sunt prezenti in toate teatrele militare importante existente, in momentul de fata, pe mapamond. Atat in cele fierbinti, cum este cazul Irakului si Afganistanului, unde avem specialisti romani de aproximativ un an, cat si in cele mai putin fierbinti, daca le putem spune asa, cum sunt cele din Kosovo si din Bosnia unde, de asemenea, am avut si avem dislocate forte de operatii psihologice importante din punctul de vedere al posibilitatilor noastre. In Kosovo, am detinut functii importante pe linie de PSYOPS, ceea ce spune mult despre valoarea specia­listilor nostri. Recent, am dislocat in Kosovo si o echipa tactica de operatii psihologice, ceea ce reprezinta o alta recunoastere a posibilitatilor romanesti in domeniul operatiilor psihologice. Pana la sosirea echipei noastre, statele care detineau asemenea structuri in zona erau SUA, Germania, Italia, Franta. In viitor, vom incerca sa reducem contributia noastra pe linie de PSYOPS in Kosovo si sa o crestem in Afganistan, pentru ca ni se cere cu insistenta acest lucru.

Solicitarea noastra in teatre de operatii dificile, cum este cazul celui din Afganistan, este o alta dovada ca specialistii romani sunt foarte bine apreciati si increderea care li se acorda din partea NATO este mare. In toate aprecierile de serviciu cu care oamenii nostri se intorc din misiuni figureaza calificative de foarte bun si exceptional. De asemenea, specialistii PSYOPS romani au fost de multe ori decorati si recompensati cu premii, ca o recunoastere a valorii lor, a capacitatilor lor profesionale deosebite. Exista foarte multe solicitari din partea NATO pentru cresterea fortelor romanesti de operatii psihologice in diverse teatre de operatii. Domnul ministru Pascu, in urma unei deplasari in Kosovo, a declarat, pe baza informatiilor primite de la reprezentantii NATO, ca nu stia cat de buni sunt specialistii romani in domeniul operatiilor psihologice. Aceasta declaratie ne-a bucurat foarte mult si ne-a dat inca o satisfactie profesionala.

In ceea ce priveste castigul profesional pe care oamenii nostri il obtin in astfel de misiuni, el este incomensurabil. In procesul de pregatire, noi am trimis specialisti la cursuri de perfectionare, in misiuni de documentare teoretica. Dar participarea intr-o misiune de sase luni, intr-unul din teatrele despre care am vorbit, inseamna mult mai mult decat cursurile teoretice de pregatire.

La momentul de fata, specialistii nostri sunt foarte bine pregatiti teoretic, insa din punct de vedere practic este necesar sa acumuleze o cat mai mare experienta profesionala. Orice noua misiune inseamna un castig extrem de important pentru ca niciodata o misiune nu seamana cu cealalta. Fiecare misiune are specificul ei.  De exemplu, un specialist analiza tinta din Kosovo va veni cu un set de informatii si cu modalitati de abordare a tintei diferite de cele ale specialistilor aflati in misiune in Afganistan si in Irak. Desi aparent exista similitudini intre misiunile din Afganistan si Irak, in realitate, din punct de vedere al operatiilor psihologice, ele difera fundamental. Un specialist pregatit in Kosovo nu poate face fata cu acelasi succes in Afganistan, ca unul care a actionat acolo o perioada suficienta de timp, pentru ca tintele, conditiile si metodele care trebuie folosite in cele doua teatre sunt foarte diferite.

– Care sunt viitoarele misiuni ale specialistilor PSYOPS romani?

– Avem solicitari si pentru alte tipuri de misiuni. Am primit cereri de specialisti PSYOPS pentru diverse comandamente NATO. Deja unul dintre colegii nostri a plecat la post intr-un comandament NATO, in Italia. De asemenea, in 2005 vom participa la toate exercitiile internationale mari organizate de NATO, care vor implica prezenta structurilor de operatii psihologice, iar pe plan intern vom participa la Exercitiul Bicaz 2005, o aplicatie de anvergura, planificata, organizata si desfasurata de Comandamentul 2 Operational. Este o provocare si o modalitate de pregatire foarte utila noua, pentru ca se simuleaza un caz real la care trebuie sa facem fata cu succes din punct de vedere PSYOPS. Nu in ultimul rand, infiintarea viitoare a structurilor de InfoOps, de care vorbeam, este o provocare pentru noi in a pune la dispozitie pentru elaborarea doctrinei acestor structuri experienta pe care am acumulat-o in domeniul PSYOPS.

Ne preocupam, de asemenea, ca structurile noastre de operatii psihologice sa sporeasca din punct de vedere numeric pentru ca, dincolo de calitatea specialistilor, exista anumite limitari in desfasurarea activitatilor noastre, datorate numarului mic de personal.

–  Cu ce dificultati va confruntati in momentul de fata si care sunt modalitatile posibile de depasire a acestora?  

– Una dintre, sa-i spunem, insatisfactiile profesionale este data de faptul ca nu intotdeauna si nu la toate nivelurile organizatiei militare este bine inteles locul si rolul structurilor de PSYOPS in structurile si actiunile militare. Daca la nivel central, cei care ne conduc au inteles locul si rolul nostru, nu la fel stau lucrurile si la celelalte niveluri de conducere. Sunt comandanti care nu vad corect locul si rolul fortelor de operatii psihologice in sistem. Nu inteleg cum sa utilizeze eficient specialistii PSYOPS pe care ii au in subordine in procesul de pregatire pentru lupta si in indeplinirea diferitelor misiuni.

Am incercat sa remediem aceasta situatie prin diferite actiuni. Anul trecut, in cadrul Aplicatiei Apuseni 2003, la initiativa sefului Statului Major General, au fost invitati toti comandantii de brigazi si de corpuri de armata, pentru a vedea practic, in teren, ce inseamna o aplicatie cu specific PSYOPS, cum este organizata, cum se desfasoara etc. Comandantii invitati au participat efectiv la aplicatie, au pus intrebari, au discutat, au facut observatii. Li s-au pus la dispozitie materiale si produse specifice operatiilor psihologice pe care sa le poata studia si folosi ulterior.

De asemenea, la unele exercitii si aplicatii invitam specialisti de la diferite comandamente pentru a le oferi posibilitatea de a intelege mai bine care sunt specificitatile operatiilor psihologice.

Am detasat la Sectia Operatii Psihologice diferiti specialisti PSYOPS din teritoriu care au avut ocazia sa acumuleze o importanta experienta teoretica si practica pe care o vor putea folosi in viitor. Pentru noi, ei reprezinta o importanta resursa umana de specialisti in operatii psihologice.

Tot in sprijinul popularizarii scopului si rolului structurilor de operatii psihologice, am trimis specialistii nostri in teritoriu, la diverse comandamente, unde au discutat pe teme specifice domeniului nostru si au prezentat materiale care sa contribuie la o mai buna intelegere a pozitiei pe care o ocupa si pe care trebuie sa o ocupe PSYOPS -ul in armatele moderne.

S-a reusit organizarea si desfasurarea unui curs de specialitate in cadrul Colegiului de Razboi din Universitatea Nationala de Aparare. La acest curs au participat cadre militare din teritoriu, reprezentanti ai unor structuri din afara Ministerului Apararii Nationale ca, de exemplu, specialisti ai Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor cu care colaboram foarte bine atat in tara, cat si in strainatate. In Kosovo, am colaborat foarte bine cu toate unitatile si subunitatile Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor prezente acolo: de politie, de jandarmi etc.

O alta problema cu care ne confruntam este fluctuatia de personal. Oamenii foarte bine pregatiti au dreptul si aspira catre alte functii. Nu ii putem opri sa ramana pe functii care nu mai raspund pregatirii si capacitatilor lor. Este o dificultate din punctul nostru de vedere, pentru ca un specialist in operatii psihologice se formeaza in patru-cinci ani, dupa participarea la una-doua misiuni internationale, dupa participarea la mai multe cursuri in tara sau in strainatate. Cu toate acestea, nu ii putem tine pe loc. Unii sunt ceruti in comandamentele NATO, altii se muta pe alte functii, unde este garantata evolutia lor, ceea ce face ca numarul personalului in structurile noastre de operatii psihologice sa scada. Chiar daca la momentul de fata nu avem atatea fonduri cate am dori, pentru a ne dota cu toate mijloacele tehnice si materiale de care am avea nevoie, noi am inteles foarte bine situatia armatei noastre si a societatii romanesti si ne straduim sa ne facem datoria cat mai bine cu ceea ce avem in dotare la acest moment.

– Revenind la un subiect mentionat la inceputul interviului nostru, care este situatia actuala a celeilalte structuri importante a PSYOPS -ului romanesc, Centrul de Operatii Psihologice?

– Incepand cu anii 2001-2002, la fostul Centru Tehnic de Actiuni Psihologice si actualul Centrul de Operatii Psihologice s-au produs modificari structurale foarte importante. Statul de organizare al acestei structuri este, in momentul de fata, cel al unui element de sprijin pentru operatii psihologice de tip NATO. Acea preponderenta a activitatilor tehnice in cadrul misiunilor acestei structuri este de acum de domeniul istoriei. Centrul a devenit, prin pregatire, prin dotare si prin misiunile pe care le poate primi o unitate operativa. El reprezinta, din punct de vedere uman si tehnic, un element de sprijin de nivel brigada si chiar de corp de armata. De aceea, programul de pregatire, selectionarea personalului si structura de organizare a Centrului au fost modificate. S-a terminat procesul de restructurare care a dus la reducerea personalului Centrului de Operatii Psihologice. De la infiintarea lui si pana in momentul de fata s-a redus numarul personalului cu doua treimi. Desi restructurarea se poate face nu doar prin reducere de personal, ci si prin redistribuirea personalului catre acele functii care sunt de mai mare actualitate si mai utile. Dincolo de micile probleme cu care ne confruntam, suntem convinsi ca obiectivele propuse pentru restructurarea acestui centru pana in 2007, obiective asumate in fata responsabililor NATO, se vor atinge.

As vrea, in incheiere, sa va multumesc pentru onoarea pe care mi-ati facut-o de a aparea cu acest interviu in paginile revistei Spirit militar modern, revista pe care eu si colegii mei o apreciem foarte mult. O apreciem nu numai din postura de colaboratori si cititori fideli, ci si din perspectiva specialistului in domeniul sociologiei si psihologiei, in domeniul elaborarii produselor tiparite, profesioniste si eficiente. Revista reprezinta pentru noi o sursa de informatii utila, eficienta, de buna calitate, care se incadreaza excelent in spiritul militar modern pe care il promoveaza.

Interviu realizat de capitan MARIAN PREDOAICA
sursa: http://www.presamil....2/pag 02-05.htm
alte linkuri: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psyops



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 27.08.2002
Bio-electromagnetic Weapons
A weapon system that operates at the speed of light, that can kill, torture, enslave and escape detection. Harlan Girard - 24 ianuarie 2006    

The ultimate weapon
Electromagnetic weapons operate at the speed of light; they can kill, torture and enslave; but the public are largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate by stealth and leave no physical evidence. Electromagnetic weapons have been tested on human beings since 1976. By widely dispersing the involuntary human test-subjects, and vehemently attacking their credibility, it has been possible for the United States to proceed with these human experiments unhindered by discussions or criticisms, let alone opposition. This ultimate weapon system is currently being deployed in Iraq. The US Air Force and the Marine Corps refer to it as “active denial technology”, as if it were used purely for defense, but it is not.

The truth about “active denial technology”
There is only one electromagnetic spectrum.  Nuclear weapons release a great deal of ionizing radiation in the high frequency range above visible light, where the energy of the radiation is capable of breaking chemical bonds. Ionizing radiation is generally acknowledged to cause cancer. The US military has weaponized the non-ionizing radiation below the visible range, the microwaves and radio waves that are used in mobile phones and telecommunications.  The US government has strenuously denied that there could be health hazards from non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, both as a defence of the involuntary human research it has been conducting for many years but has not yet acknowledged, and to dissuade other countries from developing similar weapons. The only biological effect of non-ionizing radiation that the US government has acknowledged for many years is heating, and accordingly, it characterizes “active denial technology” as that which produces pain from sudden heating of the skin; but this is not how it really works.

Reading brain waves and mind control
In 1959, Saul B. Sells, a professor of social psychology at a minor US university submitted a proposal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build for them the most sophisticated electroencephalography machine that would have an integral computational capacity to analyze and, hopefully, make sense of the brain waves it recorded.  In other words, the professor proposed to make a machine that could tell the CIA what a person was thinking, whether or not the person wished to disclose that information.
The CIA approved the project in 1960, adding some library research with five objectives. The fifth objective of the research was, “Techniques for Activating the Human Organism by Remote Electronic Means”.  The entire assignment was thereafter known as MKULTRA subproject 119, MKULTRA being the CIA’s notorious mind control programme.  It was based on the erroneous notion that the Soviets already possessed the means to control minds and the US had to catch up as rapidly as possible.  
The documents pertaining to MKULTRA subproject 119 are now held in the National Security Archives (a non-governmental organization) at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. [1]. John Marks, author of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, (Times Books, New York, 1979) donated the MKULTRA documents; his book was republished by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 1991 and is still in print.
Project Bizarre followed MKULTRA subproject 119 in 1965.  The purpose of Bizarre was to record and analyze the complex microwave signal allegedly being beamed at the American Embassy in Moscow by the Soviets from a building across the street.  The interesting thing about Project Bizarre is that while the United States has denied to this very day that there could be adverse health effects from microwave radiation, it immediately suspected that “the Moscow signal” was producing a variety of health effects in Embassy personnel, particularly in the successive ambassadors at whose office it was claimed the signal was being beamed.  At the same time that the State Department was testing embassy personnel for DNA breaks produced by the Moscow signal, it felt constrained from complaining to the Soviets because the power of their signal was a tiny fraction of what the US said was a safe, human exposure level. Journalist Barton Reppert has written the most authoritative account of the Moscow signal [2]. (Editor’s note: DNA breaks from exposure to mobile phones have been confirmed in recent lab research [3, 4] (Science in Society 24).)

Converting sound to microwaves
In 1973, Joseph C. Sharp, an experimental psychologist at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research performed an experiment that was pivotal to the development of the torture equipment being shipped to Iraq today.  He had James Lin set up equipment in his laboratory which converted the shape of sound waves into microwave radiation that enabled him to hear himself vocalize the names of the numbers from one to ten in his head, by-passing the mechanism of his own ears.  This particular experiment was never published but is mentioned in Lin’s book, Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, published in 1978.
The experiment has been confirmed in US Patent 6 587 729, “Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect” [6]. This patent is for an improved version of the apparatus used in the 1973 laboratory experiment, issued on July 1, 2003 and assigned to the Secretary of the Air Force. It provides scientific evidence that it is possible to hear threatening voices in one’s head without suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
Why has this patent been published openly at a time when the US Government is practicing a degree of secrecy that rivals Stalin’s Kremlin?  I have no satisfactory answer, except to say that the apparatus in the patent has already been superseded by equipment that achieves the same effect by far more sophisticated means.  It blocks the normal processes of memory and thought by remote electronic means, while at the same time supplying false, distorted and/or unpleasant memories and suggestions by means of a process called “synthetic telepathy”.  The equipment that produces synthetic telepathy is sometimes referred to as “influence technology”.  
While voices and visions, daydreams and nightmares are the most astonishing manifestations of this weapon system, it is also capable of crippling the human subject by limiting his/her normal range of movement, causing acute pain the equivalent of major organ failure or even death, and interfering with normal functioning of any of the human senses.  In other words, any of the tortures with which the words Guantanamo Bay have become synonymous can be achieved by remote, electronic means.

Instruments of torture
Influence technology is also capable of persuading the subjects that their mind is being read, that their intellectual property is being plundered, and can even motivate suicide or the murder of family, friends, and co-workers. During the years of the so-called “War on Drugs” (which preceded the “War on Terrorism”), letters that the involuntary human subjects had written or were about to receive regularly vanished from the mail, as though the government had a huge covert operation through post offices across the country.  When George Herbert Walker Bush became president (in1989), the incidence of co-worker killings in the post offices became so great that the expression “going postal” began to replace the commonly used expression of “going crazy”.  The killing of co-workers in other workplaces began to command more media attention too.
I estimate that the cost of imprisoning a human being in his/her own body and applying unremitting torture is US$5 000 000 to $10 000 000 a year.
By “unremitting torture” I mean exactly that. Because there is no visible evidence left by this new torture equipment such as damage to the skin, it is possible to torture the involuntary human subjects for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This can be done and is being done even on Christmas and Easter.
I arrived at my estimate on the cost of testing/using electromagnetic weapons on a human subject by visiting a cable TV channel that specializes in the sale of goods over the air 24 hours a day.  I questioned the number of technical staff required, their working hours and salary range; also the number of back-up personnel required to prepare the programming for broadcast.  I did not inquire about the cost of electronics and the schedule by which it is depreciated.  I have estimated a cost for depreciation that is included in my estimate of the cost of torturing one involuntary human subject for one year.
Torture is a labor-intensive business. What objective would justify this investment?  Could it be something as insane as to rule the world by enslaving the democratic governments of the more populous countries?  This objective is certainly consistent with the United States’ disdain for, and hostility toward, the United Nations, the international conventions and covenants it has ratified in the past and customary international law.  
On 1 March 2001, the Marine Corps announced a new non-lethal weapon, “active denial technology”.  It produces enormous pain by allegedly boiling the molecules of water in the human skin without damaging the skin itself.  As described in an article published in New Scientist, it employs pulsed electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of 95 GHz with a range of about 600 meters [10]. There have been several new reports in the magazine in 2005, including one published in July [11], describing volunteers taking part in tests to determine how safe the Active Denial System (ADS) weapon would be if used in real crowd-control. The ADS weapon’s beam was reported to cause pain within 2 to 3 seconds, and becomes “intolerable after less than 5 seconds”.  
Active denial technology is the cornerstone of the system employed to torture 2 000 persons in the privacy of their own homes, not only in the United States but around the world, wherever countries have signed Status of Forces Agreements with the United States. Allegations of torture were first received from countries with which the United States has a special intelligence-sharing relationship i.e. the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  Then reports began to arrive from the conquered countries where the United States still has large numbers of troops stationed, i.e. Germany and Japan.  When France rejoined the military arm of NATO in the late 90s, we began to receive allegations of torture in France.  Very recently we have begun to receive allegations of torture from India, where American companies have begun to outsource, not only help lines, but also programming.
And then there is the case of Russia, where the involuntary, human subjects of torture experiments appear to be both numerous and well organized.  I have been told reliably that every Russian scientist who could speak English has now found a home in an American university or government laboratory.  This is plausible, considering the frequently voiced American worry that Soviet era experts in nuclear weaponry and biological warfare might find employment in Iran.  It is a fact that at the end of World War II the US Army swept through Germany in an operation called Project Paperclip, recruiting, in particular, Nazi rocket scientists and experts in aerospace medicine.  Some other scientists were recruited simply to deprive the Soviet Union of this resource.  So what has become of the Soviet scientists who didn’t speak English?  In time we will find out for certain, but for now it is a safe guess that at least some of them have been employed to study the Russian value system and decision making processes by torturing other Russians with American “influence technology”.
Two interesting and important articles on bioelectromagnetic weapons have recently appeared in the New Scientist:  “Maximum pain is aim of new U.S. weapon” and “Police toy with ‘less lethal’ weapons”, both written by David Hambling. See also US. Patent 6 536 440 of March 25, 2003.
Since completing this article in mid-June 2005, it has come to my attention that the Israelis are deploying a device called “The Scream”, which sends out bursts of audible, but not loud sound at intervals of about 10 seconds.  A photographer at the scene of a demonstration said that he continued to hear the sound ringing in his head even after he covered his ears.  This suggests to me that the active agent is electromagnetic rather than acoustic.  In other words, the Israelis have come up with a device that is far cleverer than our “active denial technology”.  It not only deters rioters, but also issues an audible warning that it has been turned on, which the US device does not, leaving it entirely to the enlisted men operating it to determine how much burning pain their adversaries receive.  The margin for error with the US device is unconscionable.  It may as well be called a lethal weapon because in practice it very frequently will be.



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Hearing Voices

Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer "multiplexer" routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The "receiver" is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It's a human brain.
Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no "firewall" and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender's verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target's thoughts, exactly as if the target's verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called "hearing voices" but is more properly described as "artificial telepathy".
Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one's friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one's voice or mouth. It's a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.
The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person's soul.
When used as a "nonlethal" weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon.
Artificial telepathy also offers an ideal means for complete invasion of privacy. If all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner of hurtful comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected for blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses of one's past are up for review.
Like a perverted phone caller, a hostile person with this technology in hand can call at any time of day, all day long. Sleep can be disrupted. Prayers can be desecrated, religious beliefs mocked. Business meetings can be interrupted, thoughts derailed. Love can be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, fond memories trashed.
The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is left on the body and there is absolutely no proof that any crime or any violation ever took place! Everything that "happens" to the victim happens inside the victim's head. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the "crime scene" or fingerprint the stalker? There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical scene at all, and no evidence that an attack ever took place.
Most people who experience this abusive form of "artificial telepathy" feel as if their mind has been raped. They find themselves hunted, stalked, harassed and abused by a person or persons who refuse to give their names, who defile one's mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable, and who refuse to hang up or go away. The caller or callers delight in the perverse and sadistic torture of their targets. Furthermore, they delight in violating the privacy of their targets, reading the target's mind and commenting on everything the target thinks, in an effort to demonstrate as brutally as possible that the target has no privacy at all.
The callers act, in short, exactly like rapists or perverted stalkers. Imagine what a man might do if he found a "magic cell phone" that allowed him to dial into the heads and the private thoughts of anyone on earth. The temptation to choose a target at random and start spying on or abusing that person would be enormous, almost irresistable. It could become a sick and twisted hobby, a guilty pleasure very quickly. Put into the hands of a secret police unit, the potential for abusing such technology is even more chilling.
Now, the natural reaction of a normal and intelligent person who undergoes the horrible experience of mind rape for the first time is to panic and reach for a real phone. They call family, contact their doctor or call police with a bizarre complaint that "someone is beaming voices into my head."
But if the police are the ones behind the abuse, the victims aren't going to get much help, are they? And if the police are not the perpetrators, then how are they to make an arrest? It's much more convenient and easy to believe that the caller is a nutcase.
In short order, the victim of mind rape finds herself or himself undergoing the additional humiliation of being carted off to the psych ward, often being committed involuntarily by a loved one "for one's own good."
The more vehement the efforts to prove that the voice or voices in one's head are "real", the more smug become the smiles of the medical doctors, who gently insist that such technology does not exist, that the voices cannot possibly be real, and that one must take a powerful psych med and lie down for a good long rest.
The experience of "hearing voices" -- especially voices that give a running stream of negative abuse -- will gain one automatic admission to the rubber room. Indeed, hearing voices is a classic example of schizophrenia. If you hear voices, you are, by definition, crazy.
Yet when released from the psych ward with an expensive supply of meds, "voice hearers" often find that the meds are ineffective -- exactly as one would expect if their problem had nothing to do with brain chemistry and everything to do with a bio-electronic attack by unseen stalkers.
Voice hearers often puzzle psychiatrists, because many of them don't fit the classic model of schizophrenia, which usually begins onset in the early twenties. The victims of "artificial telepathy" are often well into their thirties or fourties and many have no prior history of serious mental illness or drug abuse. Many seem to be alert, healthy, and rational even while insisting that they can hear voices. They agree with the psychiatrists that, yes, they are depressed, but who wouldn't be a bit depressed under such trying circumstances? To be stalked and verbally bullied every waking hour of the day is a form of mental torture.
Victims of mind rape quickly learn not to discuss their "psychological problems" with family and coworkers. It's embarrassing, it's bizarre, it gets very little sympathy and only serves to alarm most people. The only way that another person can "help" is to suggest that the mind rape victim see a psychiatrist, who will promptly double one's dose of psych meds and antidepressants. The result is a very stiff medical bill, which only adds financial pain to the mix. And the verbal harassment continues.
As they learn to endure their daily torture, voice hearers can usually return to mainstream life, where they are able to carry on intelligent, coherent conversations, hold down jobs, and function quite normally. In fact, if they don't discuss their "problem" they usually can't be told apart from normal people on the street. Because they are normal people.
The growing number of voice hearers in our society is therefore well masked. Those who continue to insist that there is a "secret society of people beaming voices into our heads" are simply laughed into silence or labelled paranoid schizophrenics. They are completely discredited. In fact, many voice hearers have internalized the idea that they are mentally ill, and they struggle to understand how their "auditory hallucinations" could continue to seem so very, very real.
Naturally, many of these voice hearers are deeply confused. They turn to support groups, including such on-line communities as the Voice Hearers' support group at Yahoo.com.
Anyone who doubts that "artificial telepathy" exists need only contact such a Voice Hearers community, where they will encounter people who continue to insist that they are being harassed by real people using an unknown or unexplained technology.
Surprisingly, there is a tremendous amount of scientific literature and circumstantial evidence to back up that claim.



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    Geniu umil

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  • Înscris: 21.04.2004
now whatta fuck is this fucking shit? :huh:



    Porc misogin

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 Mosotti, on Jul 17 2006, 22:40, said:

now whatta fuck is this fucking shit? :huh:
Nu știu, dar e lung și mă tem că mai urmează.  :o



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  • Înscris: 27.08.2002
e pinguinu..



    Geniu umil

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  • Înscris: 21.04.2004
armele bio-electromagnetice care actioneaza cu viteza luminii sint fix pix pe linga armele pozitronice turbionare cu tahioni, inventate de specialistii romani, care functioneaza cu viteze mult mai mari decit a luminii si pot sa influenteze constiinta intr-un hal fara de hal. de ex. un luptator PSYHOKAKA roman, echipat cu un breloc care contine o asemenea arma, infiltrat printre spectatori, ar putea s-o faca pe shakira sa cinte muzica populara romaneasa. olteneasca. adica de-aia cu vaiete

parerea mea, care coincide cu a doctorilor psihiatri de pretutindeni, este ca daca auzi voci in cap, si nu ai castile pe urechi, clar ceva inauntru craniului s-a alterat intr-o oarecare masura.

propun un experiment psyhokaka. cel mai tare psyhokaka sa isi ia cea mai tare arma psyhokaka, sa vina sa puna arma pe mine si sa imi comande sa sar pe geam. daca reuseste sa ma convinga, well, o sa sar pe geam...



    Senior Member

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  • Înscris: 27.08.2002
mind control is coming to town.. beware..
semnat: pinguinu si bufnita..

Attached Files

Edited by shapeshifter, 17 July 2006 - 22:26.



    Junior Member

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  • Înscris: 15.06.2006
you got to be kidding me

nu exista asa ceva!



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 netspy, on Jul 18 2006, 00:38, said:

you got to be kidding me

nu exista asa ceva!
Exista incercari si experimente, dar in nici un caz de genul celor expuse de shapeshifter.




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  • Înscris: 14.06.2005

 Mosotti, on Jul 17 2006, 22:55, said:

parerea mea, care coincide cu a doctorilor psihiatri de pretutindeni, este ca daca auzi voci in cap, si nu ai castile pe urechi, clar ceva inauntru craniului s-a alterat intr-o oarecare masura.
Boxele data tare se pun ? Sau trebuie sa-mi iau masurile pentru o camasa cu mainile lungi? :w00t:
Pe bune acum... Mi-e greu sa cred ca de 300 de ani am ramas la stadiul de "plumb si praf de pusca". Logic ca exista si altceva... Dar toate aiurelile astea cu arme trans-dimensionale, hiperspatiale si polimorfe ( :P ) sunt doar atat... Aiureli.


Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă

Chirurgia spinală minim invazivă oferă pacienților oportunitatea unui tratament eficient, permițându-le o recuperare ultra rapidă și nu în ultimul rând minimizând leziunile induse chirurgical.

Echipa noastră utilizează un spectru larg de tehnici minim invazive, din care enumerăm câteva: endoscopia cu variantele ei (transnazală, transtoracică, transmusculară, etc), microscopul operator, abordurile trans tubulare și nu în ultimul rând infiltrațiile la toate nivelurile coloanei vertebrale.


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